Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1967 11 02

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Bug 0. fte Big Bike to NORTH/SOUTH . Q" '" t; 0; ~ Ii! ~ o c: CHAMPIONSHIP SCRAMBI:ES S&oI'y aad Pboto by J1Idy IlIcKeeII '!be weekend of OCtober 14 lUId 15 _ traveled to Edgewood MaryllUld for tbe b;l Nortb-South ChamptOl1Shlp Scrambles. 'I1I1s race, presented by !be Eastern b;l M.C., is comparable to ca1Uornia's yearlY Hoperille. '!bere ~e about 5300 >.. spectators lUId 400 riders, ud tbe races U _re run ott 011 scbeduJe wltb 110 problem at all. On SllturclaJ', wilen tbey ru !be ellmlnaHOII '-ts, r bad a cbuce to ride around tbe track UId tbe SlIrTOUDd1IIc area. '!be course was In great sbape lUId tllere ~e plenty of woods ud rldlng area for tbose 111Io W8IIlled to play. EarlY SW1dIIy mol'D1ng tbe excltemeot UId tension could be felt as _ pulled Into !be pit area. On band were tbe best scrambles riders from thirteen different states UId Cuada. '!be lIgntw&Jgbts started tbe &bow for tbe North-South Cbamp1CJDSblp. It was a IwIdlcap start, wltb l00cc lUId under taking ott first lUId so 011 down tbe llne to tbe last row at Z50's, for 25 klDc bard 1lIps. Fourteen-year-o!d Denny ~ c: t3 ..... "-I I ... . . . . . ortIIos.. CII_p1....I' __ IIIe...... 250'. ..... 1br7I... Varnes stretcbed out the lead 011 bis 90cc Brldgestooe for about 6 or 7 laps, tbeD dropped out wltb eaelne trouble. ADen Munroe 011 a lZ5cc Bultaco toot lus ~les IllII brine_ 1M _ I I foJ you, If )'OM're the Winner. nllft Tral_ UIO. PerItct fur .... l>ol .. _ bU" _Illes. TIlt i~ btII_itllIIllt i. Its _ .. ell lit ...... Has Y_s _ _ saci • _ Ii• ..., "I" ....... _ ail ilIjetiClt.,-. ear _ .. ....... oed _ _ IIfOfJ/ blIIlIs, pia Sl*iaIlto_ ... _ fidiII: - . fur "'" _.oed trail riditl.1IIj- _ stJaoc ,.... ..., - , - . oed iIIIt 1aIaIIIlIo ti",,- "11-- Y_ ~ i---- HOW TO ENTER ·----i I nllft- Sllbsa,be III CICit ..... nls is NOT. sll!lscrillfioe I It IS In eatry bl,lk fOI ttle Co.tesi OIly. I I If you ..e already a oubsaib.-. bllOk. pt-M attach ocili-_ Iobel 6-_ CYCLE NEWS twe. I I I II SIIIlllIND- Coopl... tile 101100101 "'_1 on 25 wonls 01 less: I I I I I I I I I 'I LIp IldiOC ~de. 1Iecoue....., .........................• • I I _ I I I _ ............................................................................. I I I I I """'fO • TIlers oil ..... IS to do. sutsa,bef ,.. ba ·lIIdli.. o'lOlI-..·IIIe_'ficaIR..... P·II sI>le. IIlIQllt P<'ltS. ~" •• I _ 01 ....... lit I snyol50okllll. I I ..····························... .. iu;;;;·~;;k·.;;;·~·i;~;;~i···· ~~~-~-~ the Une. Tom Warren ud Paul WUde got Into battle rlgbt ott. then Tom pulled a and It was obvious tbat Wilde was ba problems wltb his bike and was dr Into third place wilen Bob Watson(MotoBeta) passed him. Lee Stumpenbaus again took the pby Dasb ud tbe 250 Main wltb T Warren second, but wbat a scrap going on for tbat third and fourth p spot. A pair of 'Tacos ridden by Verdoorn and Danny Jones really wen at It wi th Jones pulling up on the stralgb and then Verdoorn almost crUDCbingbim as tbey dived for tbe turns. 1b1s 011 rlgbt up to !be very last la,p and eomIng up for tbe cbeckered, Jones finally got the sIlgbtest edge out of !be far t and made It to tbe flag first by a sbade! Pbew, (Results on page 16)

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