Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 05 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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BAKERSFIELD SPROCKETS TRI-STATE SCRAMBLES ACC-..oIII&a D •• COI,,", CLue ,""" @ N O . eGI0431 Story by E ....i e Wi nslow Pho to s by J ack Li Ilh t FOR CUSTOM INSTALLA· TlONS, see tile machinists li sted under SERVICES ia tile Cycle News Dealer & Services Directory. The Fifth Annual Tri-Stat e presented hy the Bakersfi el d Sprocket s on Sunday. May 5 was a smoothly run TT Scrambles program with a l arge turnout of ri ders and pl enty of spect ator s to appreci ate the fin e show these fellows put on. TIle small bI kes started the show off wlth Ken Greene and Ron Typer, bo th r iding Moto-Betas , taking home the trophies In the NovIce event. Th e Amateur go saw t wo l 25cc Kawasakts l eadI ng th e pack wi th DIc k Sweaney of RI ve r side nosi ng out Dave Sprayberry fo r first. SHELL MOTORS • ~ • • • 33 65 C',' nt ury IlI vd. , I .ynw ood - NF: 8-~86~ CYCLE CHAIN CLEANING & LUBRICATING made easy! These 2 ProductsAre R evolutionizingC Care! hain Sizzling Small Bikes Th e Experts fou nd Joe Ros eberry and his poten t Kawasaki far out in front and pulling away i n the fi rst moto when the flam e went out , and Joe pushed It across the fini sh line . After repairing a sticky float, Roseber ry came back and zapped the tield In the next two motos to wind up second. Dave A l dana and a swift Suzuki won the f irst mo to and edged Roseberry to take the firs t place gold bac k to Santa A na. Wade Zim merman of Rese da, riding a Bultaco, gr abbed the thir d place trophy. Ron Tobey on a l 75cc Brl dgestone won the Novice even t from wire to wlre •••but only after some feverish pi t work as Ron unloaded In pr ac tice and des troyed the front end . Montesa- rnounted Mike Parkison journeye d up fr om Northridge to find the Sprockets' track to his liki ng and nailed down second. The 200 Nov ices put on a hard tight with Nor walk's Don Jones and a hard-runing Bultaco the wlnner ; Rick Blake, riding Griff Mo to rcycle's powerful 175 Br i dges t one, won all th ree moto-crosses to take th e Expe r t trophy in the 175- 200 Amateur-Expert go. Everett BInkley of Taft pu t his Bultaco through tts pace s to be the tirst A ma teur across the line . Lotsa Two-Fifties Torrid 250 compelitl on Inw l ve s #39 Norm McKenzie, #25 Steye Davis, winner #45 Rick Newby (all on Bullaeos) and #68 Tom Brlmmaee (Kawasaki). Rick Newby, ridi ng under the colors of Baker sfield Mo tor cycle, sh owed hi s us ual stylish for m as he sewed up the 250c c Amateur class wlth comparative ease. Ken Wi se brought a steady-running Harley down from Hanford to place second. Lane Leaps The 250cc Experts stag ed the cl as stest race of the program . Mike Lane on his new Yam aha single took the measure of th e likes of Si d Payne, Stev e Nas on and Ron Pi er ce . The l ead changed many times be tween th es e four trophy winners but Lane was in ti ne form. Not only did Mike win this eve nt but was I n striking distance In the 125c c Expert clash until he sei zed an engine . To put the fi ni shi ng touc h on a li ne day for Lane he threw his l eg over a Royal Entlel d and picked up a th ird place trophy In the Open Expert class with th e big boy s . This Is quite a feat since Mike weighs about 80 pounds soaking we t . U thts boy f inds any more r i des , the track I s goi ng to have to furnish him wi th taxl servIce fro m the pit area to the sta rting line. A r t Swortfiguer won the 350Cc class on a Honda but Pete Willis and a hardrunning Ducati m ore than kept things r espectable. The 500 Novices were lef~ In a lurch by T om Chur ch and a 360cc Bultaco . The Ama teur s put on a fine race wlth Orvis Stace y on a BSA squeaking by MIke Keene's Matc hless . M i dge Gr i ffith and his dir t - th rowing Nor t on won the Open Novice wlth v er y little strain. l.lovlng Into the Amateur class, Mike Middleton m ade his tirst appearan ce a profi table one with DIc k A llen of Newhall winding up sec ond . Butch T urner sh owed the r est of the Open Experts how I t should be done as he breezed to another easy Vi ctory. Custom Engineer ing' s Triumph ridden by Ron Pierce was putting all the horses on th e ground and Ron I s the boy who can handle the m as he f ought his way th r oUgh the pack to pt ck up a well -ear ned second. ( Results on page 16) The 250c c Novice affair was the bi ggest turnout of the day . After four hotlycontes ted heal r aces, the mai n event was . s tri ctly Jeff Johnson. This lad turned In a ve r y smooth ride aboar d Me l Dln eson's well-prepared Roy al Enfield. Dlneson' s Ba kerstlel d shop has turned out some of the finest riders In the state and I tlooks like Johnson is no exception. CHAIN KLEAN Dissolves oil . d irt . grease, caked deposits! It sprays on. runs off taking gri me wi th it! Cleans bright as new in 30 secon ds; requires no eff ort I Greatest grease cu tt er ever deve loped ! After cleaning. apply CHAIN LIFE. newest lub rication discovery utilizing a to t all y d iffere nt sc ie ntif ic -- - - - - ------- Ins tantly penetrat es roller s, li n ks, side plat es. Forms a sli ppery , oi lless surface iNTENsiFIED == == that clings under fastest chain speeds BUT WHICH WON'T ATTR ACT AND HOLD DUSTI Unaffected by sand. water. grass. A ll crossed up and loo king good, Open Expert class winn er Butch Tu rner and hi s Triumph show the way home to Norton-mounted A ly in Griffith. by principle. CHAIN LIFE sprays on. The foam == ==== ::~= HODAKAS Heat resistant. Test ed and acclaimed by a ma jor cyc le manufacturer as the most phenomenal product yet tried ! CROWELL ORDER CHAIN KLEAN AND CHAIN LIFE TODAY FROM YOUR DEALER ! If he is not Order your custom set up competit ion HODAKA ~IOW ! yet stocked. wr ite for nearest source. CHAIN KLEAN 16 oz. Aerosol can $2.00 CHAIN LIFE 2 sizes: 4 oz. $ 1.50; 1'6 oz. $3.00 (Subject to a pplicable sales Taxes) ASHLAND CHEM ICAL COMPANY Industrial Chemicals and SolYents OiY ision 10505 So uth Painte r Avenue San ta Fe Spr ings . Califomia 90670 Phon.: (213) 723.Q260 Glr ll ne shocks - Exten ded Front Forks 19" Front wheel - BobbY· J" AirC leanors Choi ce of Ti res - Crowel l Port Job Number PI ate - Ski d Pla te Crowell Tuned Pipe - For1l Brace 10427 Prairie, Inglewood Phone (21 613-5562 3) PROVE America's F N inest 'R acing Lubricant. ADDZIP ADDITIVES 1433 First Street, Escalon, Calif, 95320

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