One of the attention-getting .devices used by exhibitors at the l.fi7
Design Engineering Sbow in ew
York CitY recently was a new BarleyDa¥idson Electra Glide moiorcyc.l-e.
The cycle was displayed try the GDY
ad Ductile llOn Founders' Society
to flluatrate the use oftheir prod llCis
in the manufacture of two-wheeled
motor vehicles. William E. Kennedy,
center, president of the Motorcycle.
SCooter and Allied Trades Associatioll, looks over some of the Electra
Glide parts shown by T. Jerry warden. right, marketing director of the
Iron Founders' Society, and Ken
Molgan of the exhibit staff. Kennedy
W!IS attending the show in his capacity as sales promotion manager.
Components Groap, of Rex Chainbelt.
Inc•• whUe Morgan's business a.ff1liation is as sales representative of
Motor castings Co.
Daytona Sports Co.. Reseda,
California and Daytona Products.
Inc., Reseda. California a.nd Skokie.
Illinois jointly announce purchase of
control of both corporations by American Baseball Cap, Inc., Media,
Peter Mead, President of Daytona
Sports Co. and Vice President of
Daytona'"Products. Inc.. ha'S sold his
entire holdings in both carperations.
Mr. Tom Kewish, Vice President of
both corporations retains a minority
interest in each and will remain active in the management of both corporations. \'111. Jack Latta. Vice
President of Daytona Sports Co. and
President of Daytona Products, Inc.
also retains a minority interest in
both corpOrations and will remain
active in the management of both.
American Baseball Cap, Inc. is
enpged in the mannfacture of baseball safety helmets of types and
styles from Little League to Major
L goo helmets. The.Y also mannfacture pOllce riot belmets. Mr. Lindsay
Wolie, President of American ~ase
ball cap. Inc. and Defensel also beco es President of both Daytona.
SPotts Co. and D-.vtoBa Products.
On August 6th Indianapolis Raceway Park will host one of this seasons most excitiDg chamjlionsbip
motorcycle races. The 110 ational
ChampiOllShip Road Race will bring
tile best AVA professiGnals from all
.eect.ioJis of the country to compete
r -toll dollat- Illize mooey and for
OCMlted IIlIlional points. This race
oond . Heading the list is
Gary Nixon of Baltimore, Md., now
• 1 IaDking star in the nation;
George Roeder of Ohio; Nix of Okiahoma; Lawwill of San Francisco;
Mann of New Y~k; Draayer of S<
Lake City; ElmoTe of El Paso; and
Markel of Flint. Mich. make up the
first eight places and are favorites.
Nixon won the 110 Mile National
last year in a wheel to wheel battle
with Cal Raybmn. It was a thriller
from starting flag to finish last yet!
and will be again this eu.
With two days 'of r ctllg. Saturday
will be the day the Amateurs test
their skills against
Ex rts as
they both run together in the ~c
com bined class 50 mile road race.
Euller in the day on Saturday, the
o"ice class 40 mile road Lace.
Prior to e ational Champi rrship
event .on Sunday. the Amateu!S will
bA e the track all to themselves for
an Ama em class 50 mile road race.
When you add it all up it promi e'S
to be twv days of the finest mot~H
cycle racing to be seen anywhere in
the world at any time.
obert O.
There i'S still time to compete
and pessibly win the Operation
Motorcycle trophy for blood donations. Chai=n Ken Jones reminds
all riders that the dono r date is
A ost 14th.
Most of the riders gather between
six and eight p.;:m. Mcmday evening.
However any rider may donate blood
to Operation MotoTcycle at .any Red
Cross blood collection center by
specifying that the donation be
credited to Operation Motorc cle.
The trophy is a arded on a llOint
basis to any club, family, or
groap ~bo donate the 'lIIOSt units of
blood in 1967.,
tty' _ween I.e-e
At the Cycle World Show. visi.tors
bad a Chance to see some examples
rk done Qy a _ly . covered
artist in the motorcycle field.
