Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1967 03 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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CALENDAR OF EVENTS ........,.nt A.c.A._ E.-t SlLVO CUP MOTO ClOss. _ E a ......r A-.. all eta_ ,I•• 25hc like P daas. TllIpltln .... III Readers are advised that listing in this calendar is a free Service. Cycle News disclaims any responsibility for cancellation or chanRing of events by promoters without notice. EVERY SATURDAY liGHT· ~ ~ TT RAClIKi .... III. IIpt. It El.I_ IlK. Track. Jult orr HI.....' 71 East fill P_I. Sport_ tnIplIl.. flIf .11 e"u." Spectator• •ICome 2: ~ u :>. u SATUIIJAY, MARCH 25tb. EASTER SIJIIDAY POKER RU", Run for Fun. All paved. no I. . . .'. apoclal troph, flIf IIost Oorar.ted Holmot. Slpup 10 to 11 .... Anlloclt Clullltous.. Hwy 4 & Hlllc t.1f JOlI can fI nd Autl oQ, can lind u So EDt" $1.00. lIan III1.s plu. poker prlcn plu, Ill'" price.. AlIA ...etlon.... ,OU UAL TRAIL BLAZERS IIEETI ..G Id.t lIle Rudpr Y_I Audltutlu.. 93& ltlnllaa Blvd., Ln. Ani..... Pit DU "Sl19.ReceptIOlI & "'slthll will start at , pm. dim. _ved .t 7:30 ... $&.00. Invlt.d, .. well as any IIlOtoreycl. rid.,, or any on. willi p••t motorcycl. upellenc•• SCRAMBLES. AlIA ...ctlon.d, EM" ' " $2.50.10 IIII.s .. rth of R_ va.... 51 .... ..10 ... Rac. 10:30 ...... p ted by· lis Trail BI._.. 330 Ch.vy Cha.., R..o. ...v. Rae....Id .t Gold. V.II., Speedwa, on Hwy U.s. 39So East. Ell Hunt lor lIle Chlldron. U.s. Auto Club IIl&1tt, IIldl.t Rac. 2:30 pm. BILL BOYD BENEFIT DA"CE, Verdi Club, 2424 lI.rlpolI St., S.n Fr.nclsco. Cocktail .. .." ..hment., don.tlOlI $2.SO per p"IOlI, tic:k.t••vallabl ••t donr. Door prize. Includ. Y.llllh. Twin J.t 100 don.ted by AI F.rl0da Sport C,cl... SpOlllDred b, S.F. AFIl. For tlck.ts or Info writ. AFII, 703 2nd Ay... San lIateo; pilon. 342·3712. HARE SCRAMBLES. pr.sent.d by Ross .t POlIdoross. 2·13 mil. loop ••• 11 Start 10 am. Rider. moot 9:45 .m. 15 mil•• East of on Avo, • J". Trophl.s tn SO"ol en",.N.w souv.nlrplns to .11 .. trl ... No .fflll.tlon ruqulro~Ent" $3.00. Pie pl.t. numb... ok. Trophy pr....tatiOlI after race at 12:30 pm. For Inform.tlon call (lOS) 942-0131 Rain. shin. or snow. 30111 A & u.... LOVE-l.., ELYSIAN PARK. 83S Academy ••,. sec:. 9 Ln. Anpl.s, C.I. & .. m. to 9 p.m. IIrInl food. flo_ .. Incens. and your dlvln. pre..nca. SUIDAY, MARCH 2&tb. SATURDAY, APRIL 1, 1961 ROAD RACI.. G SCHOOL. at Whlt....n Air P.rk. 12930 Plerc. St., P.coI . . ( _ PI.c. St. & Sau F_do Rd,). Strout blk•• p....abl'. 9:00 _. start. $10 per stutIMt. For Inf....tlon call (213) 71S-2421. TT SCRAMa.ES. at Ba, liar.. orr Hwy. Ill. s.I.. Sull blk•• 9:00 bll blk•• U:OO SAT... SUI. APRIL 1 .. 2111. _ Tropltl••• 11 cl s. For flIIther Info call (105) &42·7151, 110 club .fflll.tIOlI _.'11". .~~'le 77111 StoeDt location of LlttI ·.e.\.\..