Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1967 08 31

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Picture (supplied by yau) ... $3.00 extra Prlc.s ••• 10 words or less, pius ... 25 words or less, plus address ~ to::! :0= to::! ..,J §;: WAIITED: BSA 650 AlO SC....bles tran .. .lIc1l c:Uap rear ....... To be converted to IIrt use. Dtcll, KJllustr.. TO 6-7011 Ext 201 day.. (213) 63201160 ...... DEALERSHIP FOR SALE U EstaIIlllIIed II/C store Ie prl_ L.A. aNa.Ludlll . .odem lacllltl... sal••• servlc. . .d I_tory. Low ovwIIud. $25,000 ...... • _PM.t .vall.b1.. Writ. Dept. C, c/o Cye" 1I.... l!Iox .1, Lon, Bueh. CallI. WANTED Triumph V.maha exp.rI ..c.d . .ch.alc. Saa F.rnaado Valley. (213) 346-3700. 19&& GILERA 115cc up lor .cr.mbles or short track, extra. $475.00. After 7;30 p.m. 347-1961. COMPLETE LlIIE OF NEW '&1 SUZUIUS at D.I. Brown Motor.. 2441 Loa, Buch Blvd. Lon, Beach. CallI. Say you It la Cycl. .aw lI.w. and rec....... h.l_t tre. with your purch.s. of a ..w '67 Suzuki. TRADE: 65 "Diablo· T.T. or desert m.chlne. . .w pal at. s••t, "II.. plu••xtra II.... plulS .tc. for 21· Goldst.r or en,lne•• (714) I. V 9-4464. ATTENTION SUBSCRIBERS: II yea .........d • ".crlptloa 111 CYCLE IIEWS ..d .r. aot rec.lvl., It, plu.. ~ tact h.... cIlalely. W. have .....r.1 a.w ..bserl bera wltll ne CIII .01 rud .1Id addre.... ulllulo CYCLE IIEWS. 6of17 II. Lon,lleacb Blvd., Lao, Buell. CaRf. 90105. u. CYCLE SALESMAN S&lII-$1,1II MO. Wonderful opporlullity for uperlenc.d motorcycl. sal••1UlI with fa.t IJ'DWI., dealer. PIIone lor details (213) 392-4105. PARTS MAN WANTED Fastest lrowlal Hond. de.ler has top pay op.alne for experlenc.d part. and servlc. man - A-I luture. (213) 392-4105. FREE SAMPLE: IIllTORCVCLE. SCOOTER & THREE-WHEELER MECHANICS ILLUS- TRATED - 200 photD •• tuala" cu.tomlzl... call1Jlltla,. towla.. REPAIRIIIG. PREVEIITATIVE MAINTENANCE. KrUlDm. 33.. II. Modoc. KerlDla. Calif. 93630. IIOIITESA 175ee scrambler. excel. coad. 67 motor & .xtras $400.00. 50cc Tollatsu, .itra, road racla, barre'. plstoa & carb., pod coad. $9 s.oO. Pho..: 365-3310. MUST SELL, 1967 Sherpa S 200cc, four moaths old,rac.d once. K70's and knobs, comp....loa r.I..... Exc.llent condition $650.00. PI.cervlll., C.III. 622-3172. TRADE Amal 30m c.rII" or 26m Zenith carll" for Bullaeo tuned exhau.t. (213) 161-6615. FOR SALE-1967 La Cro.. 2SOcc $500.00. ED 3..01 5 alter 6 p,m. "56· BSA Homet S600.00. Ca II 9I2-ll390. "50· TR6 $400.00. 1966 GREEVES CHALLENGER 3rd ported, tuned pipe, TT tires $600.00. (213) 391..111. Book: HOW TO RIDE AND WIN Esp.t rid•• In American sports colDpetltlon IIlIl tbe t.chalqu•• of track ad trail. Chuck ·Feets· .lnert and Bad Eldn. on TT-Scr.... blla. East Coa.t'. DOlI Plak t.. ls haw to ride ElldurDs .ad trail.. Jolla .cL.... II. 011 Grand Prix Scrambl... Helpful tip. on setup 01 _torcycle, card. & IIc• •s .d neIIo _ .. Hard....d. $4. postpaid. Seed cash. cbecll ., _.y ordOl' to How 111 Ride & Win. C/o C&S Publl .....' Co.. Box Bucb, Calif. 9OIOL ea. Loa, 1l,5.o\. &SOcc twla ..,la',lu.1 cylinder. twla carbo bead, a.w overhaul $250.00 (weat 117 mph .t I!Iom.vllI. stre.mll..r.) JK Cycl. Ina, 12545 San P.blo Av••• Richmond. C.llf. T.I.: (415) 235-7211 or (415) 235·2441. 1965 B.S.A. 350cc ...dy lor desert or scr.... bl••• lorks & shock s, 3 pl••atchless tank, cud. pl.ted lrame $650.00 finn. Pilon.: 341·7165. $1.00 $200 FOR SALE - THRIYlNGMOTORCYCLE BUSIIIESS Three major ".ncbl .... Triumph. V'lDahe. Bultaeo. 