Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 04 04

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Page 68 C ycle News is proud (well, smug, anyway) to present for the first time in a mo to rcycle newspap er, the follow episode of unin tentional puting down, first publi shed in Harvey Kurtzmann's Help! Magazi ne. Th e au' thor of the story is Bernard Sh ir' Cl iff, and Binky is played by Dick Van " Dyke. The photos are by Ron Harris. Come-with us then, as we follow the adven tures of Binky and Poo and Binky & the Status Sinker By I.R. T re mbli ng " 0 ' " J Multiple engines have proven the quickest route through the quarter mile. After long deliberation and a few minutes wo rk a new acceleration machine has been born, Men and boys who are capable of suc h a creation can only be compared to Mohammed himself and 1 was privileged to meet and Interview these Idols of millions'at a r ecent outing . But, before I br ing you a step closer to the world,beyond In the Inter view, le t me describe this machine and its performance . Multi -multi and a coupl e thr own In tor kicks . The builder had seen twin engines , of this breed and that, make fan tastic showings, thus without hesitation one ot eac h make was applied. Being a fir m believer in weight transfer, the smallest engine was placed to the front and la r gest to the rear . The rider has a hard time re aching the forward pedals of the mo-ped but extensions to the lever arms solved that Immediate problem. Further aid was obtained by , mounting the Chry sler engine under the r ider . lf you sat on that seat you'd move torward too! The thing which Impressed me was the carburetion system. Twenty engine s require a lot of tuel and the ingenuity ot mounting r emote tollet flush bowls to supply the carburetors is astounding! Possibly , that was the motivation behind the christening with a name like " Flus h, in Concentr ation." The trame had to be built with easy, yet strong pipe and the Los Angeles county sanitati on dis trict will never miss 100 tee t of sewer. Several union card holding plumbers put in a week's labor corking joints and removing the odor inherent in used pipe . Only two are collecti ng death benefits, And drive trai n! No problem, the idea of chains was immediately dis carded and no one wanted to get a shaft, s o the mos t elastic material was chosen. Over one hundr ed men donated the s tretch material trom jockey shorts and two hundr ed women gave up playtex, Now you can find these donors hanging around at local drag mee ts . Rear suspen s ion (of the drag machine) (not pr evious mentioned donors), was a problem but solved in the usual manner . Soon the police reports of Juvenile riots due to stolen pogo sticks will die out. Forward suspension was obtained in a similar approach but the Jolly Green Giant won't fink to tbe fuzz. Further detailed information on construction I cannot tell, tor It is classified as bottom secret and I don't have a security belt cle arance. Interview .. Just this week, "Flush, In Concentration" , broke all previous records. In a sing le r un the clocks were stopped a t a minus .01 seconds and the aver age for mlles per hour reads 562. I had a hard time fighting the cr owd to reach the owner and rider untilatatigued section of the drive traln br oke and s napped a path thir ty fee t wide among the masses. I reached the rider Retch F reely and after usual congratula tions proceed ed with the int erview as follows: Que s tion: Mr. F reely . Retch , did you burn fuel on that run? Ans wer: "What do you think I am , an oriental that worships at an altar? I am a true blue all American , 1 dr ink the stuff that s mell s good to mel " Question: Tha t make s things run better? Ans wer. «sure, my eye s , nose, ears, bowe- - - ." Questio n: --- O,K" O.K., now tell me, when did you tlrst s tart dr ag r acing? Answe r: The minute I was born I had wheels, they called it a miscarriage ." Question: You speak with a pretty low sense of morals, are all fast drag racers like that? Answer: "No, I am one of the lucky few with a real talent!" Rathe r than give all attention to the rider, I stepped up to the owner and (Conti nued on nex t page) It 's only mon ey. After all. I a m assistan t to th e producer now . You 're so rigbt. You can't afford no t to have th e best.

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