Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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SUNDAY, OCTOBER 1st ACA IIOTOoCROSS ., Forsl Ibnch on Hwy. 99, .PIIIX 1~ .,1I.s north 01 L.A. Honor F.rm on wesl sid. 01 Hwy. plna tow.rd ....rsll.ld, C.III. Europun-type motocross, conc.sslons .nd ,011., I.clllll .. n.lI.ble. Adml sslon $1.50, riders $3.00. Riders' . .dlc.1 losur.c. provided u well u _bu"nc. Service. Pr.ctlce 10 • .m.. IIrsl .VIIII 12:30 p.m. All clus.. 100cc tbrou&b 0,..... EUROPEAN SCRAIIBLES al Deadm.'s POlnl, presented by the D.serl• Tum on Hwy. 66 al Lucern. Vall.y Culon, h••d eul 10 Ih. Intersection 01 Hwy. 111 In Appl. Valley, .d you're th.... $3.00 .'ry, 3 separal. on....our rae.., .prox. 30 mll.s. Trsll bliles 10 ..m.. 11:15 IIltle blk.s, 12:30 bla bI kes. Genuln. old vllI.18. d.c· Ina, remuran!, owml&b' ClIlllparounds and picnic ar.s, course re~sed uch montb, 1000pllreenl vi sible 10 spect.'ors. L.rp trophl.s to 4K 01 SOUTHEASTERN GRAND PRIX TT RACES al Smoky llounlaln R.ceway, lIaryvllle,••, $1,73S purse cash, pius 75 trophi... Pits open I • .m.. Irlals belln al 11 • .m.. 11 rsl raee al 2:30 p.m. Hal f.mll. dl rt, no Jump. Classes:0·1OOcc; 101·2oocc; 251·5OOcc; and $3.00 enlry lor each molor· cycl•• For enlry bWlks and more Inlo write Smoky llounuln Raceway, Inc.. Rt. #1, lI.ry· viII .. Tonn. 37801. BENEFIT SCRAMBLES, sponsored by Stock· Ion II.C., usl sl.d by Lodl II.C. al Lodl BoWl, Lolli, C.IIf. All proceeds 10 S. Ja.quln Assn. lor R.'.rded Chlldrenl SIIOUP .nd prsctlee 8:30-11:30 a.m.. rsee .1 noon. Six or more IlUIke • clns. S_psuk.s .wnl 2S0cc .nd Open. Admission $1.50 10 rid. or w.lch. Specl.1 aw.rds Include N.w Hon~ 50, $60 Cobra blqcl., lwo $25 mereh.ndls. certillcaies. SUNDAY, OCTOBE3 151b ROAD AUTUMN TROPHY ROAD RACES ., W.stwood ~clna Circuit, 1.8-m1l. Irsck 15 mil.. usl 01 Vancouwr, B.C., C.M~. Conucl Weslwood 1I.c. ~clna Club, Box 91, South BurMbY, B.C.. CaM~ lor lurI.her Inlo. NEVADA STATE CHAMPIONSHIP HARE SCRAIIBLES - sponsored by Sliver City Scrambl..s. Dlsl. 37 polnl run, AlIA _Co 5urt al 10 a.m. PICk up lime al N.llls Air Force Bas. on main Hwy. north-usl 01 Las VealS. Allow ~ hr. drlvlna 11m•• Refresh. m.nls and rooms. This course Is nol a road race course, It's a pod old scrambl.s, 6·ft. Sw.psl.k.. trophy. ARRESTS· ATTACKER SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 25th SAT, & SUN" OCTOBER 28 & 29 14th ANNUAL DEATH VALLEY TOUR, advance enlrles only, $3.00 per person, 51.50 children under 12, c lose Sat., Oct. 14. lIall entries 10 1I010rcycie Tours, Inc., 12738 5. Paramount Blvd.. Downey, Calli. You will rocelve pld rush m.p kit .nd Inslructlons by r.tum m.11 one w••k belor. slart. Brlna lood, s'eeplna baas and other c.mplna equipment, win one 01100 new'typ. trophies. AlIA r.1i s11.,lon boolh will be open al Fumae. Cr••k R.neh on SUo Irom 1·5 p.m. and Sun. 9·10 a.m., lree AlIA award. N0 car .ntrl es acc epted. DESERT HILL CLIMB SPORTSMAN HILLCLIIIB by the Campb.1I II.C. al H.lls Ranch In Gilroy, Calif. AMA unc., limed lrom HWY. 101. AII class.. Irom 200cc up. Pracllc. and sllOuP 9:30-11:30 am. Go lor alory al noon. Anal. or hili chanaed from 60 to 70 dear••s. Larp lrophl.s. Ride or walch $1.50, kids under 12 " •• For lurther Inlo call LallJ Smith 378·1974 In Campbell. By Da vid Bond Dust gale-Gunning, running on the trail the hill ahead 3rd ANNUAL FIELD IIEET, presenled by PI.yboys II.C. For Info call 325-6596. Dust wind-At the hill crouch, urge throttle wide down gear surge SUNDAY, OCTDBER Btb STEEPLECHASE TT ., C.pltol SpeedWllY In Noy.. A..... Exp. will run lor 4K 01 tbe pte. AlIA suc., Ilrsl r.c. ., 6 p.m. SHORT TRACK at Sonoma Counly Falrarounds In S.nla Rosa. Pr...nted by North Bay II.C. All AlIA lIaltw.laht class.s. No bralles .ad clns C Iractlon only. Sianup 5-7 p.m., raclna bealns al I. Alblsslon $1.50 ride or walch. For Info. phone (707) 452-0217. Dust down-Powered out rock-split knee hill threw down bike and me SUNDAY,OCTOBER15~ ACA NATIONAL POINTS ROAD RACE II New Orance County Inl'l RK.WllY. Pit pies op. 8 _ .. Ilrst rae. 1 p.m. All GP and ProcDctlon cl• .s.So Albl sslon $2.00, enlry I . $5.00. vi slbI. from An. Fwy.. uk. Lacuu C.nyOD MOn, .pprox. 