Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1967 07 27

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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AUGUST 5tb aid Itb 1st ANIlUAL SIERRA TOUR. presented IIJ East 1Ia, Wh..... For Information write East Bar Wheels, 2754 P.k View Terrace, Oakland, Calilomla, 9410. SUNDAY, AUGUST ItII TT SCRAMBLES at S...n, Vall., Speedway, Sunny Vall." Or...,n. Sipup 10 a.m., race 1 p.... Entry $2.00, wives and elIl1dren fr.. Clnses from 100 to 650ce. 2nd AIIIIUAL DAIIISH TOIIR by ColorII1II M.C. AlIA . .e., RRC point run. Post entry $1.50. Start • to 10 a.m. at San Vall., H·D MOP, 16113 ~ W." V. II..,.. Route: 125 miles III paved scenic hl"'way, lIuoup the D.lsb co_unit, of Solvane" FInIsh closu at 2:30 p.... Free meal at f1A1sh, Trophies, cJlt certlflcates ..d prizes eal'!r.. DEADMAII'S POIIIT EUROPEAN Scrambles, presented by Desert Chi "eneers. $3.00 entry, no afllllatlon required. Pie plates o.k. 3 seperate one hour races. 10 a.m. All trail bike.. Larp trophies, excellent camppounds and picnic area. Course reYl sed every month 11:15 a.m. All small bikeS, 12:30 all ble Bike.. Tum 011 Hwr 66 at Lucerne Valle, cutoff, head ust to the Interaction of HWY. U In Apple Valley, and you're there. TT SCRAMBLES presented b, Ventura Twin Wheelers. AMA sact••vent will b. h.ld at northwest com.r of Victoria Ave. & Channel Islandl Blvd., Oxnard, Calif. Buutlful trophl.s. 0-200cc slpup clol.1 9:30 a.m., race 10 alii, 250cc-op.n Ilpup closel noon, rac. 12:30 pm. Sidehacki welco.... Two rides cuarant••d. BII- bike Amat.un and Experts (250ce and up) will run flnt In the aflltmoon, Novices lat.r. Race will be held on a new Alcot·type track, appro.. 1/2 mil•• 1101.LE IIATIONAL CilAMPIONSHIP ROAD RACE - FIo,d Clymer promotes It, AMA ....ctlons II, .verybod, wants to win It. At Indianapolis Raceway Park, Indiana. Plus 5Oomll. Amateur rac•• SCTA ENGLI SH TRIALS .t Frazier P.rk N••r Gorman, Calif. Ble Friday .nd Sat. nleflt campout In one of til. man, campsites 01 the 're•• Starllne tI.... t 10:30 ..m. Come ..d hear Scottish hillbilly Jack W.rd sine some 01 your favorlt. sones, ta ste • f.w of Jim C....ron· s hibachi hal docs. and blow your mind. SCRAMBLES at S.lInal V.II.y Falrpoundl Kine City, Calif. N.w, Hard, fnt Presented by WhHlerl M.C. Pr.ctlc. CIo.1 .t 11 a...... Ilpup al 11:30 a.m. Race at noon. $1.50 to ride, $2.50 to watell. 110 women'l classes, adequate parkin&EUROPEAN SCRAM BLES sponsor.d by the LOI Anclanol M.C••, Enclnata, Calif. Limed from Inl.ntal. 5 (101) and San • arcol Rd. Practlc. unlll rld.r'l me.tlne al 9:45 a.m. First rac. at 20 a.m. 4-mll. "Inter.ltlne" course. Entry f.e $3.00, AlIA P.K. no camplne! Ther. Is a 18 efIt pOlSlbllllJ 'dust, 10 don'l foreet ,our eoccles! SCRAMBLES SCHOOL al Perrll C.llfoml•• Brine your bike, leathers, helm.t, and $10.00 tuition. Amerlca'i Icramblu r.cerl (Jim Hunter, John Rice and IIonte Darline) will show you how It's do.... Learn how to be ·one up. on ,our fellow competitors by attendln&- Track opens at ........ Inltructlon beelns at 10. For furth.r Information pho... (213) 785-2421. CLASS C TT at DellDsa Speedway. Practice at 10 a.m., rac. will ltart at noon. Go out Hwr. SO to HarbiiOft Canyon Rd. and Iollow 11.,.1. SATURDAY, AUGUST 121b CLASS C HALF-lIILE" Tular. County F.Ireroundl, the IlIdln'est track In the welt. AMA sanctlo...d. Purse two ltar or 4K pIe. Racine beelnlat' 110m. SUNDAY, AUGUST 1ItII BENEFIT RUN' by the Hleflwa, Kines for Ranello san Antonio Bo,1 Town. Will Incl. "motorcycl. blessln&-" Sc.,c hipway AMA SIIICt. Donation $1.50. Startl • ..... to 9:30 a.m. at Sant. IIonlca H-D, 12418 santa MonIc. Blvd., Los Ancele. Deadlln. 