Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 04 04

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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• • By Jay K. Lacey Once upon a time, in a faraway land there were a King and Queen who Ilved in a big palace and had everything they wanted. Well, almost everything. Most of all they wanted a child. And so one day the Queen announced that they were going to have a baby , The news spread quickly and soon everyone in the casUe was husUing and bustling throughout the courtyard making things ready for the big event. The King was so overjoyed he had his Honda Scrambler tuned and even took the barnes out. . At last the Queen ha d a daughter. Seven falry godmot hers came riding up to the christening of the IitUe princess. Each gave the pri ncess a gift, as was the custom of fairies in those days, Some gave carburetors, so me gave tires, others gave us eful odds a nd ends, such as helme ts , chain tools, and alloy clutch pla te s. Even a new Webco camshaft tu rned up ! Arterthe ceremonies were over everyo ne returned to the King" s pala ce for a quick feast which had been prep ar ed for the falries. A magnHlcent case of pure gold was set before each fairy and in the case was found a knife, fork, and spoon set with diamonds and rubies. As they sat down there came into the hall a vel)' old fairy who looked as old as Excelsior herseH. Everyone thought she was either dead or enchanted (proba bly because she drove one of the oldest Allard Mark \1I's ever seen). The King co uld not furnish her with a case of gold because only seven had been made for the seven fairies. The old falry was heard to grumble and gripe. When It came time for the old falry to make her gUt to the young princess, she sald spitefully, · W hen the princess reaches the age of fHteen she shall bum herself and die of the wound. · This terrible gift made everyone tremble, but at that moment one of the seven fairy god-mothers came forward and said. " Oh , King and Queen, your daughter shall not perish of this disaster. It Is true that I can not undo entirely what the elder fairy has done, but Instead of dying, the princes s hall merely fall into a deep sleep that wtll last a hund red years. At the en d of that time, a King 's son wtll come and awaken her," To avoid the mi s fortun e fo re told by the old falry , the King issued proclamations stating tha t the prin cess was In be kept from lire, matches, etc. Thus fUteen years pa s sed and 110 harm befell the princess. But one day , soon after she was fifteen, the you ng pri ncess took a walk throu gh the palace and cou rtyard, In the courtyard she found a couple of the caslie's guardsme n womng on their wheels. The IIrst was briskly polishing his 5-speed 500!Flve while the other tuned hi s P ur5ang. Walking over tAl the second guardsman she aske d. "What are you doing . my good man? · "I' m jetting for the scrambles this weekend. your highness,· he answered smiling, . ... Boo st Po rt Scaven i in g .I.~"J'" • Coo l ., Run n ing En g in e • Ult imot e in Speed Tunin g Contact Your Nearest Authorized JAWA Dealer Lions is justoff the San Diego Freeway at the Alameda off ramp in Long Beach. Western States Distributor: CYCLE IMPORTS, INC. 1325 So. La Brea Ave. Los Angeles, Cali f. 900 19 Gates Open 1:30 For Information call (213) 424-0961. •

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