Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1966 10 06

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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CJQf NEWS WfSTfIII U.s. DeaIM, S- •~MDieM Dild!eWul RATES: $50 p. year (58 issues) for eacb shille business listing. Payable in advance : CEIITUL Los APs; BIG CITY SALES. 714 W. FI.r.nce, Los AnC"'S 752-6723. Ntw & Us.d II/Cs. CooIpI.I. machln. shop. Sm.1I & 1'", qllnder borlnc. MlC P.rts &Acc.ssorles. See Til B, - CROWELL CYCLE SHOP I., 1I.lchl.... H.dalla. Bull.c•• 10427 PorryA•••• lnCI.wood. OR 3-9573. CRENSHAW HONDA, THE Downtown H.nd. 0••1 Vtry c.mpl.t. p.rts and ... ..,.Ic. IMpls. All m.hs us.d blk... frI. d.llvery. Ac,.ss lrom Crensh.w $hopplnc Cenl... 4132 C,."sh.w Bl.d.• Los AnC.I ... (213) 292-0478. WTERII L.A. Area A. J. LEWIS - 400 S. Atlanlic Blvd., E.sI L.s Anpl... 264-0544. C.mpl.l. machine shop. "If you want it special, we m. k. It" Triumph and Yamaha. BELLFLOWER 1I0TORCY CLE SHOP INC. 9135 E. Complon Blvd. (2 blocks Easlol L.k.wo.d). Bellfl. . .,. 925-5093• "We .mphaslze s.ryice!' Triumph, V. mah•• R.bblt. HARLEY·DAVIDSON IN LOS ANGELES (Rich Bucltll.. \=•• ) 2531 S. II./n SI,ttl. LA. RI 9·6235. "L.'C..I H·D and p.rts hudqu.l..s In U.S.A." C.II 10, pickup ., d.II ••ry s lc•. BALDWIN PARK CYCLE SHOP-Norton. R.y.1 Enfl.ld. Suzuki. lIatch· Ossa. Full lin. 01 p.rts and .cI c rl.s lor .11 mod.1 s. Besl dlpl. In I.wn. 14845 Ramon. Bl.d.. B.ldwln Park 337·0604. Open 9 III 7:30 lion. to Sat. C-B IIOTORS- sal W. s...ic. all m.k.s. VIIII..s sp T,.II. slre.1 ., sp.rts. w. 1/11 Ih. bill. Charll. H.ckl. & Bill 1149 W. EI Stcund. Bl.d•• Gard.n•• (213) 756-1669. CITY CYCLE CENTER- 8421·23 Ros. Bl.d•• Plca·•• ph. 861·4139. T,lumph and Y.mah. . .I.s and supor•• Skip Clark, prop,I.I.r. OUNGE COUNTY AWARD IIOTORS INC. 'Deal., for Trl. umph, Honda, Bultacok Suzuki & Duecatl. Sp••d tunln, & complet. en,ln. work. Beach ana raclnc hudquart.. s. Open 6 days a w••• 1680 Newp.rt Blvd.. C.sta lIesa. (714) 862-4343. BUENA PARK YAMAHA. 6871 Beach BI.d•• In Buen. Park. natu,.lIy. 522-8036. "w. s /c at we s.II." Yamaha. H.dak•• 0 Compl.l. w.11IInc and 'lpalr sh.p. SpHd tunlnc. HERB FRIEDLANDER IIIPORTS Oranc. C.unty's la, H.nda .nd Triumph cltal... W . . . .Ie. whal w. . ..II. 13750 Bl.d.. W.slmlnsl... 893-7566 .r 430-4448. ROBERT II. LAW IIIC SALES & 5ER. VICE, 239 N. Anah.lm BI.d. (I.rmerly Los Ancel.. Str..l) Anah.lm. (714) 533-1309. "W. In after'sal.s ••rYlce." Triumph, Yamaha, Greevls. NORII REEVES - ANAHEIII. 