Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 02 02

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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< ELSINORE NIGHT SCRAMBLES • FREE TRIP THROUGH EUROPE Want to tour Europe this year without contributi ng to the dollar drain? The best way to see the old country sights Is by going on the "American Sportsman' s Motor cycle Adventure of Europe." Ted Van Der Kolk, a Glendale Dutchman with all the right connections , will be lea ding three such tours this year and to go along, all you have to do Is buy a new Nor ton, BMW AJS, Matchles s, Tri, umph or BSA motorcycle. The tour Is fr ee with the purchase of a new bike! Fi nancing Is available with as li ttle as 8200 down and 24 months to pay at 5% Interes t per year . For wives or the comfort- minded, a deluxe motor coach will accompany the tour and they can r ide In that If they' d rather not go pillion. Price of the cycle- cum-tour Is only $1,535. You can Incl ude the Isl e of Man TT races for only $55 extra. This Includes a day In swinging London. Your motorcycle will be s hipped fr ee of charg e to the Isl e of Man and bac k to the U.S. port nearest your home. Tours are leaving May 22nd, Jul y 13th and Sept. 14. For complete Infor mation, se nd $1 for a detailed booklet on the tour to: Ted Van Der Kolk Tour, 1809 S. Brand Blvd., Glendale, Cal iforn ia . L~BARD • Els inore night action finds more makes of machines represenled In the 250cc class than any othe r. Among them are Bulla co, Honda, Suzuki, Husqvama, BSA, Kawasak i, Montesa and tha~s a Greev e s barre lling along In the photo above. By Don Wallen The second event at Elsinor e of the year ran off very s moothly In clear, warming Souther n Californi a weather. The track conditi on has Improved and held up well all night , Satur day, January 13, with a very enthus iastic group of riders, wives and friends enjoying the action. Eighty-five riders s tr ong rode a total of 38 events with very few mis haps . Super Small Slide rs A surprise hero In the 100 Novices class on this night was Hodaka mounted D. Hopkins who won this clas s handily and got a 3rd in the Expert clas s . Hopkins ' friend, R. Holbrook, who came to. the track with him , got a solid 2nd on a Yamaha. This may not be the first time this has happened for these two, but no one can say It will be the last. A les so n for other riders , Is bring support! Hopkins and Holbrook must have had 15 or 20 people pulling for the m. A very good r ide Indeed considering both of thes e boys' ages togethe r pr obably does not total 30 years . The overall win was not without so me fight fro m the other 26 riders In the 100 Novice class as B. Hardison rode a fast Bultac o for a 1st, 2nd and a 3rd. There were many riders capable of doing the job In this class . C. Smith on a Kawasaid really fiew for a while but fell victim to mechanical troubles, K. Tennis rode hard all night as did S. Jones and many others. Not In the winner's circle, but of great Interest Is to see people like L. Dlvis getting off and hit hard at the start of the 100 Novice semi, then getting back on to ride to a 3r d. Davts started at Elsinore last year and Is 14. In the 100 Expert ranks F. Edwards char ged to the front In every even t except the sweepstakes which he caught a 2nd place after leading this for 3 la ps , back of J . Kato on a BSA. For this effor t two fr ee steak dinners were awar ded by " The Wreck" In Elsinor e. A very confus ing turn of events Is that J . West on a fiylng Hodaka got a 2nd In the Expert class, but was not In the results In the Novice class. Also of general Interest Is tha t T. warren who has been one of the fas ter r iders In the 100 and 250 clas s here has been inducted Into the Army . Bi g Bi ke Bombe rs MORP MUsCLe for your HONDA NO S!'ACERS - READY TO BOLT·IN HIGH COMPRESSION - BIG BORE (10. 