Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 04 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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The cour se was the same as the one used last ti me, and r ain earlier In the week put It i n good shape . There were two very gummy mudholes, whi ch were the downfail of man y before the day's events cam e to a close. The second mudho le was really a stinker. and It was the deciding factor in several races . In the 250cc Juni or class , the lead changed in thi s mudh ole three times In the first three laps . Husky Hassle The motos were run oll very efficiently and provided a well-rounded day of racing. The 250cc Experts sta r ted the show at 11 a. rn, Husky mo unted , Lars Larson took a bi g lead from the start with hall a dozen top riders in hot pursui t. Preston Petty worked his Suzuki up I nto second and began closing the gap . Another Husqvarna rider . Gunnar Lindstrom , moved up behind Petty, and when Petty had mud problems, Gunnar took get by Baker and pulled In very close behind Ltndstrom and Rober ts, as th ey sailed along side by si de. Lindstrom took over from Roberts, and Larson also managed to get by and pull Into second. In the next moto, Al Baker grabbed fir st position oll the line, but LIndstrom soon passed him with Larson following him by for second. Roberts moved up to third, and Greeves-mounted Gary Bailey, who was suffering from a leg Injury, held down fourth. LIndstrom's rear tire went nat, putting Larson out In front wi th Roberts advancing to second. Roberts had his problems getting through the mud, and Bailey moved Into seco nd with Lon Pe terson on a Malco following him to third. Larson took the moto with Bailey second and Roberts repassing Peterson to get back In third. The class win went to Larson with Bailey second, and even alter a nat tire, Ltndstrom still had enough points for third. • \ " Come One, Come All A final r ace was held for all- comers, and Larson led the pack all the way for his third win of . the day. Lindstrom fin1shed second; WaltAxthelrn took third. Th e Cal1fornia Molo-Cr oss Club wi ll (hopefully) sponsor thetr next motocross at the new Saddleback Park track on March 24th. This circuit was laid out by Joel Rober t and Rober t DeCoster, so it should be a good one. Gunnar Lindstrom said he r ode the course and liked it very much. Spectators wlll be abl e to see everything that goes on from one spot, and there should be plenty to see. ( Results appeared l ast week) Battle of BoIs J.N. Roberts also competed I n the SOOcc Expert div i sion, wound up 4th behind Larson, Gary BaIley (Greeves) and Lindslrom. over second with Suzuki -mounted Gary Conr ad moving Into third. Larson and Lindstrom really di ced It out for the rest of the race, but Lindstrom finally got to tak e the mote , In the second moto Larson and Lindstrom were at It again, battling wheel to wheel for first place and taking a btg lead over third place Conrad. Lindstrom gained a nice advantage over early leader Larson at one time, but becam e bottled up behind a slow rider In the nar row part of the course . Larson caught 'up and then passed when Lindstrom had troubles getting through the mud , winning the moto and the 250Cc class along with it. • Both 125cc Exper t mo tos were Gary Bailey pr oductions all the way . In the first one he was pursued closel y by Suzuki- mounted Petty but Preston was never able to get by . In the second moto, Gary's close st follower was Danny Hockie , a Junior r i der , but Hodaka-mounted Bailey kept a bi g l ead over him . The first 500Cc Junior moto started with a battle between Bob Kolek and John Maynard, both r i di ng new 360ec BuItac os. Maynard hel d the l ead for three laps before Kolek was abl e to pas s, and then from then on It Was Kolek out in front. Jimmy Bruns moved his Tri umph into second and finished there , earning the honor of being the only fou r- stroke rider to finish In the points. In the second moto, It was Maynard and Malco-mounted Dub Sm i th having it out for the first two positions with Kolek third. The y finished In tha t order, but the class win went to Kolek with Maynard taking second . The fir st 500ec Exper t moto was one or the best r aces of the day. Veteran deser t rider, J .N. Roberts took the l ead and se t a blistering pa ce. Lindstrom was a distant second followed by Al Baker and Larson, all riding Huskys. J .N. held the l ead for several laps, but Gunnar Lindstrom was not to be outdone a ~.d finally passed him. Larson managed to • After all Is sal d and done._

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