224 N. Anah.lm BI.d. 535-3647. Oranc. Counly's H...d.. BS". H.dak.. Bullaco d••I. er. Complete parts and s...ic. ROY'S IIOTORCYCLE SHOP, 12461 "stmln/ sler. Sa n I. An.. "O,anC' C.unly's .,d..1 .slabllsh.d H.nd. dt".,•." ED KRETZ & SONS CYCLE SHOP, 417 E. G or •• Y A•••• IIonltrey Park. AT 0-8244. T,lumph. Hond•• BIIW and SuZUki. Compl.l. parts and servlc.. EIII..1 tunlnc and mochanlc.1 work. LE BARD & UNO E R WOOD. 221 E. Imporl., Hwy.. L.•• phon. 714/ 879-8252 or 213/691-3104. " Is .u, mlddl. nam.... BSA. Hond.. IllIW. JENKINS SPORT CENTER. Ar••'s IIclusl•• Yamaha D••ler. Compl.l. ,10' .11 mak.s. Open Sun 1-1. wllk days & Sat. 9-1. In Norwalk at 13200 San An,lonlo 0,. at Santa An. Fry. (213) 868-9!l97. IIACKLIN'S IIOTORCYCLE SERVICE11675 Eo Flreslon•• 864-7468. Hodak. sa,.s and ....I c•• STEVE HURD IIOTORCYCLE5-BlIW· 1I.lchl. . . . Norton • G,....s • Due.lI· IIont... • Hod.k.. Malchl... p.rts C.IOrt. w. sorylc••nd p.rts I.r whal w. s.II.14OS Olympic BI.d. IIonl.. bell. (213) 724-0466. Honda, Triumph, Montesa. (714) 531·0742. IRV SEAVER MOTORCYCLES - BSA, BMW, Suzuki, Vlspa Scooters, Cushman Irucks. 2402 N•• M.ln, Ana. T.I. 542-8691. NORTHWTEIN L.A. CRESCENTA VALLEY SPORTS CYCLES. 3629 Foothill B1.d., La Cr.scent•• 248·229L YlIIIaha. H.dak •• IIonl.... K.wasakl. S.,.. and St,.lc•. Sp..d .qulpmenl. c.mpltt. Insu,anc., ~ IInanclnc· SUZUKI IIONROVIA,· s only Hustler .utl.t! Drop by lor a cup .1 coffel In our .Ir·condltlon.d sh.w· rooms. Open 8 am 'til 9 pm II.... thru Fri., Sat. 9-6. Closed Sunday. 147 E. Foothill BIYd.. IIonroYla. (213) 3582511. KOLBE CYCLE SHOP. 22420 0.1 V.II •• ....dland Hills. 018·7865. Y.u, friendly n.l",bo,hood d••ler 10' BSA. Hond. and !Iullaco. Compl.l. parts & service IIASON 1I0TORS. TRIUIIPH·YAMAHA. Complete Insuranc. proaram for all m..... and mod., s. Complete s~l.s· parts-slrvice. Open 9-6, TUIS., Wed., Thu,... and S.I. - 9-9 Fri., 3360 E. CoI.rado Bl.d.. P. s. d. n a. (213) 795-0267. IIILNE BROS. INC. - 1941 E. C.lo,.d. St.. P.sadena. sts In .cc..... ,I.s I.r BIIW • Y.mah•• BSA • Puch. Parts I., .11 m.k... Dlslrlbul., I., Btck acc.sso,l.s and Import...1 Puch m.l.r· cycl.s. 793·5153. S. E. CHUBBUCK H·D SALES - H.m. • , the Riders. "w. In Person.llzed 1361 E. W.lnut St., Pasaden •• (213) SY 2·1300. SPORTS LIFE (R••h, Br.s.) 341 N. Gleno.ks Bl.d., Burb.nk. 842-4847 .r 849-492L U.S. Dlstrlbuto, lor Van T'ch molllrqcl.s. Norlon. lIatchl .... Hodak.. R.y.1 Enll.ld. James, V.I.. Y.maha, OSSA. Monl..a. Open 7 d.ys • _k 9-9. SPORTS MOTOR SALES- 420 So. Brand BI.d., GI.nd.I •• 243-1704. 