~~.1 tI. . will bu 10:30 ... Llr \\C~_./711l Str.t of UttI.. rock, Calif. " SO. CAU F. TRIALS, TT SCRAMBLES. It Sprock.t. P.rk, located at fuot of China Grod.....r Olllls... Sp_ _ed bY tit. Bak.sfl.ld Sprock.t.. AlIA uucttOlledo Sipup will clo. . .t 10:30 altarp with Ill. lint rac••t noon. '0lil. AI'II ROAD RACE, Cotati R.c.way. sp_ed by Ill. S,F. Chapter of the AFII. All GP and productlOlI .Iso sllIor.r.. lIatlonal Point. Rae.. f. fr. to rider. travollel 0_ 200 mil... GP $1.00. Prod, $3.00 cI..... Ent" RU". . . . RIDE & POKER _etl_d by". AlIA. plOlHted bY Ill. D.lta F.lcon. II/C. All payod, no ".WI,. no honepo_ ..ItrloII If your ••cltl.. Is far .tr.t u... It I for IIlls ._t. SlptUp and start at HI.WI, 4. & Hillcrest In Antlocb It 10 to 11 _ Eutry $1.00. BUffALO LUNCH f. & ,rizes for file " •• fallil, f I APRil 2 at Inter.t.t. Hwy 15 Irom S.n Bamardlno to Gho.t Town Rd, (5 mi. Eo at Barstow) ',.;t'" f'ere's a suppl, of I.ffal. .eat so sIIop early! (all tickets must .. ,....1111 amicI) A .. luffal. feN rlCi.fs ••• • .Ie at f...wi.. loeatiNs: . ._ 1Iotor.. P. . ._ 33&0 Eo CoI_ .... 7~7 Ell Krotz & Son......., Parll CU 3-4277 Skip Fordyc.. 111_ sldoOV4-4747 SUIDAY, APRIL 2, 19&1 AlIA SHORT TRACK 2S0cc "IIchln... prop ...1v. prop.. co~\ .t.1) oyl c... A.... teun and E oaCt.\. __l.nl_promnted, A.cnt Park. LC . . - t , G........ R.c:Inl promptl, .t ~:OO p.m. BUFFALO FEED. C.llco Ghost ToWII. ticket• •vallabl. froll Dav. 1I.1OlI-P.ssdo... Ed ont• ., Park, Skip Fordyce-RI_ ll .... All ticket. purcltased prior to • •t, limited .mount of .eat, Drop In III lito 1I••ler••t .nd pt ..t far • lis, nf fun. C.llco directions: Int••tat. 15 froIII San lIomar"" III C.llco Gho.t ToWll Road (lip 011 Into). 5 1111•••• st nf Bar.tow. ,OU EUROPEAII SCRAllllLES. 3 separ.t..... hour rae•••t D.....n·s Point. Trail blkn 10:00 _II blk•• 11:15 ...... bli blk•• U:30 p Ton "" H..,.. " .t Luc.... V.Iloy cutoff. Itood ust III Int....ctloa of Hwy. 11 In Appl. V.II.,.Gonulno old ...tern vii· I.p. rolla....t. llioon. daDc. to •• stern band .I! aftoreOOIlo Eat" $3.00. pl. pl.t.. ok.y, tropItln III " " of .trl... no associ.. tlon alfillltIOlI r d, Exc.. l..t CIUI,. pound. and picnic cour'. 10K vI.lbI. to sportalllr.. POKER RUN, .t V.llujo, 1111 rd annual ".vy City Le. run. Coff.. & donut ••t .tart, $1.25 per rid•• 7 trophl ... Sipup .t Bolt..court'. lI/C $hop,420 Il.rln St., V.llejo,10-11:00.01110 ~~~~~ Ghost Town I I HARE SCRAIIIILES, pre. . .ed bY Jack ROil 2-13 .11. loop cl...... Start 10 Riders IIIOot 9:45 15 1111•• Ea.t of Laueast. on Ay.. "J" Trophl•• to 5O"of "",."ow _ _Irplns to .11 entrI... "0 .mllatlon ruqulr.~Ent" $3.00 pl. pl. to IlUlllbor ok. TlOpll, pr...ntatlon aftor rac••t 12:30 pm. For Infor.tlon c.1I (lOS) 942-0131 R.III. sIIln. or SCRAMBLES. .t Salinas R.mblers club pound., AlIA IInctl_d, no macltlllDs under 200ce. 01 st. 3& rul... practice & slpup 9:00 •.moo .Ipup clou.ll:OO ..m. R.ln or shll,., $1.50 tn rid. or w.tch. II.. 1111•• troph,. For more Inlo, cont.ct Bob ••,man, 324 N. lIaln St., Salina.. WANTED: HI GH BARS TYPE, to comp.t. with cllpoon typ•• Short circuit ro.d racer. to be h.ld .t .hltem.n St.dlum. AFIl sanctioned It San F.m.ndo road .nd O.born. ro.d rlatrt off til. Gold.. Stat. Frwy. Sunday .ctlon start. 