100,000 popul.tloa, lI'0ss hleo_ of $120.000 to $200,000 on IUla .t. la tile put lIorthwest. Ultra lIlodem/ showroom & .hop & .tor.p .rea. $ell for lav.etory, no blu••ky. Wrtt. lor detail. to I!Iox P, c/o Cycl. II.... 6of17 Lon, Beach Blvd., Loa, Beach, Calif. 90105. 1966 GREEVES CHALLEIlGER . . bDlt01ll .1Id & $599. Day HA I-IOU alt. 596-0121. 1967 TDI B 14 hour .howroom coadltloa $100. Will d.llver III any ,,,oInln, stit sa Cycl. Center, 1546 W. U.I_.lty Dr., ... Arlzon. 15201. t.l: (602) 964-9.... 1946 OR OLDER GERMAII cycl•• wanted. II. 1331 Saata Marprlta, La 1Ir. Art Grf P.I_, Callfonl.. (n4) 527-6296. FOR SALE: 0- rail IIIOtorcycl. tr.ller• foolpraof satety·tIedowe post.. LltIIt• •d ICIlIse. $30.00. PI!: (213) S45-5!1Ol.ft. 9 .... s.- GREEVES '64 Barrel, IOOd _dltloa. $375.10. (213) 723012 309• TRADE Seeba .-k & backpack lor 1I11a . . set 01 racla, 1 1IIer. to fit 165 lbo •• 5'1· p . _ C.II (213) 71006133. '62 BOIIIIEVILLE-mu.t ..., sal. or trade for62-63 p1ck·up.(213) 131-4314 or 132-7347. 1966 BSA MARK II Spitfire 1.000 mll••-eandY - I t t olIIer custom work, mu.t •• 11 $1095. Ph: 923-5461 or 923..525. Ask for Lyl•• FOR SALE: 1 brand . . . . .t ro.d racine Voke...... 2.75xll Iront, 3.ooxll ...r. 1 brand new set '" Pirelll. 2.SOo2.75xl& front. 2.753.ooxll r..r wi th ub.! .a.t sell .11 thl. _Ill Will blk. cash or ? No ofter turned dowa? Barry at ST 1-7454 Enclaa, Cain. anytime. MECHANIC WANTED Top Job••xc.lI.nt opportunity, World Cycl•• 3303 Sunset Blvd., 1.0. Aa,.'es. CallI. 90026. Phone: (213) 562-ll139. FOR SALE - '65 Hodaka, ...ry cl..a••et up for II'" Istra ..... t_d pipe. etc. lI.w lowr end, _dl. be.rla" top end S300. (213) 63002595. ATIENTION: HONDA OWNERS HOItOA PARTS: compl.t. bore kits for .crambl.. and H.wk., 25Oo305-337·350cc kits. AI.o compl.t. ..lons. wheels. tl ..., Ir.mes, & ........ Cu.tom Hond. work. 397-0097 .lter 7 p,m. BUY, SELL & TRADE HONDA PARTS WANTED: Ea,,11iI .alla./tr.asmllSlon.500cc or larpr. (714) I3I-nsa. TRADE: New B.II 500 n2, new 350xll trial .. new 350xll K-70. For 2 400xll kaobbles & de ..rt bash pl•• for TR6-C. 714-465-n63 ....Inl. EL CAMIIIOS & PICKUP TRUCKS IIEW AND USED - ASK FOR JIM WOOLWIIIE phone: (213) 35203241 or 35303226. BEAUTI FULLV CRAFTED 1 pc. padd.d R.R. l••th... 6' 2" 160·110 Ibs, never dowa $60.00. 714-411'7104. Will s.1I or tr.d. paris lor .cr.mblers and H.wks. 397-ll097 .ft. 7 p.m. WANTED w..cked or ba.ket Eall.ld or BSAs.1I or 350xl9 Dualop nobby. Want 400xl9 trl.I•• EI Moat. 443-3446. HEA VY DUTY lour bike trailer. sprlal suspensioa S14S. (213) 161-6615. COMMERCIAL ADVERTISERS RATE Ten w.rds ..... $2.00 Twenty five words ..'" $4.00 TRADE lor Hodaka or ..II lor $400. '61· T" dirt blk•• xlnt. cond. (213) 721-5764. DESPERATE! Need/want a ride or three on quick production or G.P. Ro.d Racer. Will trav.1 and/or tune If .. cessary pl..s.!! Barry ProyJ sor at ST 1-7454. R.sulls posltl.. anytlllI? 4037 Coater. Rd.. Encino. Cal. 91316. WILL TRADE • brand ... re.r ...t (Will ...t 3 peopl.) lrell • 1966 Dodp V.a W.,on, willi sut belts lor road racial etc. Bar". ST 1·7454. Encino. C.IIf. Ill' en... 25% SAVINGS ON INSURANCE D..ler prap lI.blllty 15"" savlne. oa Deal.... boncts. JOHN W. MAYNARD INSURAIICE 3447 Motor Av... LosAaple .. C.I.I36-5211. ATTENTION: CYCLE NEWS CONTHI BUTORS TRADE: .y 400 cubic Inch Olds. po. . .d, Ford pick up truck lor motorcycl. 