5 & 12. 5:1 STD. TO .160 OVERSIZES) AND PRE·ASSEMBLED STROItER KITS Straker Kib for All 50·1....S34.95- AII 9O .\ $C.., 60Cc Bore Kit for All SO .._..__ ·s 12.50 95cc - .070" • High Cf'rTlp . Bore Kit for all 90cc.............•_....•_._...._..•_.•......... 22.15 cc....••••••••.. •._ . 25.1:-; 105ee Bore Kit tc- All 9O l 7Scc • .070" • Hiih Compo Bore Kit for All fSO & 160ec _ 45.10 __•.•••_. 55 .a:J 190ce Bore Kit for All 16OCe 4-7Sec Bore Kit for CB 450 ·s ..... . -. 65.00 for complete Information s!"'1d Jour HondJ Model No. Jn d ,ear. plus 50~ i" coin a: stam ps to: P O W R OLL PERFORM A N C E P.O. BOI 926, Dept. eN, Bend, Ore. 97701, Tel : 503·382-6395 TELL THEM YOU SAW IT IN CYCLE NEWS & UNDERWOOD ... $1,079.00 1,149.00 1,229 .00 989.00 829.00 NE W Thunderbolt 650cc •• Lightning 650c c •.. pitfire ~I KlII 650cc • Royal Star 500cc • . hooting tar 441cc • Yorba Linda 18351 Impe ri a l Hwy . P hone 714 -5 24-2 840 La Habra 22 1 E. Imper ial Hwy , 771-87 9-825 2 213-691 -3104 The 500 and Open Exper t classes ran toge ther on this night as the Tr iumphs of J. Myers and R. O'Neal fought hard and long In a . losi ng battIe agaln st the BSA Victors of J . Kato and J . Peterson . Peterson has not been out for a r ide In som e time but Is a welcome sight to see him and J , Kato bat tle It out wheel to wheel In virtually every event. Kato put In a ver y consistent performance on his BSA giving the spectators a good show In the process. Mi ddle Mo to r Maste rs This Is the one that always seem to put the specators on thei r feet as the 250 compet1t1on is always s trong and varied, unlike the 350 class which Is mostly compris ed of Hondas. This class shows' much variety, for ins tance, Bulta co, Greeves , Montesa and Honda alike were all In evidence . In the 250 Exper t ranks there were so many chargers It was difficult to really try and make any predictions past the next 2 minutes . Eric Olesen v.. s In there charging aa gainst #6x Cody who was a real threat as he got a 2nd but fe ll victim to a spin In the 2nd heat, as Olesen went on to win this one and 2 others. Troyce Gayle on a Husky gave Olesen such a fight for 1st place that T. Paschal had to have them run a special 3-lap elimination race to decide first. Olesen won, but Gayle pushed hard, never letting the pressure up on a Husky that Is HUSKY! Not to be shut down easily and Improving his style with every r ace was D. Wehrman riding out of K & N. Wehr man won one moto for a solid 3rd ru nning well up front mos t of the ti me . U anyone has a ride for the 100 Mile Els inore Grand P r ix, E. Olesen Is Interested. (Results on page 16) REMEMBER, YOU ALWAYS READ IT FIRST IN CYCLE NEWS. • - _ll._ CYCLE-"EWS ..... ION PHOTO CONTEST S10.00 PRIZE PHOTOGRAPHER TO IIICLUOE IIAME AND ADDRESS O~ lACK OF PHOTO. EIITER AS OFTEN AS YOU LIKE - ALL PHOTOS IE COIlE TIlE PII0PUTY OF CYCLE NEIlS AND WILL IIDT IE RETURNED OPEII TO AMATEUR AIID PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGUPHERS ALIKE. IlTlt IDEIITlFICATlON OF RIDER, MACHIliE, LOCATlON AIID DATE TAK EIL 8xJO IN SIZE, AcrJOII PHOTOS ONLY ADOIIESS ALL EIITRrES TO PII0TO EDITOR C/O CYCLE HEllS UTIli. LOIIG IUctl I LVa. LOIC IUCH , CA UFOftll lA _ , ~~~"Jl:)======== I

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