Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 04 04

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Draged Racing - continued \ builder, Ham Hocks. " Mr . Hocks, my most s incere congratulations on your record run of today, I have a few questions I would Uke to ask, that wlll be printed on the pages of Cycle News and preserved for posterity .' " I don' t care It you're fr om a monthly magazine, I won't talk to someone that approaches me mentioning pieces at anatomy." "No, no Mr . Hock, posterity means forever, Uke from your sons to Ills sons , etc." "QuIt stuttering! It you' r e gonna caii me a son of sometblng or other, get It outl" " 1'm afraid we got ott on the wrong foot, I just want to ask you questions about tbls machine you created." .. There you go agatn , mentioning anatomy, but I guess a foot Isn'taspersonal as the magazines get. Go ahead ask em." "Thank you Ham, did you think of tbls creation all by yourseIt?" "Yep! but It wasn't easy, I was Inspired when Ustenlng to muslc,' "Music? I have never heard ofaracer Intluenced that way, what was It?" " Man, the greatest composer ever, Beethoven and Ills fltth movement from EX-Lax. That's what gave me the Idea at running." «on, weIl Mr . Hock, Is there anyone you'd Uke to tbank besides Beethoven?" "Yes, all of my sponsors, Uke the KKK ani! NAACP, Sta- Lushed and Bell deodorant." " Ar e you satisfied with tbl s maclllne or are you going to make changes?" " I' m satisfied, but we' r e now building another just using Japanese motors . That way we will be the only ones that can get cr ossed up and still go straight ." Thus e n d e d one at my greates t moments as a reporter for "Cycle News," and I was so Inspir ed I bought twelve long playing phonograph r ecords by Bi!ethoven and If I ever recover from an excessive loss at strength I will bring you another week of Drug Racing. , l Bal1Jecued Buffalo Time! Buffalo meat - barbecued over open fir es just as It was done on the western pla1ns In fr onti er days - will be served to more tban 400 Southern Ca11tor nla motor cycl e r iders Sunday, Apr il 21. The buffal o s teak feed, now In Its ninth year, will be held at noon at CaIl co Ghos t Town, a San Bernardino County. park 12 miles east at Bar s towon the Las Vegas Freeway. Rider s fr om Los Angele s, Orange, River sid e, San Bernardino and San Olego counties are expected to make the des ert trip to s ample the delicacy, SPonsoring motorcycle dealers are Sldp Fordy ce, River side, Ed Kretz , Monterey Pa rk, and 'bave Mason, Pasadena. The buffalo meat Is provided by the federal government and will be shipped from Lawton, Okla . In addition to the unusual main course, the menu wlll Include beans, cole slaw and strawberry pie. Joe Lopez at Callco will be chef for the occasion. Southern Calltornta motorcycUsts can purchas e tic kets for the buffalo feed from any of the thr ee sponsorjng dealer s . ..

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