2:30 p.m. STEEPLECHASE TT at Capitol Speedw.y In Welt Sacram.nto. Novices, Am and Experts, will run for 4O"M 01 the pt.. AlIA sanct. Race beelns at 6 pm, Adm $2.00 adult. rI.... AlIA SAIl CTION ED Scrambl.s .t Fremont, Ca1lf. Loezted next to cl'ae Itrlp 011 Dur ham Rd., IIIf Nimitz. Present.d b, Fames M.e. 51 ,"up and practl ce 9 a.m. to 11 ..... All Disi. 36 classes, except wo... n. Class $1.50 C tr.ctlon. Tech Insp.ctlon .t rid. or watch. Ev.nts IIart at 12:30 p.m. e.t.. AUGUs'r 12th and 13th 4t1l ANNUAL BANNER GRADE RUN, present.d by the Artesia Plon.ers. Located at Julian Park, Calif••ast of Escondido and Welt of Indio on Hw,. 78•• all $.75 .ntry to 11114 East 223rd St., HawaIIan Gardens, Cal. Post entry $1.00. Finish de.dll ... 1 pollio SATURDAY, AUGUST I!UII SHORTTRACK.t Sonoma County Falrcrounds In Santa ROla. Prelented b, North Ba, M.C. All AlIA lIehtw.leht classel. No bra.s .nd cl.1S C tr.ctlon only. Sipup 5-7 110m., racine be&lns at I. Admlsllon $1,so rid. or watch. For Info. phone (707) 45200287. SCRAMBLES .t Sprock.ts Park, located .t foot of China Grad. In Bakersfield, Calif. All Dllt. 36 rules enforced. SI.,.up clo.1 at 7 p.m., racine beelnlat 7:30. SUNDAY, AUGUST 20tll DESERT CHALLENGERS pr.sent European Scrambles .t Deadman' I Point. $even separ.t. on. hour racellor maellines ranelne frolll trail blk.1 to open. Flut rac. at • a.m. Genuine AlIA point run. Turn off Hwr. 66 .t Lucame Valley cutoff, head east to the Interlectlon of Hwr. U In Apple VallDy. and ,ou'r. th.,., SATURDAY, AUGUST 2&fb HALF-MI LE RACING at Tulare Count,"oundl. S•• rmlt.r talll for the .ntlr. leneth 01 the .tralehtaway. Exciting Ihow ltart s at I pm, Pur•• two star or 40% eate. SUNDAY, AUGUST 211b STEEPLECHASE TT at C.pltol Spe.dw.y In Sacramento, No. An, & Ex. will run for ~ 01 the pt•• AlIA. Race at 6 pm. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 2nd SCRAMBLES at Sprockets Park, located at foal of China Grad. In Bakersfield, Calif. All 01 It. 36 rules .nforced. Slpup clolu.t 7 p.m., racine b.elns at 7:30. PASSENGER PEGS FOR YAMAHA TRAil MODELS No. Y-100 Yamaha Foot Rests •••• $5.90 pro Ref. i.....s special J~ $2500.00 PURSE l 25-MILE WESTERN STATES CHAMPIONSHIP ONE-MILE DIRT OVAL AMA SANCT. ••••••••••••••••••• * •••••••••• * •••• SEE AMERICA'S TOP EXPERT AND AMATEUR PRO RIDERS **.**.* •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Ar SOIIMA coo,," fA'IGIOUIDS SANTA ROSA, CALIfORNIA SUNDAY 2 PM JULY 30 1967 IOIIA11Em1 & IIAIOID .,IIEU CO-NCYIOrflS SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 16th SHORT TRACK at Sonom. County Falrerounds In Santa Rosa. Pr.s.nt.d b, North Bay M.C• All AMA lIehtweleht clasles. No brakes and class C traction only. Slenup 5-7 p.m., racine beelns .t I. Adml lSion $1.50 ride or w.'ch. For info. phone (707) 452-0217. SEPTEMBER 21st - 24fb WORLD 011 WHEELS SHOW, lponso..d by Charlotl 01 So. Calif. Open to antlqu.s, clalSlc, SPOrtl cau, motorc,cl.s, CUltomS, hot rods. Locat.d at the Hollywood p.lladlum 6215 Suns.t Blvd. Hollywood. Entry appllccation- may be secured by wrltlne to "A World 01 Wh..II", show comm,".e, P.O. Box 61, Lynwood, Calif. