Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 05 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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SHORT TRACK RACES HELD BUT ATLANTA NATIONAL RAINED OUT A.C.E. RIM "ACK 0 1sIr!buletl by: AMERICAN COMPETITION ENGINEERING 163 S Fairfax Ave.Los Angeles. Calif. 90036 . The nighl belare Ihe scheduled Allanla, Ga. Nallanal. a lull field 01 tep-ncteh riders look parI In short Irack evenl s at Zebulen Speedway near Griffin, Ga. Above: Ray Lillie leads a heat race tII al includes such nalabl es as Grand Nalia nal Champion Gary Nilan (1) and Dick M ann (2). Lell: Here Freddie Nix (95) Is ahead 01 fell ow H-D rider Roger Rei man (55), but Reiman wentan 10 2nd place In Ihe M ain. • • •• • • • • •• •• • • • ••• • .. t-Htru n :\ i r F illt'r s, .Judson Prods . ". Francisc'o Castomi}, Uri-slid<" It ~ Ia s s tankx £,; s ea rs • .Iohn Cooper & It ' IJ ~ .Iohn lIoo ls. All Available From It .. It Afte r the cancellation, with most r acers hav ing already left an d spec ta tor s being tur ned awa y , the s un appeared and toge ther with a brisk br ee ze began to dry out the sandy surface of the course . It app ea red the tra ck could dennl tel y been worked Into fine racing s hape by 2:30 p .rn , At thi s point your r epo r ter r eluctantl y left the track , s ha ri ng a part of the r acer s ' apparent disgus t and disappoi ntment In the premature cancella tion of the National . A tumble, a prayer._and everylhlng turned out all right. SIMPSON MOTORS .. ,. (213\ 247-3068 ••••••• *•••••••• ••• It THE M AELY FLA T SPECIAL RACI N G BOOTS. 8 '" h ig h , lace d. we ich t 2 Ib~ . per p a ir s c $15.95 p lupost.c .d . ••• KEN MAELY '" ~ th e shoernan Route 2, 80 758, .1 Corona, Calif. Atk fir' ",~" wit, u/esr« ~25. f.~ ,,,,I plus C.O.D. & Paslage Send boat or carboard cUIDut Short Track Success The Saturday night before , a Thre e s tar AMA quarter-mile short trac k r ace was hel d at the Zebulon Cr azy- Eight Speedway, s outh of Griffi n, Ga. An official noted that this was the larges t attendance eve r to wiloe ss an event at the tr ack, and spectator s were cer ta inly not dis appointed In th e racing. The r iders put on a very good show, the track was well pr epa r ed an d all events were run smooth ly. Darr-el Dovel, now residing In Atlanta, was In fine form, showing the way around In the feature to capture firsl place ahead of fellow Harley rider Roger Re Iman of Kewanee, illinois, a nd Baltimore's Triumph-mounted Grand National Champton Gary Nixon . (Results on page 16) National Number 45. Darrel Dovel, swooped tile troops to win the Ma in Evenl al Zebulen Crazy·E I,hl Spee dway. Darrel now resides In Allanla. GOODYEAR EXPANDS Plans for expansion and modernization of bicycle and motorcycle tire testIng la boratory faclllties a t The Goodyear Ti re & Rubber Company's New Bedfo rd plant have been announced by A.L. Rodger s, plant manager . Goodye a r is the nation's lea ding producer of motorcycle a nd bicycle tires. The New Bedford plant manufac tures all of the co mpany's bicycle tires an d a s hare of Its motor cycle ti r es . Rodge r s s a id the new installation, scheduled for completion by mid-summe r, will provide four times the present New Bedford tire testing capacity . Cos t of the project was not r evealed. Included In the expansion will be Installation of ad ditional resillometers, machines with large flywheels against which tires rotale under severe load and other punishing conditions . Rodgers said controll ed, accelerated tests in the labor a tory pr ovid e a num ber of evaluatio ns In a s hor t time . enabll ng engi neers to V> ~ ""~ ", « 0 .", ~O l:> ~ ZV> - ~ u«z "' :::l m 1 163SW.VALL£Y BlVD ALHAMBRA, CAUFO RNIA 91803 Here's Dan Twigg, Nallanal Number 31. IighlIng hard to lake up as mucll race track as possible, The Hagerslown, M aryland rider wound up 6th in tile Iinal. ma ke dec isions on new designs an d materials before proceeding 10 equally Important field and In-service testing. Goodyear also condu cts motorcycle and bicycle tes ts In Akron and at the company's ti re proving center near San Angelo, Te x. CLIP THIS AD It It It 4210 San Fernando Rd. Glendale, Calif. 91204 It Slory a n d Ph olos 11)' Ga r)' F l ee l wo od The l -Mile AMA National Championship scheduled for April 28 at Atlanta, Georgia's Hampton Downs half-mile race track was called oft due to a pre-noon deluge of rain. .. Fi- .. $19.95 • pair NOW TAKING ORDERS FOR THE NEW °MAVRICK" 5-W ADJUSTABLE, AY HOCKS. HEAVY-DUTY S REBUILDABLE - LUSTROUS CH ROME SPRINGS LENGTH. 12% " INTRODUCTORY OFFER - LIMI TED TIME - $19.95 PER PAIR WE PAY POSTAGE ON PREPAID ORD ERS IN U.S.A. OR CAtaDA Ofor sales tax. California resident s add Sl.O NORTH AMERICAN IMPORTS- P.O. Box 621 - Gardea Grove, Calif. 92642 Phone: (114) 5340-6390

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