Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 04 04

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Page 12 of 23

Page 68 • PREVIEW OF"EVEL'S NEW SKYCYCLE .' -J •• With an assi st from high speed stylis t Alex Tremuli s , E vel taki ng shape. He re Kni e vel' s new Grand Canyon jumping " Skycycle" is " is the firs t excl usive pi cture o f wha t it will look like soaring in to fligh t at the end of the takeo ff ramp with the Grand Canyon fa r be low. Complete with "Gyrona ut" type s tream li ne r s hell installed, E vel beli eves that the rocket boos ted Skycycl e will re ach a s peed o f o ver 300 mph and that it will be s uccess ful in rocke tin g to the other s ide o f the Grand Canyon. Th e ma chi ne is equippe d with a Triu mph moto rcycle engine, moto rcycl e ti res and whe els, shock abso rber s and electrical s ystem. A u special frame will be b il t for it and both rid er and cycle will co mple te th eir de s c ent by way o f separate parachute s by P ar anetic s , In c. Bas icall y the Skycycle is the same as the mach ine E vel has be en di splaying with the ex cep tion o f the small stabilizing tail a s s embly. .I Th e ride r pos i tion in the open "cock pit" has been changed to a kne eling instead of a sitting pos ition. W hen he eje cts, E vel will s pring up and hope s that the ai r pre s su re will pull him free of the bike. Th e par achutes are enclos ed in fibe rglas s ca s e s p urpo s ely in orde r that the air will flow s moo thly around the chute pa cks. T he s tabili zi ng "wi ngs o f the Skycy cle wil l be four fe et lo ng, 2Yz fe et wi de at the ba s e. Th e ta i l is almos t 1Yz fe et hig h, with what appe ars to be a " V" con figuration. T he ta ilfin s will extend o ut a bout 1Yz fee t over the twin boo ster rockets. A modi fied "dustbin " fairi ng ma de of fib erglass wi ll be used, simi lar to the high- speed s he lls whi ch s everal mo to rcycles are now fitting for Bonne vilIe record attempts. Evel hope s to te st hi s new mach ine by April 1st, and Cycle Ne ws wi11 ke ep re ader s posted on i ts prog res s . THE REPORT ABOVE IS REALL Y REAL EVEL DOESN'T KID AROUND *********************" fl~'lte¢e~ *" $1600. purse *" RED HOT AT DEHESA ~ A p ri I 6 ~ *" &7, 1968 ""100ee Novice *" KAWASAKI *" *" *" OWYHEE M.C. 1: *" 100" Novice 11 KAWASAKI t******************** Competition Tuning A Specialty ~ 14'" Annual Northwest 11, CHAMPIONSHIP RACE ~ Sat. & Sun. March 3, 1968 550 Fast Time of the Day ""- ~ • Wins Team Scrambles for Second Year in a Row S50"Trophy Dash Expert Main 55.00 Lap Money ""-- ~ ..,.- E~ertM~ ""- Gates open 9:00 A.M. All ' " " & I" fy novice must time In qua I Sat. April 6, 1968 Sponsored By '. C. Clay don and F. Smith ..,.- March 10, 1lI68 Box 733 C. Claydon Cleans House ~ Boi se, Idaho 83701 wins three out 0 f three straight starts ADELANTO TT SCRAMBL ES 8/10 mile course on hlway 395 Practl ce every Saturd ay Rac ing every Sunday Lightwe ights 8:30 a,m. 81i 81kes 11:30 a.m, Class C Rubber .. (213) 861-5189 EXCELSIO R .$_ 01 ,,.. ~~ ... R..4 1fIe ~edtd ~UZUKI 7'-e 1fIUuteu KAW ASAKI ~ ~ 2935 San Lui s Rey Road Oceanside, California (114) 722-4081 •

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