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30th SHORT TRACK al Sonom. County F.lreroundl in S.nt. ROil. Pres.nted by North Bay II.C. All AliA lightweight cl.IS.s. No br.kes and cilis C Iractlon only. Sipup 5-7 p.m., r.clne beelns at 8. AmollSlon $1.50 rid. or watch• For Info. phon. (707) 452-0287. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1st SCRAMBLES at Sprockets P.rk, loc.ted at foat of China Grad. In Bak.rsfl.ld, Calif. All Dist. 36 rules .nforced. Sipup closel at 7 p.m., racine beelns at 7:30. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14th SHORT TRACK at Sonoma County F.lreroundl In Sant. Rosa. P..lent.d by North Bay "C. All AlIA lIehtw.leht cilises. No brakel .nd cilis C traction only. Sipup 5-7 p.m., racine beelnl at I. Admission $1.50 ride or watch. For Info. phone (707) 452-0287. FACTORY Cra'.Sale SA"rAANA STORE ONl J -- REGe $745e 00 PH. 589-5488 OTHER MODELS __' . dMtps 'or easy ils"'••• No.7 -8 Va" Frame Clomp Fool Rests Complele $5.00 pro Ret. RIDERS SEE YOUR DEALER. WE DO NOT SELL RETAIL. No. 1-0 1" Frame Clamp Foof Resll Complele •............. $5.00 pro Ref. No. 1-18 11/8" Frame Clamp Foot Restl Complete $5.00 pro Ret. .(915 Pacific 'Ivd.• Vemo •• Calif. 90058 Pho.e, 213 589 ·5,(88 1PIIII:IIIlIIII:~lIIIIIIlIIIIIllllllll:llllllll:llIllIIIlIlIIIIIIlIIIIIllllllllllllllllC':) *" No. 3·4 Frame Clamp Foot Relts Complete .. _ $5.00 pro Ret. eee ONE PER CRATE FACTORY FRESH CASH- CERTIFIED CHECK SALE OPEN TO PUBLIC 1961 WHITE SCRAMSLERS THE RUMOR MIll WOULD YOU BELIEVE? • • • * • • • • • • • • • • • * • • • ...That Honda warebouses are jampacked witb motorcycles because of slipping sales in tbe U.S. sales of otber brands are increasing at tbe expense of Honda's market. ·.................. ...That AI Burnett of Motorcycle SalvaJe, UJe Azusa used parts emporium, is talUng a trip to UJe Eastern U.S. and England in search of hard-to-get motorcycles for dismanUing. ·.................. ...Thal J.N. Roberi wilJ soon be campaigning the moto-cross circuit in Europe, shoulder pads and all. Somebody offered bim a factory ride. • • • • * • • * * • • • • • • • • • • ...Tbat Harley-Davidson pulled all tbe factory Sprints out of road race competition. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • * • AMA TO INITIATE NATIONAL POINT SYSTEM FOR SPORTSMEN The AMA sportsman race program will take a giant step forward in 1968 through the initiation of a uniform point scoring system to be applied to all sportsmen events in all classes. Points will be tabulated regularly on high speed IBM accounting equipment as the race reports come into the AMA office. They will be available each month for publication_ This will enable the sportsman rider to compete on any level which he desires - he can compete within his own club for high point honors or go on to state, district or national level. At the present time the AMA keeps points on all professional racers and the enduro riders in the sportsman class. This is done for the purpose of advancement and to establish national champions. In 1968, an estimated 50,000 sportsman riders will be able to compete for national recognition. Tne point program will reward the riders on a fair and equal basis since the points will have the same meaning in Rhode Island as they will in California. • BRING YOUR TRUCK NO LIMIT WHITE INTERNATIONAL CORP. 01 W. First Sf. saata Ana, Calif. PIlla. <1(4) 83H251 or 541-8182 Try It at your Ioc.1 store. For your Bullt-l~eo .aler call fl. 1-2400 • PO. 9-CMtI

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