Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1967 08 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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A SIIII! _ d . , . tlla flaa baa fall. . 'rrt,t IT TW!1' Oonc:lt (lUI lalla lIIe , _ In tile 0IM8 Autwr Mal... Gh,lna c:IIea for UIClIlId and tIIIrd p l _ .ra lin lIIcIr*.n (MI) and on tile DIIb1a. Jim . . . - - (1*,. • 1 PItoI.o& bJ aureeD Lee Yup, it was hot a«aiJJ at PecriB. weatber as well as tb.e racing, but the Hawtbol1le Gopbers Pllt on a good rat:e IJIJd any waitiog that the cidecs had to snUer Uuoulb was due to the watering ol the /lack, oot. messed-up paper work. There was ooe ambalance call. Kelly struble (HOllaka) again took the Powder Puff win with Lola Fish in second. wbile the lOOcc Novice Main bad tl!le same beginning as last week. Danny Hoe kie (Hodaka) jumped into tbe lead and he ld it nicely until Jim Meriscal (Honda) appeared and then Danny lost it again. LinllS Beall, on a Bridgestone, finallY eDded up with second. GaJ:Y Bailey and Greeves repeated their win in the 200 Amateur-Expert class and another Greeves. with W1llie Hoekie Jr. as rider. came in first in the 250 Novice Main. Willie and Jinlmie Stein on a Husqva staged a race worthy of the Exj)erts witb eacb man battling clean and bard but with lots of re-passing going on, and as they came aroWid the club bouse tum for tbe checkered they were THAT close! Pellca. ar The 250 Expert class was (natW'ally)a battle. Larry Taylor (Bullaco) won tbe 1st heat and Keith Mashburn. wbo is now Bultaco-mounted, second. Come tbe Main. the two ·Pelicanstook each othe r on. Larry bad a real nice lead built UP as Gary Bailey (Greeves) and Keith had a tllSSle going. then once Mashburn got past Bailey and caught Taylor. yow! Overslides aren't quite the word, but Larry held on and took the win. but only • jllSt.Jim Hunter and John R. made appearaRces on matching Hunter-Goldstars in the 500 Expert class after John's first mount blew UP. but even so it wasn't to be a Rice day when the mag came unglued on his bike. Hunter won haDds do n but Sunday was another da,y we wished Chuck MlDert (BSA) who took second had more beans in his bike. BSA aad TIi! It 8lpwe Off Ben Fakkeldy won the Open Expert moto with Mille Van Acker in second, both on Triumphs, and Darwin Ballard (BSA) taking third. Triumpb-mounted TertY Dorsch won the Open A1mteur class. but it was BSA who won the Open Novice class. and the 500 Novice class, with Bill Noble the Open winner and John Kennedy, the 500. Kennedy and second place man Dave Bastian (Matchless) had quite a thing going for a While. the same as the 21 inch winner Roy Jarrett had F. Spaulding breathing all over bim in their Main. -Baal" AIIaft: 0.., HOCIlla holds off U • • . . Jha Marl_I dIIrI. . .,., . . . . of lIIe II tMIer ..... Laft: liar_ lIctDlostl c l _ . . pta ua 01_ In lila P"'" Co.oI., PlIff,..... Hack Gets AirborBe The ambulance call was fOI the Sidehack.Assoeiation in their second moto. The team of Parti and Moffitt got quite showy coming out of the gravel pit canyon when Jim Moffitt lost his grip on the hack and pilot Parti made it up the hill alongside alone and into the side of a truck with all anchors out and dragging in an endeavor to stop the hack, but luckily not too much damage was sllStained b1 either truck. hack or men. Tben. not two laps later. Bob Johnson and Ed Wade came unglued at the same point and you wouldn't believe me if I told you how high that back flew in the air so there's no point in telling you, but this time the bo s got a little skinned UP and it seemed wise to tote them off for a check p in spite of denials that sidehackers are indestructible! But if you bear tales of how they went when the'y hit that bill. ask trackowner Jerry Burtonl He was standing there when the hack flew over him! It's trueL •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• FO~ Air FOteni. Jud_ Prods. : FraDc.ism Castoroil, Dri-8lide, Fl• class taDIt. .. seats, Jolm CooPer - Hia: Jolla Baots. • : An Available FnlIa • • : • : S08 _ TORS. F_ Rd. . Los Aqalu, Calif. 90039 5475 s. ~~V~ •••••••••

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