5 mil.. south 01 San" Au, C.III. Buutlful n.w course, arsnslands, concessions, .11 lacilltl.s. By Robert 0, Fee "He was on my tail for 30 miles. sometimes only a foot from my rear bumper - -- and at speeds up to 85 miles an hour." That statement was part of the testimony August 28th that resulted in a verdict of" guilty" for Greg Cook, a young man in his early twenties from Palos Verdes, on a citizen's complaint filed by Peggy Posey of Covina. The incident occured July 9th, when Miss Posey was returning from the Topper's Big Bear Run on the san Bernardino Freeway. When finally halted by Highway Patrol Motor Officer L.T. Rosin, on Ke llogg Hill in Pomona, Mr. Cook retaliated to Miss Posey's charges of unsafe lane change by having her cited for crossing a double yellow line. This complicated the issues and caused the complaints to be combined for trial in the san Bernardino County Court, Judge Theo J. Krumm, presiding. Mr. Cook took Ihe stand first and in his initial testimony charged that Miss Posey. traveling westbound in the left lane crossed a double yellow line onto the left shoulder and came alongside his vehicle and shook her fist at him after he had overtaken and passed her on the right. He also stated that she had entered Ihe freeway from the Mt, Vernon or Pepper .Avenue on-ramp, crossed the first lane and unsafely cui in fronl of him. For her defense, Miss Posey's attorney, Joseph Lewis, himself a motorcyclist, introduced letter from the Dept. of Highways stating that at the point in question and for several miles in either direction. there were no yellow lines of any kind on the freeway. After looking at the letter, Deputy District AttorneY,Fisher, Questioned Cook very closely: Did he see yellow lines? Did he see Miss Posey cross the yellow lines? When Cook had affirmed his charges, the D.A. handed him the Dept. of Highways letter. Miss Posey then took the stand and related how she had entered the freeway from Highway 395 and first observed Mr. Cook in her rear-view mirror 3 miles further down the road and noted that he was closing the gap fast.A t Pepper A venue, he changed to the right lane and started to pass. "When he was even with me," Peggy said, "he laid his arm out of his window and started pulling into me forcing me toward the left shoulder. He was so close, that I hit his wrist with my fist. After he tried to spit on me he got behind me and chased me for 30 miles, riding my tail and trying to push me - -- al speeds up to 85 miles an hour. When he saw the officer, he backed off and passed and I flagged the officer to arrest him." The officer also wrote a citation of his own, citing Cook for driving without a license. Judge Krumm advised Cook of his constitutional righls to remain silenl, but Cook took the stand and denied a Dust swirl-In the hill grab low gear knobbys claw br:::k, rear SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14th .16. RIDER ~. p.o. NATIONAL CHAIIPIONSHIP HARE & HOUND by S.n Gabriel II.C, lsi Amual B.rsrow (C.III.) 10 Las Veps (Nev.,) run. T.I.vlsed. Enlry 55.00 by m.II, 56.00 post. Surl 9 l.m. sharp. Two ps slops, small "nks maybe moro.' ~mplna Ir• •, sl.rt with 24-11r. service slatlon and ~Ie. Brlna your own pits. Limed from Minneola Road and Inlerstale 12, appro•• 12 miles north 01 Bar· slow, Calli. M.II enlrles 10 Bob Holmes, 166 E. Comslock, Glendora, Calli• - Dust endDust, blood I-made mud. Dust end? Hal try again. CORRECTION DEPARTMENT FLATTRACK RACING AMA SANCT. EV.ERY FRIDAY RACES 7p.m. PRACTICE 8•'15pm START At AKot *-¥-*** ra" 183ft! & Vermont - Off Harbor freeway In last week's news item titled • AMA HEADS APPROVE COMPETITION CONGRESS VOTE" contained a parenthetical error where it said the ·E xecutive Committee has authorized a vote by mail of the ·Class B" ($ 2) members.