5.I.S. M.I.,· qcl .. - ....ol ...I.-rtt.lI-rldlnc .nd racine ICcessorles. Taie JOHNNY GI BSON 1I0TORCYCLES INC. 901 W. Whlttlor B1.d•• L.•• phon. 691-2661. sal .. and parts. St,ylc. lor .11 m.k.s. Triumph. Yam.h., Bullae•• NORM REEVES-DOWNEY, H.nd.-BSABIIW-Bull.c•• Downey only BMW D••ler. Compl.t. parts & Dlpl. 9536 E. FI ..slon. BI.d. 869·0600. HONDA OF TEIIPLE CITY. 9228 E. Las Tunas BI.d. Tempi. City. AT·7S949. Hond. and G,....s lor th. N.,theaslorn ••a. Parts C.I.r. and ....Ic. 100. Show roo.. opon lion. Ihru Sat. 9-6. Shop open Till.. thru Sat. 9-6. NORTH. L.A. Area ALLIED CYCLE SALES - 6868 Lank.,. slIlm BIYd.. N. rl h Hollywood. C.II 765-611L BSA - BMW 0 ••1 Collllrlll' •• & Efflclenl Parts & Servlc. Dlpartments. HI'" CI ... lin. 01 Acc...o,'.s. IIOITHWESTfIII L.A. CASEY'S CYCLE REPAIR- BS".a.llaco• St..lce lor mak.s. Compltt. m.. chin. shop. Opoa Tu.s. thru Sat. 9-6. 10249 San Fern.ndo Rd.. Pacoima. 896-1046. HONDA OF GLENDALE. "Wh... y.u mott the nlc..t plOpl .... L.,p ., parts. Finul m.chanics and cou,leous porsonn.l. Su.. would Ilk. to you at 90S E. C.'o,.do SI. In GI.nd.,•• Jusl acro.. Ir.m Bob's BIC Boy. 246-2461. BUD EKINS IIOTORCYCLES In Sherman Oaks. 14460 Venlu,. Bl.d•• 1.llphon. 872·2110. "Buy lrom Bud." T,lumph & H.nd•• 5&J HARLEY·DAVIDSON - 16211 S. Lak.wood BIYd.. B.llfl.w•• T.I. liE "1222. Paul L.... L.p s.,.ctl...., n.w .nd us.d m.lorcycl.s. 11.11 .rder bolh n'w & used. SOUTHERN L.A. ARTESIA CYCLE CENTER - ,Suzuki. Hod.k. S.I.s- Servlc•• 11 m.k.s. sp.ed lunlnc. 12539 E. C.,son Bl.d•• Arl..I•• (213) 86001314. FLOYD BURK 1I0TORCYCLES. 15514 So. Atlanlic Av••• L.s AnC.I.s. NE 9-4520. Hond•• lIatchl..s. Norl.n and E••ylhlnc In parts and acc... so,lts. Fln..1 servlc. anywh.... C.m. • n In and s... Open 9-6. lIan. Ihru Sat. DALE BROWN 1I0TORCYCLES. 2441 Lon, Bl.d.. LonC Beach. 427·894L Ducatl. N.rton. Bull.c. & lIuslane. Compitt. &•• Ask .bout .ur dlscounl club. CU STOll CITY SP 0 RT S CENTER. Rent.I-S.I .. &•• Yamah•• IIlnnl· b1kts. T.I' IIolorqcl. 1,.lIers. Cu stom ace... S.. us befor. you cIt.l. W. buy. s.lI. and lradL 15721 S. AlIanllc, COmpl.... Calli. (213) NE 6-1957. CYCLE CITY - D•• lor lor Suzuki Roy.1 Enfl.I~Gllora-B'M.III. Custom rac Inc machines bUill 10 spec. Compl.te lIachln. Shop f.cllllles 10 sor.. you. 2142 LonC Boach BIYd., LonC (213) 591-1389. HARLEY·DAVIDSON OF LONG BEACH. 