Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 06 20

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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TRINITY TRAILSTERS T.T. SCRAMBLES Slory By Tom and Dean Dilling The first T.T. Scrambles of the season, beld at Willow Creek, CalIf. by the Trinity TraIlsters on May 5, has to be labeled "successful." OVer 80 r iders trom Northern California and Southern Oregon entered to try their hand on the super-fast club-owned track. It was a strange kind of day In WIllow Creek _ cool. Just rlghUor the rider but sweaterweather for the spectator. The day 's events were presented with the Tratlster's normal well-organized efficiency. One freak accident marred the day 's race;Gene Pare, of Bella Vista, broke a foot-peg coming off the jump and cut his leg hadly enough to be hospitalIzed for treatment. Lotsa Double Winners Rick Ziegler, of Crescent City, Call'f or nl a rode his Yamaha to first place In the 90cc Novice T r ophy Dash and the Main. Another Crescent City rider, Ukewise Yamaha-mounted, pulled second In the Main - Ron Poole. Hodaka-mounted Jim Seeber was third. Brldgestone rider Gary Thompson of Eureka looked for and found a fast groove during the heat race and used It for a first I n the 0-90 Amateur Main and Trophy Dash. Another double trophy winner was Anderson, Calif. racer Ed Dorsey. Ed used his Bultaco for Trophy Dash and Main wins In the 200cc class. The 250 Novice class also had a double winner, also, from Anderson, and also named Dorsey - James Dorsey. Think they m i ght be brothers? Well, anyway, Ken M cFarland from Anderson was secand his Montesa, followed by Harvey Ziegler of Cr esc ent City (br other of Rick?). Greeves-mounted, and out of Medford, Oregon, Dan Ginther won the 250Amateur Main after an interesting hattle with Frank Devereau, Yamaha rider trom Crescent City. ThIrd went to Bultaeomounted Jim Soy from Eureka followed by Trophy Dash winner Ed Thayer , of Redding. Mike Thompson of Eureka, and brother of Gary, was the 250 Expert Main winner, Trophy Dash winner Gerald Bergqul stof Crescen t City was second, and som e kid named Kuhnle trom Eureka was third. Mud r ace r Dave Reynolds looked mighty fine w1nn1ng his heat, Trophy Dash, and Main Event for the 500 Novice group. Pat Thornton of Eureka would pass Dave out of the sweeper each lap and Dave would turn up the handle a llttle and take It hack each and every lap. Thornton had to settle for second with his BSA with Sonny Jennings of Project City third. In the Open Novice Main , Cottonwood, Calif. racer Btll Smith pulled first with Trophy Dash winner Edgar Frisbee of Trinidad second. Open Amateur class showed another double winner In Terry Hughs of Red . Btuff, Calif., followed In by Stan Rosa of Red and Redding rider Don Clark. All were on n-Iumph.s ~ '" • ~~ mutt Open Experts W ail The Open Expert races were the real show of the day . I have seen a few races from time to time but this was the first that scared me just to watch It. These guys looked llke they were plowing the north forty at speed. After the dust settled and the clods qui t bouncing around (dirt clods, that I s), Harvey Crews of Salyer took home both the Trophy Dash and Main Event with Crescent City racer Rick Burgqulst second and •" Third Place Phil Ray " was third. All were Triumph mounted. Some kid named Kuhnle was fourth. District 36 riders - Have you ever taken a good look at your Sportsman Card? I noticed It about three years ago and thought I would pass It along. SpeakIng of Sportsman Cars , how come there are two r iders with IIllF In this area, Mr. Allen? The next TraIlster event will be an under-the-llghts short t r a c k f or all classes, saturday night, May 25. Practice at 7:00, first race at 8:00 . The next day , at the new 101 Speedway between Eureka and Ar cata on the Freeway, the Far West Motorcycle Club will host aT.T. Scram bles. ThIs will be the first race ever held at this 1rack as It Is just neari ng completion at this time. The Speedway represents a $60,000 Investment by owner-builder Bob Britt of Eureka. The track will be as dust-tree as possible, as special surface material and chemicals are being used. ThIs season the Speedway will run stock cars, midgets, super-modl!leds and motorcycles. The T .T. circuit will feature an Ascot-style jump with about an eight-foot crown. (R esults on page 16) Adding to their growing line of safety he.lmet accessories, Cragar has introduced their new Bubble Face Shields. The snap-on shields fit the same snaps which mount Cragar' s visors to the belmet, and can be easily attached or removed In seconds. Streamlines to reduce drag and turbulence, the helmet tst GARY BAIL EY - HODAKA 2nd JACK MORGAN - HODAKA 100 Novice Class 1st DON AFFLACK - HODAKA 3rd TOM RAPP - HODAKA CHERRY CREEK NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP HARE & HOUND MAY 19,1968 125cc Class 1st FRANK FORSTER - HODAKA 2nd F RANK MORGAN - HODAKA 4th RON BURPO - HODAKA NEW CRAGAR BUBBLE FACE SHIELDS may be turned 90 degrees to airflow wi tbout buffeting . The se shields offer strong r esistanc e to flying obstacles and are made of specJal optical quality .060" plastic to Insure distortion-free v1s1on. Cragar Bubbl e Shields fit most helmets and are avatlable In clear, llstlng for $4.95 each, clear wi th sunshade and smoke green, listing at $5.50 each. See your local motorcycle dealer, speed shop, tire or auto parts store. 100 Expert Class For a first-hand demonstration of HODAKABILITY,visit your dealer for a free test ride. = HOI""" HOD''''' HIli),,,,, lUll""" HOI"'" \ HOD, ... , HOI""" 11 0 (1, ... \ THREE MILLION USED M PARTS IC WE PAY CASH fOR USED PARTS- All MAKES O r WE SHIP ANYWHERE. WRITE OR CALL FOR OUR PROMPT SERVICE ' MOTO CYClESAlVAGE 835 W. FOOTHILL BLVD. AZUSA, CALIFORNIA PHONE: (213) 334-5912 Only Avon makes new motorcycle drag racing t ires! These slic ks were designed by Avon's raci ng enqineers to meet exact ing specif icat ions. They are made with high hysteresis cling rubber that gives you maximum gri p on any drag strip. Recent world recor?s set by British riders again prove Avon's qual ity and perfo rmance. Sold through your motorcycle dealer. Size 400 x 18, tr ead width 4.20". ASI G Hap Jon es Dislb. Co.• 2 Cl inton Park , san Franc isco. Calif., and 343 North Court. Pratt. v ille Ala.; M iln e 8ros., 22 N . Greenw ood Ave ., Pasadena, ca l tf .: Southwest Motorcycle Parts Oistb .• 1810 Texa s Ave.• Hou ston, Texas; Dixie I nter nationa l Co., 17 21 Woodland Ave .• Columbus. Oh io; Dix ie Oistb. Co ., 1725 WOOdland Ave .. Columbus. Oh io; Jeary Meyers. Box 45-83. M iam i. Fla .; Accessory Distb •• I nc., 60 2 W. 52nd St .. New York. N.Y .

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