· Class B members are the industry members who presently control the AMA through their contributions 10 the trade associatio n. Two-dollar members will get their chance 10 elect representatives if and when the present voting members okay the Congress plan. •• •• •• •• ••••••••• Also last week we made a goof in .,' t'he a:~ for Bay Mare Track. In noting -.... ,., ". " . Miss Posey's allegations. He then appeared to try to lead the jud ge down the primrose path with such statements as "My Volkswagon (. 67) wouldn't do 85." At this point Judge Krumm, a veterl'.n jurist, took over the Questioning and ::;emantically played with Cook, wi th sarcasm and ridicule, and Cook dug his hole deeper with each contradictory and vague answer. .Finally the judge pronounced Miss Posey "not quilty" and Mr. Cook "Quilty as charged" --- $15 plus cosl ($3,00). As he passed sentence, Judge Krumm commented that had this been in another court such as Kern's in Ontario. the penalty would ha ve been much stiffer. He also lamented the officer had not seen the inciden t so the charge could have been reckless driving. (Reckless driving carries a stiffer penalty and is counted as two moving violations by the DMV.) Just prior to the trial, D.A. Fisher appeared very cool to the case and flatly stated "This is a farce, you know." to Peggy's attorney, Joe Lewis. Immediately after the proceedings began, the D.A. and Judge came to full attention. The D.A. exclaiming. "You were on a motor' cycle?" When Miss Posey made the statement. Peggy appeared very demure in a chartreuse silk suit, but was Quite outspoken and frank in her statements. Mr. Cook on the other hand looked fresh from the bea<-h in a bright yellow sweat shirl. brilliant green Irousers and white tennis shoes without socks. His presentations were vague, unsure and confused. Peggy hopes to persuade the D.A. to accept a complaint of attempted murder or assult with a deadly weapon and is discussing the possibilities with her attorney of bringing civil suit for false arrest with melicious intent. Her viclory should give every road rider Ihe courage 10 use the legal remedies available to punish those who would foolishly and meliciously attack them on the highway. $700 TROPHY AT HAYWARD The Hayward Motorcycle Club is proud to announce that it will be presenting a seven-foot Trophy (valued at $700.00) to the high point rider of this season's racing schedule. The trophy will be awarded on the evening of October 7, 1967 at the Hayward Speedway. On this same evening the club will also be presenling 15 other high trophies each valued at $90.00. As this trophy was manufactured specifically for this event by the .Acme Trophy Company, and Ihe motorcycle dealers have been the largest contributors of the other fifteen high poi nt trophies, we feel that the evening of October seventh will be a me morable one. The trophies are being presented in conjunction with Ihe last race of this season. The "Hayward M.C., a non-profit organization, has been in exislence for over 25 years and bas been the largest individual contributor to the Southern Alameda County Retarded Children's fund in recent years. . The Club is located at the Hayward Speedway, 3800 Depot Road, Hayward, California 94545. For further information please contact Ralph Arbitelle, 22060 Montgomery Street, Hayward, California 94541. Telephone(4l5) 581-9Zl5 after 5 p,m. that Sunday'S races were to be conducted by Los Padres M.C., it was erroneously listed as a District 37 points race. The points race was actually held at Perris track by the 13 Rebels (see story this issue) and they forgot to notify us for free listing in the Calendar of Events. Our apologies to both clubs and tracks. ••• • ••• •• •• ••••• • Boy, whal a week! ALSO last week the lady racer in the Trojan IT photograph on page 28 was really Kelly Struble, winner of the first Trojan TT Powder Puff event some weeks ago, not sandy Termin. last week's winner. Thanks to our everalert 15.000 proofreaders for bringing these errors to our attention in time to straighten th~m out. :