3654 LonC Beach Bl.d., 426-71OL H.II)'0 ••1dson d••,or fo, the LanC Beach Ar.a. Full line 01 parts and acc.sso,l.s lor both Road and Competllion riders. T.p qu.lity In ou, fully .qulpped dlpartmonl. Open Tu.s. thru Fri. 8-6, Sat. III 5. LONG BEACH HONDA #4-'Th, blU..1 .nd the· H.nda-BSA. Compl.l. s.I .., parts, and ser.ic•• Op.n 7 d.ys • w••k 9 III d.rk. 11747 E. BI.d. L.k.wood. Phon. 860-1354• JOE KOONS SALES & SERVICE - BSA. IlIIW. Suzuki and Full lin. 01 p.rls and .cc...orlu I., .11 mak.s. L...C' qu.llty dopartmeal fully slalled with 1,.ln.d mechanics. Brlnc In y.u, bike and at w. can do., 1350 Easl Anah.lm, L C 437-1359 op.n lI.n. Ih,u Sat. 8-6. HONDA OF GARDENA. 15515 S. W ..t.m Ave., G.,den •. Phon. 770-0603 ., 3238314. Btclnn..s Ir.lnln, c.ur .., Ire. rldinc insl,ucli.n. 1I0nthly lun rid. durlnc rldinc ",son. Com. In .r c.11 f.r lull JENKINS SPO RT CENTER, Yamaha Deal.. I., Ar... N I.p 01 SIII/1.1 Hill. W.••11 mak Also open Sundays 9-6. In L...C ., 2620 E. P.c III c Hwy. (213) 433-9987. LONG BEACH TRIUIIPH SALES, 624 W. P.clflc Coast Hlcbway, LonC Beach. 436-0158. "Besl s.rvlc. . .•• sptei.llzlnc In" T,lumph. Yamah•• Ducatl. SOUTH BAY HONDA, 1212 S. Pacific Coasl Hwy., Redondo Beach. SELF. SERVICE PARTS DEPARTMENT. bank IInanclnc· Open 9-9 six days • wltk. Ph.... 378-9257. WESTERN JACK BALDWIN 1I0TORCYCLE SALES .... slock th. and _.Ic......1 WI S.II." 2705 Pic. Blvd•• Santa IIonlca. Phon. EX "7365. IIl1chl.... Hod.k•• BSA. Due. Gr....s. Roy.1 Enll.ld. N.,t. CROWELL CYCLE SHOP. 10427 Pr.lrl. A•••• InCI.wood. OR 3-9573. lIatchl.... H.dak., C.mpl.t. parts & S..• .Ic. lor all m.k... Op.n 6 days 9-7. INTERNATIONAL MOTORCYCLE COMPANY. 7233 Canoc. A.... Canoc. P...k. Phon. 346-3700. 1000's 01 used p..ts. Cylinder ......rlnc. T,lumph. Yamah•• Hodaka. LAWNDALE CYCLE- YAMAHA, BSA. VELOCETTE, DUCATI. "Besl d••I.. In I.wn! SpNdy l·day s...1c. Isour stand.rd. 15324 H.wthorn. Bl.d., L._ d.I.. C.III. SP 2-1822 .r OS 6-9546. KOLBE CYCLE SHOP. 7514 R..ed. Blvd•• Ru.d •• 345-8678. Y.ur I,lendly n.l",bo,h••d d••ler 10' BSA. Honda, and Bullac.. Compl.t. and IIISSION HILLS 1I0TORCYCLE SALES & SERVICE- 8730 Slpul ••d., BSA & Duc.lI. "w. slock the sp •• parts I., what we sell. u See our new store. 785-4289. SOUTHEASTEIlII L.A. NORM REEVES - PARAIIOUNT. H.nd•• BSA, BMW, BultacD, Hod a k a, Los. AnC.I.s •••·s BIGGEST dul... 11.11 o,der P .Is dlpt. HuC' S••Ic. Dlpl. 15745 Lak.wo.d Bl.d.