Claude Long is a -metal
nd his work is QlIite lIDiQue. He
.nds a II le of -scrap iron a1W th n
bllilcis a motorcycle out of it. 'The
wom are just beautiful. T y are
all' complete l)fo ilt - n. yet Cl&ude
...ill not alt& a put to fit. -1 just sit
ar()Ulld and look at what I've got for
a while and then the bole idea
IDs into lliace. Shawing photos of bis culpture
to a Long Beach artist br light the
suggestion that Long needs 0 he
-seen, as the saying goe'S, • in the
art world,- and Cycle News is happy
to present thi:s to the public for the
first time.
Gr.'Ves 1.'Iio DeIluCS at
New from the stabotes of Greeves
are these two Sjlecial rac rs and one
dual purpose machine. The 24MXE.
just arrived on these shores i;s the
-TT Ohallenger-modllL It i atures
the latest Greeves 2500c 2-stroke
gine, telescopic forks and aU that
good stuff. Tbe 2 cc ClIallenger
model 24MX5B is the 1967 version
of the dl!aUeAger. "With th e llOPuJar
Greeves W'ting'
UJrks. It is"'COlSlidered ideal fer lIie&ert aDd ~ omnpaipiJl&.
J.,east. bUt seldom la'St, is tAe
()«oev«; 25eec
Ifl, ~l XC$.
'I1' is the superfunctioDal U:i&i:s
ad ~ ~1 .de've1q)ed Cy 4i&
trtilator tdt M ~ for;AJrJe1icetJipe - .24CS om 10 fmm
.lQlrway to S&Dd:wash. ad baclk &cain
'll'ttbout ilIIttiag a "lidU",t IIIId it"S
'U$Y eo 1DGlIIlt on CUIIIeI or car..
more 1lIOcieLs have been
to the ever expendiug Montesa
siaWes. 13ne is a 386cc 1IlOtocross
16 ...... LOS 11118ELES.
&LEIIIh\LE, c:AUF. PH: (213) 2......-0
1DOde1. the ClIPPla (~:-Wild
MountaiIrGoat), aDd a 259cc maobine
desiped -primarily for trials Tiding.
The Cappra cbarBs 38 hp through
a five-speed gearbox &TId t'
-scale'S at a diminutive 238 J)OUIlds.
It is fitted with many fiberglass
components. including tank and
fenders. The engine sports full
floating needle bearings and a 32mm
His backg:iooand is art traiJIiJIg in
high -school only. H€ wolits wtth a
buiit-in eye for GesigII and shape.
Cu.te· a metal _lker by
which gives the pieoes a qulitY of
construction with ~r ruceed beauty
coming from the basicaUy beat-olJP
condition of the allP'S ft'Olll w.b±ch
they are made.
Long and bis wife Enlene both
ride and DOW .have .ane of their SODS,
Hando. out on the t1:ack whUe their
other boy Slade e ers to get his
action in L.iW.e League.
The acu1P e'S va ootonly motoTcycle'S. some are interesting mod'ern
lliece'S like 0II'e known as the "B1Igand there is one stlitable for a wall.
Bi's work 's far sale at moderate
llric.es and is done to order. But ItS
be "SaYS. he couldn't guarantee j t
exactly bow anything ~ould look at
the finish because that depends an
the nature of the sa..,. but you'U
be sure of getting a tTOe original!
Although not clIrrently available
in the United state'S, the Cappra is
now successfully o.anwaigned in
England by motocross star Roger
Snead. Montesa Distributor. Kim
Kimball, advises that the model will
be a aUable in the U.S. eaTly nut
year at .an approximate cost -(If
The trials model has a 19 hp engine and fOlll'-speed gearbox and
wei.gh:s 23.5 pounds. Notewarthy
features are full lighting equipment
&TId 1IlOrethan a footof gr
d clearanc'6. It will be ava.il&'b.le at M
d ealeTs ttrr
lit the country wi thin a abort
riod of time -&ad is
priced to sell inthe
700 bracket.