Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1967 11 02

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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SEATTLE HAPPENINGS: JOHNSON, JR. SKINS DAD AT MALTBY Slory aDd Photos by Vic Ebbutt One of the highligbts of Sunday's great scrambles at Maltby Raceways, october 8th was the A Main whicb consisted of eigbt riders, includlng 22-year competition rider FredoU Johnson, Sr. and bis scramblin' son, FredoU, Jr. First ott the line, FredoU, Jr. was never beaded tbougb dear old Dad was pushing him bard the whole dlstance on his matching Honda.. Another bighllgbt was the addition of a jump which pleased nearly every rider this correspondent questioned. 1be 310 fans present at the Seattle, Wash. event were in favor of It 100%. 139 riders took advantage of the brilliant sunshine to race on a track that was fast and bard. RIUMPH PHOTO ONTEST INNERS Each year the Triumph Corporation of Baltimore, Maryland sponsors a photo contest, with awards going to both profess onal and amateur shutter-bugs. First prize In the annual event, professional dlvision, went to Jack Hall of Champaign, Winois. The victorious amateur photographer was Richard Mei of Hamden, Connecticut. Bill Nable (27a) and Jill OWIII (4It) _e1". Iropllle. fllllll Ioftly TIIIpbJ Girt . .rt _ _.pD.

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