• liE 0-4313. 'Off' "_li_ss ..... if is a",recillfefl - TED'S IMPORTS: w t .. LA. T,lumph Sal.s & Serylce. uWe will take cars in trade!" Also factory dialer tor und R.... "THE Best F.ur·Whe.1 0,1 •• c., y.u c.n buy". 11726 Sant. Monic. GR 3·1101 .p.n 7 d.ys • week. Pafrofize _se mops HONDA 0 F VAN NUYS - 14229 Vicl.,y B1.d. 787-0110. Th. V.lley's only H.nd. w. p,ld. on .u, aft.. ..I.s servlc•. C.m. ,In and s•• compl." lin. 01 Hond. p.rts .. d acc....,I.s. Op.n 7 days. ou, POSSMAN SCOOTER & CYCLE CO. N.w and us.d salts. P.rts and ..,vic. fo, Brldc.slon•• K.w.sakl. Gil .... Oss•• V..p•• Lamb,tlt••nd R.bbll. 2701 Pic. BI.d. (27th SI. & Pic. BI.d.), Sanl. lI.nlc•• C.III. 392-1723. ONE STOP CYCLE SHOPPING- Auth.;' lzed d••lers lor Hond.; Triumph and GtHyes. Sales, service, parts & insuranc •• Bill K,au .. Hond..T,lumph. 1257 So. L. Br... BI.d.. Incl.wood. 678-5lJ35• INGLEWOOD HARLEY·DAVIDSON 901 No. L. Bru Blvd. (1 block south .1 Cenlon.'.) Auth.rlzed H.II)'-D••ldson dI.ler I., Ih. InCI.wo.d ••••· Izlnc In Road rld..s acc.ssorl.. and parts fo, .11 m.d.l .. FUlly .qulpp.d s." vic. dlp.lmonl wit h I.ct.,y tr.ln.d mochanlcs. Open Tu... thru 511. 9·6. C.II 671·7609. RIVERSIDE SKIP FORDYCE MOTORCYCLE CENTER. "W.'ve b••n 1.ld its Amerlc.'s mosl compltt. and mod..n mol.,cycl.•• " Hond•• H.,ley·D••ldson & Trl,""ph. 1I.ln .1 14th Sis. In RI.ersld•• OV"4747. BARNES CYCLE SERVICE - HODAKA. . . servlc• •11 mak. . ., m.I.,cycl... 1535 L. C.den. 0,.. RI.ersld•• (714) 68+8830. THE TWD-WHEELER IIol0rqcl. City. Suzuki. Bull.c. cIt.I... HuC' parts Invenlory. Ar••'s ~ 1 d.a1er. 1655 W. L. C.den., RI ... sid. (714) 686-0604. HERB L1TCH, 5105 Atlantic BI,d.. Lon, Beach, GA 3-1433. Complete machining faci lities. Borine. sleeYlne, \I.Ilye & seat crinding. ValYe seals and parts made to order. MOTORCYCLE S E RV ICE CENTER BULTACO-HODAKA. W. Service ALL motorcycles. Complete machine shop 'or custom work. 220 E~ Huntincton Or•. Monroyja. Open 6 days. 8·6. 'eil F.,cus and G.ry Griffin. (213) 357·2274. BAIERSflELD LIST YOUR COIIPANY HERE lor only Sl per w••k (S5O per fRESNO WORLDS LEAST EXPENSIVE ADVER TISING (How can you be.t Il? 11,00 clre. only $1.) LODI WANT TO TELL 11,000 CALIF. REA ERS ABOUT YOUR STORE OR SE VICE? Call coll.ct or wrIt. to Cy, Directory Dopart MOl YOU MAY KNOW YOUR BUSINE but nobody "11 doIs, unl... y adytrtls. ! NEVADA JUST SEND IN YOUR USTING with for $50 .nd we'll do the ,. Guarante.d. HARRISON RENO-Bank fln.nclnc. lowcast Insu,anc.. HONDA. IllIW. LAMBRETTA ..I.. and•• p.rts & • • • • •I!II!I!!