12 noollo HARE AND HOU.. D.III1.d from Ay...,. Starts .1 11:00 .......", f. 52.00. SpOlllOred bY Vls.lI. Rllllblers II_C•• c.1I Ow.ln at (209) 734-1&22 lor dot.lI .. lIIOI. 2ud AN"UAL EASTER EGG HU"T. IIIodon Cycl. IIIpzlee pre..ut. tIti. f.II, fan ovoot. Gllud Prl zoo HI bu $1000. 0tItur pelze. IDCI~O\\t.\\ ..... acro.sortn aDd ......, 0'\)'·_ '(" II _ b for - tal_.' ~~~ ... droppecI on tbu dosort rro. • •~1)_... T1Iooe will be lllIltaIJ fac:- 11111... III...,.. _bulance. aM pollc. ..........tdI flIf furtIIor dotall.. I 11 It P _w. SO. CALIF. TRIALS .t tbu Can,on Crnt A... 01 RI_lId.. It will bu IIm.d Irom tho Contral Ay.. Turnoff of Ill. RIv.sld. F...wy. Thl. will be. Senttlsll Time Trl.l .. You will be tllllOd as you I••ve lIle startlnl point until return. Tbu.. points lost on tl... will ... addoll to tile points lost Ie Ill. seetlollo Start· Inc time 10 .... Ov_lettt campln.. ,OU ;c., . J'" •.,l. ~').: ~ .. -- !,} . APRIL 2 I , Rae..., LC. at s.rt.. In u. V..... Pick IIlI a_ at lie Showboat IIotol .d fallow so.... III Vup. V.II., Dr. T_ ust III track. l"ractlro 10:00 _ .. rae. It _ Eutry $1.25. AIIA-sauctI_d, Good dtauco III tuu. op for .... "11110110" • ",rI I 23. Sp......,. HARE SCRAll8LE5, lI_d fIOIII Bakorllloid AlIA _ t . U:oo ED'" f... $3.00. II. bike. lUku • cl Rufrusllntent. will ... SOfYOlI. For ...... lufo cal! 131.2121. "rt POKER RUN. f• •11 rl..... trail rider. ..d b1uslt hopp... at Bailin. . Can,OlI (2\2 .lIu. "" Hwy. 33. 45 .11.. eortlt fill Ojal). Itltlor. Trail ClUb. COfto P.._tull by tact Bob Dolt.., f49 Aprlent St.. Oak VI.w. C.IIf. far _ . Inf.. ~. 549-19&0. Rider. IIIHt\nl 9:30 ...... donation 52.25. sp.rk .r...lIIr requl..... ApproL 45 of joop ·trall.. door trail .. blk. tr.lls anti no tr.lI.. If 1IIItI. 21.........'. slpat requl ..... Illke. abov. 2SOcc .tart It 10:00 under250s at 10:30. Dry camp. brlnl w.t•• HI'" .11.. SATURDAY·, APRIL 8tb, 1161 TT CYCLE RAC E, .t San G.brI.1 V.II., Spoedwa" AIIA·lInction.d, two jump.. ptn OP" &:00 Pollio, lint rae. 1:00 p.m. Rlv.pad. Ru.d, 3 mlln norlIl of San .....r.. no Fwy. Admission $2.50. JuDlon $1.00. I ""Fr. p.kln.. C.II 9&2-&217 for furlllur Info. un'" PACIFIC SO.·.EST CHAMPIO..SHIP HARE bY Ill. Vlclllrs II/C. ABC TV wide .orld of Sport. will film Ill. rae.. III. bluost H&H line. BII ..... U.1I .... Luc.... 2 4S 1111. loop.. 011. loop aud ..parata st.rt far IIrInl tralllllke.. LlMan. Typ. start It 10 • Ita... or _1111111 to Ilol11 _cltl _ •• ,. pit crews will lID allowed to bold bike. flIf II'" start. SllIIop starts at U _ Sat. April .11,.I" TT SCRAMBLES. Capitol CI~ IIotlIrcycl. Club.. 12111 A. . .I .t H.lveU. Parll. Sacra- monto, Calif. located j_at off tbu Suer. . . . rI_ 011 lito road to ....I.d, All CI .. practlc. start• •t I _. AlIA ...cll..... ROAD RACES at COTATI AI'II sanctlOlIed Trophl •• for .11 cl....s PLUS PRIZES Grand PrI ... Pro.ctlon & S1docars " ....s (5\locl.1 n_ .yyt-,:~:u.., rolls\) ...ocIt" on .11 THIS SUNDAY APRI L I, 1, 8. Itll. IIOTORCYCLE SHO. Int....tl_1 Sport Cycl. Expo.ltlon••t Slut. E.osltlon H.II, lIlr. c..... s-CooupotIII... Cu"o" Autlquo, Tropltl.. & P"CIIlIO' III oacII clas.. D...... flIf entrle. lIarclt 31; for IIlOru Info aull entry f.... call or _Ito A.ILS.A.. 1272 Sun..t Illvd., Ln. Anpl ...(213) &5&-1440. APRIL 1, 8, !til IIOTORCYCLE SHO••••stornItlOlllls,.t tho West. . Exltlblt C..t•• Sponso..d by P.clflc Coaster. LC. Each entrant ror.lves :Woot partlclpatlOlI trophy. club dlspl.,s ... p.clall, wulcomo ($10 to tr•• of •• ch club p.rtlclpatlnl). "0 .try I. . Separat. clu... lor doe. . .nd cltopp.r bike .. Ent" bl.nks .nd furt"'r Info from Jom Ston.r, 1411 Eo 7111 St.. ...llon.1 City, C.III., phon. (714) su" 47~72. AlIA CLASS C HALF...ILE, Ascot P.rk .... IDn upon.r, 113rd & Vermont, Gard.... Eve" Frills, nlettt IIlrouall Noyumber; "ovlc.. AIIIIteur. Exp.rt; IIrst rac. 1:15 Polll. & HOUIID. TT SCRAMBLES, . - - . . bY ... 511_ ~I•• FRIDAY, APRIL 1111, 1961 SUNDAY. APRIL 9, 19&1 CASTAIC MOTO·CROSS ~ City 13111 ANIIUAL IIOftTHWEST TT CHAMPIONSH IP by III. 0..,..... IIolIIrqcl. Clult nf BoI... ldalt.. Sablrday: lIo"'ce quail" and tlmo trI 9 .m.. Suuday: EL & _ 11_ trl.l. 11 rac. 1 p.. Owy,," Le.. 110. 733. 1101 ItIshn 83701. ! I Gar...... SCRAIIIlLES II IoMw Pill.burl, Calif. track, Hwy.4, lmed 1lOIII 14-m11. ust of Ball., • ....d, AlIA sanctlon.d, DI st. 3& rul $1.~ III rill. or Wltclt. P .....ted by HI ts LC. eI IIartInez, pits OP" 9:00 practlc•. 9:30-12:00. raclnl at eoollo Coottact TOlD An_ _ .t &8509141 flIf mo.. Into. n. 3 pi.... At of Ln. AMpt•• H_ F _ T_ ., Canyou Roall 5 7... AllllUAL SHAIIROCItS Ell DURO, 3 loop. 125 .11•• tIttaI. Start 9:01 am. 15 DIll•• II.. fill lIojave on Hwy 14. Start. l..cIt & filii lit It Clncos It.....aat Trail bike• .s, 4S 1111•• (1 loop). Uodor 100cc now lido I •• InYl.... llutflor & Uc:. roco_ondod, , Mall uutrJ 53 to TOIl C...., n35 K,I. St.. Tuj..... Calif, 91042, Deadll... IIarclt 27. Post .try S40 Drawl.. flIf _ _ I liar. 29.... It SuD..... Park Ie Sueland 1:30 ..... TT STEEPLECHASE, Ascot Park, 113rd .. V_at, First prof••llonal AlIA lIl<t TT rac. fill tbu ...I0Il. p.-ted bY J.C. Apj_lan. "ovlc.. ANtuur, Exp.t flnt race 1:15 ...... r __ tractI-. 2 Castaic Park located • H., 99. ~ 1111 left .11 au • H IIIle... track, DIRECTIONS: (llarch 2&) Lnmed 5 utll•• So. of Santa ROil on Hw, 101. Tako Sobastopol/Guomovill. turooff. Track Is on frontap roall .Ionl lido H., 101. 51..... bY 10 ...... Rae•••tart 1 ..... Spoctalllr. 52.00 .

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