2SOcc ., larpr. 353-4746 Sunland, C.lII. TRIU.PH T.T. special ..w 1956 ....r run $995.00. T.I.: OW H1119 John. HONDA 450. I.t. '56. 'mmaculat••, 3500 ml .. chrom. S695. OX 1-436" 1959 CUSTOM TRIUMPH "Exc.llent" $750. or tr.d. H.rley chopper. Call 212..623. . 1966 B.S.A. 65Uec M.K.II specl.l. Lilia oaly 3000 11I11... Askl., $1050.379-0210 .... INTERESTED In restorte, 4 cy l. H.adOI'soe. Apprecl.te .ny HoL Dill, 340 West Date SI., San DI'IO. C.IIf. 92101. ,.odI•• IIONTESA ASCOT T.T.. shorttracllar. a. . LaCross Plrelll tires. tubes I.ctory barrel, .xtra tarquer barr.l. comp, ..I..... cllpon bars. very la.t, •• Ph: (714) 4300127 4. $495.00. HUSQVARIIA 250-360 In stock, full supply 01 part. Malcomb 5111 til. 1619 La Cad.... Riverside. Calif. (714) 614-1166. 66 DODGE VAil va 27.000 miles. C.II stlllr 6:00 ...... 423-4707. Pri c.: $2.000. We do not have tbe .ddre.... '" 1IIe contributor. II sted here. If you will contact us w. wllI ...d you • cllecll lor yow pabll liIed work. CYC LE IIEWS\ P.o. BOx 491, Loa, Buell, Callfoml. (213/423-0431. Don Abraham.... Susae CI.rk. Ropr Eva... Dldcb FI.ld., Harry Lawrl., P.t Ropra, Ja.. WIIII.IlI. BRAND new 1967 Dot T.T. IDIchl .. $625.00. T.I.scoplc forks, late.t par box, center noat c.rbo SlJIcl.1 portln.. V.a Wyck Ea.... prlses ..41 Brookhur.t, Anaheim 776-3109. BRAND new 1967 Dot' .cr.mbler I.test , ••r box. I.r,. tank S550.00. V.a Wyck Enterprl.... 1141 Broakhurst. An.helm, 776-3109. 1962 HOIIDA, ..tup for street; .aslly chan,.d lar racla,. lot. of ehro. ., red metal llak. paint. Has taken many tropIII••, rebuilt ... II" At $450 a ste... Call (213) TO 6-6535 alt. 7 P,.... ask for Rlcll. TRADE: 57 BSA Gold S!a' 500cc for G...... Sq. barrel de.ert (105) 947-3025. TRADE: Sharp 1962 Stud.baker Statloa W.,oa fol 1963 or I.ter Triumph 65Uec .a"a.. Ph: 325-0510. 64 GREEVES square barrel. rebuilt enline & Ir.... P. . .: 332-4394. 1964 BSA 6SO, .xcel"'t coodltlon, only 3,0. III., two Mt. -mer.. _ clutchcabl., .... oil . . . . prtce S9OO. PlIo..: 61505331 after 6:00 ~ RI ...r.lde. Calif. _t. 1967 Sao HOIIOA• •t up for de.... My . . IIf1ereat macbl... Trad. for Hodlka or ..n for $300.00. 923..525 or 923-5461. A.k IIlr Lyle. 67 RlCKMAII TRIU.PH. 1I11a new. 4 mOo old mu.t ..II. 213'763-3133. 19&& VELOCETTE THRUXTON I_cui.... 3000 mil... road trill, .._ raced. Cllp-olII. plu • •xtra short_d mudracln, ...t, .rockets, _nuel.. Ea.y llartar .00.00. Bill Frasel... 1136 SoDlh Be_ly Gr., W ••t L.A. (213) 277·2616 wk. .ds & s; (213) 645-5424 work. ...nI, · ..._..••....•.............•................. _ VlIICENT looocc twin. Orilinel condition. runs perfect $995. 353-7153. 1961 JUS 7R P••I 1.lrla" ..w tI.. s $950. (213) 424-7135. ~.- I • : • • • • ..... _... $1 & 2 · :' • WRITE AD HERE' • N;ne Ten Words - $1 • Twenty Five words, $2 • Headline In BOLD "tYPE $1 extra • • Ad*ess ••• ••••••••••• •••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• : Picture $3 extra. • : FRU~T~ • City...; ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• State •••••••• I If you have something to give away • trade etc. want ads are free to you • • • • • • • • • • • •...............................................•.... ........ I : ~ ENCLOSE CURRENCY MAIL TO: CYCLE NEWS, P.O. BOX 498, LONG BEACH, CALIF, 90801 . • :

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