Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1967 08 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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StMy b7 Joba Fox Pllo&o b, beer E"a What's the matter felJas? This is directed at tIlDee who are supposedly fast racers from Ve~ 3IId Tucson 3IId AI.kqueCf.lVe. Are yoa guys alraid to come to Phoenix 311.d try roar We ooLy had one eotry from out of towo at Beardsley July 7th. 3IIa he was. Yogi Merisbal from Tucson. Lakin Gallbert sIIoes thnIullt a tum wllJL.JolIa ea.. OpeD Allatear a Ii Expert D_ HaaIIr at BNrdIl." ArlZOlla? N.ot qulllt, but Joe Sellers dlsplared th. same style (and th. _ n""" In ._Inellle Opu Expert Main. We sure would like to s e you fellows the 6th of August at 9 a.m. There are classes for all, be they big or small. And we always have good weather for race days. Don't worry about the snakes and scorpions; the only hurts that are complained about are usually at the finish line. . As practice got into a pretty fast pace, we saw at least two new entries, the Cycle News Hotshoe (yours trul;y' on a new mount, a Kawasaki 120 and Jim Halford off of his fast winning 100 Yamaha now on a 250 BSA. First Race The first race of tbe daJ' was the 125 Amateur and Expert, classes running together for separate traphies. As the flag dropped, Harold Beard on a Yamaha 125 jumped them all to the first corner, but this wasn't to last long. as Tom Halford on his 100 Yamaha Twin passed him before the first lap was over. There was a lot of shuffling back in the pack and Harold Phelps, on a 125 Yamaha, came from way back to pass everybody and get himself a first, Tom Halford second, and third tbe Cycle News Hotshoe. The seconD 125 race had tbe Cycle News Hotshoe out front. But he had to take second at the finish behind Phelps and Halford got a third. The last race was really a ball as it was anybody's race. Halford pulled into tlte lead with Hotshoe behind Phelps for the finish. were really determined to take those tIophies home with them. The first race was a pretty mixed up affair with positions changing almost every 20 feet. At the finish, it was Chuck Ellis on a Ducati first, secand was Sam Wright on a 160 Honda, and third Leland McSpadden on a 250 Honda. The second race Mc Spadden said -I want first, not third.· He had built up a fine lead only to fall in the third lap thus letting Ellis take first with Bill Shuman second and Wright hanging in third. The third 250 Novice race was between Ellis, McSpadden, and Sbuman as they kept juggling for first, second, and third. At the flag first was Ellis again with McSpadden close behind and Shuman third. Overall, we find first - Chuck Ellis, second - sam Wright, and third Bill Sbuman. Little Jill Gets 'Em The 250 Amateur and Expert classes ran together for separate trophies. In the first race it was Johnny Halford, on a Yamaha, in an earl;y lead followed by Dave Isley, on a Ducati, and Jim Halford. As the race progressed, little Jim aced tltem alit for first followed by Dave Isley and John Halford. This was a terrific race and Jim's first in the 250 class. The second start, Dave Isley got the earl;y lead and held it all the way for first, second was Jim Halford and third was his brother John. The last race was the fastest and best with a hell of a ride being "I Want Firstput on by Dave and Jim. With one The 250 Novice class was pretty lap to go, Dave lost his lead to Jim wlld as the fellows sltowed they Halford who managed to find the .. I1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.ic~heckeredfla first. As you will recall we had an upset last time out as Jon Selle rs made a clean sweep. Well., pass the salt! Sellers got the lead right out of the hole with John Camp following close behind, but Boaz came around to overtake Camp and then came Lakin Gabbert to take third from Camp. For the finish, it was Sellers first, Boaz second, and Gabbert third with Camp in for fourth. The second race found Camp getting tbe early lead only to be passed by Sellers, but Camp said, -That's it, no more of you guYs are passing me,· and he did just that to finish second behind Sellers. Third was Gabbert. In the third race, Sellers came from a handicap start in a wheelie to pass everybody before the first turn. Wouldn't that make you want to pull over and turn off your engine and JIIII Abbott In pursuit. and watcb. As you are nat getting with the program, some shoe out accelerates you while he has the front wheel up about fOUl: feet. Well back to the good stuff.. Sellers has a good lead buIlt up and Boaz and Gabbert have a duel for second. Camp drops back. after losing his clutch. Jim Abbott gota third as Boaz losi 1 t in a turn. At the line, it was Sellers, Gabbert, and Abbott. Overall in the Open Amateur found John Camp first on his Triumph. Second was Dennis Malamine and third Jim Abbott. Both Dennis and Jim ride Victors. Overall in the Open Expert was Jon Sellers first on a Tri umph, second Lakin Gabbert and tbird Byron Boaz. Byron and Lakin ride Victors. Hey you guys who like to enjoy a Sunday, come on out to Phoeni'x and have a ball. See you the 6th of August, 20 miles Northwest on U.S. HIghway 60. DESEI~ fOX by Wes i\.nderson Sr•. The Ponderosa Hare SCrambles on July 16, was again dominated by san Gabriel Valley M.C. as members Bill Hutton and Wes Anderson Jr. took the Open and Trail Bike classes. The 92 Open riders roared across the hot desert at 10 :00 a.m. Jim Martino led the pack at the smoke bomb on a BSA twin. However, 'the old desert fox, Bill Hutton, soon took over the lead on his trusty Kusky. Hntton stretched his lead on the second loop and won. Br1l i's now a five time Ponderosa winner, and all In a row. Poalierosa Jiax J.N. Roberts, always a desert winner, can't seem to break the Ponderosa. jinx. He was off to a bad start but rode like the wind and placed second. Ron Fry gave his usual good performance and was third. Martino' held on for a solid fourth spot. A Novice, Len Fortner, was fifth. Trail Bikes The 64 Trail Bikes buzzed off soon after the Open class. Fifteen year old Wes Anderson Jr. led at the bomb, but Steve Holladay passed Anderson on the Heartbreak Ridge. They swapped the lead several times with Anderson leading by 30 feet at the end of loop one. The two teenag~rs raced wheel to wheel for the entire second loop. At the finish they came in over the • wboop-

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