~ ~~ acc..sOfI... 208 E. B.s. Lin.. S.n Bern.rdlno, TU 9·0504. ,. LAn., 2.11" .. •••• .111ft SAN DIEGO GUY URQUHART - Triumph, Y.maha s.l.s. Triumph. Yamaha, Indi.n. Arl.1 & Cushm.n p.,ls - 1 day mail ord.r ser· .ic•. 1041 Columbia Slre.t. CORONA CIRCLE CITY CYCLE CENTER·H.nd. ·BSA & Bull.c•• JUSI down Ih. lre.w.y I.r bolh Rlversld• •nd O,anc. C.unly. Compl.l. p.rts .nd HuC' D.pL Sp.. d lunlnc lor H.nda. T.k. C.,.n. lum 011 t. W.lnut (fI,st sl,..I) .c,oss I,..w.y I. 525 SI. (714) 735-4101 C.ron•• CORONA MOTORCYCLE CENTER, H.nd., T,lumph & IllIW. Cenl,.lIy I.. c.ted f., .nd Rlverslclt countl.s. Just down Ih. r••d I,om P,.do P.,k. 620 N. 1I.ln .1 RI ••" ••d (714) 7355600 Corona. BARSTOW Say 'HI' to H.nk ••d S.I. Suzuki .t Ih. DESERT CYCLE CENTER. 1600 W. 11.1. SI•• B.rslow. Th. Irl.ndll"l shop and onl, Cycle News dialer In Barstow. It your name WIS. In the last Issue let a free copy from us. ilion. thru Sat. 9 a.m. -1 p.m. T.I. 256·248'. NEVER SUCH AN ONLY 51 per w••k OREGON CYCLE NEWS SERVES ALL OF T WEST WITH NEWS OF THE BE SPORT ON WHEELS SACRAMENTO YOU MAY KNOW YOUR BUSINE but nobody .15. does, adyertls.! SAN fUNCISCO UST YOUR COIIPANY HERE for OIIly 51 p. week ($50 p. y••) SALIIAS PUT YOUR BUSINESS ON THE MAP SAN JOSE Usetl MCs OarfS JIM'S CYCLE SHOP "Usod p.rts H•• dquarters In the WISt." We bu)' and sell ulld IIle parts, custom tanks and w.... l.. Chrome 'lchanle~ Us,d M; C' 5 Sal.s & Repairs. Batteri.s & tl res. 15 y••rs sam. l.caU.n. 11155 Allantic••• Lynw••d. Calil. NE 2-4298. sovltES BARNEY'S MACHINE SHOP. 15745 L.k.wood Blvd.. Paramount. 634-3545. Cylinder borin,. any size. We make anythine. LowlSt prices. Valves. manifolds. 'ork bracltS. Alloy crowns. Skid plates. BUCHANAN'S FRAME SHOP -Compl.t• 'rami, fork and wh.el serYlce. Cuslom lacing and custom spokes. Tire skinner and electronic balancing. Be'or. you throw that 'rame away. see us! 629 E. G.rv.y. Monter.y P.rk. (213) 280.4003. JUST SEND IN YOUR LISTING with check for $50 and . .'II do the GuarantHd. SAN WIS OBISPO 65 CYCLE BUSINESSIIEN CAN'T WRONG (They us. the CN D.alor Services Dlreclory. Why don'l you SANTA BARBAU NEVER SUCH AN AD BARGAIN ONLY 51 per WNk WASHINGTON PUT YOUR BUSINESS ON THE IIAP

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