Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1966 08 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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............... .................................................................. "" ~ , • • WANT ADS ~ TREASURES AND TRASH! MUST SEll-196S Yamaba 2SO Axot Scram· bler. 1'01B c_baretors, plr.1II tires. Compllto" rebuilt. s.t up lor flat track aod ready to rac... Hasn't been raced till s season. 1!6S CRS sprlot-Nev.. racad. Less lIlan SO IIlres on III k.. EscellOllt condition. Call n"""17-1I71 San Bernarclno. BMW R-&o, 1965 Cilie beadligllt, 1IIr8 indiclltll'S, IlICIace ra c k, lIIIal sellt, extra c8les, etc. R-lI Dnt, Trials UBiversal rear. U.der 10,011 lliles. Ready .... aaother Baja j_t. $80LOO. (415) 893-6641. MIImIJ, 513 Mira Vista A.venue, Oakl_, California. • • FOR SALE: 1'3/1 G.P. carbur.tor, 'perfect condition. Remot. float. adaptor to ftt molllOiliac stud spaclns, sanltal'}' air cleaner with 3 .xtra .'• •ots, .stra needl.s, slides. Ilts • throttle cable. SSS. PIIono '340-6729'. Goo. Clan. Wanted: 000 B1c,cl., for IIIJ busband to start prKtlclnl for A.cot on. Not too fast. (S1I11.d) Mrs. L. Tyson 1965 GREEVES CHALLENGER 20 rlCU de... f.ers aod seat. Good _ape, $4SO. Don Finley, 1651 Morse 0.., SIft P.... Cal. Do you SO to races and sIIoot pictures tllat you are proud of. W. want to buy proud pietins. Cycl. N. .s will pay lDoney for pieblre. pullUshed. Cootact us at 423003.41. • '51 TRS SC, BASKET CASE. Enll.., _lis .Ioor work. N. . '&6' and valves lac. Full _petitio. ,tus full road . . Llchts • etc. Near n. . Plr.1II s front IIoIIert Ledford, Ptloae 372-04&7. 10-. ~ TOP WAGES FOR TOP MUHANIC-Valley's _ s t Hoada-Triwnpll D.aler, 951 NortII Maclay, San calif. PII. 361-6261. Fore_" SUZUKI X'6, J _ks old, 300 miles. Must sell - Graft.d. Call (213) 473·7196 after 3. Grel Smith. '51 BSA GOLDSTAR SOOs. n. . enlin.. Call TO 6-4310. Sam B.ler. 6103 P.MSWODd, Lakewood, Calif. JIM'S UPHOLSTERING SPECIALTV Custom seats; your or IIIJ desllll'S. Low rates. Call (714) 123-5559 day or eves. James R. Radellft•• 15270 Arrow. Fontana. Calif. 10 words or less, plus address and telephone number -- $1.00. 25 words or less, plus address and telephone number -- $2.00. • • • • Headliae il bold fJpe -- $1.00 extra. • • • • • Picture (supplied by you) -- $3.00 extra. Deadline for all want ad copy is noon. Monday of the week in which the ad will appear, • . .......................................................... HONDA DEALERSHIP FOR SALE: II : I I II ALL LONERS ATTENTION: We melt at 811 Sur Labor 01)' . . .kend. No entry fH brinl bathlnl suits and trail bikes. Watch for Cycle News slens on Hllhway 1. FREE AIRPLANE FRAME - Chromo ley tub.In.. approL 10 to 12 foot In laneth. AI'ready welded Into fuseala... Mlnl-racer? First on. to ...inl a trailer and haul It away. Prefer motorcycl.s to wlnls. 323-1447. LOY ROBBINS CALLS IT A DAY FOR SALE 650 BSA set up for TT. Billel FOR SALE: h10 GLOSSY PICTURES of all .astern riders and nationals $1.00 each. Bon Hall Photo. 200 Eads St.. Thomasboro. illinois. HELP! Know who sells road raclnl sid. car tires 00 wltHls? Any clu. appreciated. It. Sample, 145 Hurlshut #309, Pasadena. Calif. FOR SALE - Motorcycl. trailer - carry 3 Ie. or sm. fenders-torsion susp.nslon. 49O~ M.rlclan St•• Ealle Rock. Call days, Norm at 143-2200 Es. 61• HONDA 1965 250 SCRAMBLER, 2900 miles. Wlndshl.ld. $550_00. William Plas 21901 Anza A.... Torranc., Calif. PIIoo. FRontl .. 1-6427. . WAIfTED TRIUMPH CUB loss IIIllne. Bos 5001. Mission Hills, calif. Bob Hayes. W. _d a portabl. typewriter. Ours has been wore 0lIt by all tho fast ..w. . . live you. Call Cycl. N. .s. 423-0431. $1 I.e.................................................... A...55 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• City........................................ SERVICE MANAGER Elp.rlenced Triumph-Yamaha mechanic ...ded to s.rvlce dept. In fastest powlnl shop in So. Cam. St.ady ....rk.r. best co... dltlons. Salary open. Van Nuys -Cycl•• 7630 Van Nuy. Blvd:., Van Nuys. Phon. 919-2230. FOR SALE: Slolle rail trailer, vOfJ lood condJtlon. Volkswalan wlIHIs, IIchts. Will accommodate trail blk. or TR 6. SSO. or best ofter. G.orl,e Clark 3411-6729. TWO BATES STREET JACKETS. black. fu! man. size 42 and _ , slz. small. EscelIlIIt condition, like .... SSO.OO for botll. Call 160004157. NEW RATE KARLEY-DAVIDSON K MODEL 450 cu. III. Elliin. completely r.bullt. Will sell for $375. or trade for 1955 "74" Harley or later. Call Don at HE 7-1359. 1961 BSA Spltflre-Scrambl.r. pod condition. roll.r bearlnl malns-lbru bolts-Well or Rod Boarlnls, $4SO.00 1962 BSA Road Rocklt-Bent Fr_, Enlln.. Transml sslon wbHI Itc. pod, $315.00••••••19:64 BSA LIIhtnlnl Rocket, E ln. Dismantled-not complete. Make orr .....l965 Sprint ScramblerMost of 1966 Goodl.s Install.d. Very f.w races, $7511.00. Joe KruIII, 311 Hant son St.. Taft. Calif. PIlon. 765-2370. Crank. Woller Low.r End, TrlUlllph Rod., 3Carb. Head, Radnl Mae. • SOO-Gold Star Flat Track, 2-Sp_k PIUI Head. Call Jack at J acts Cycl. and Goo Shop. 1225 E. 4th St.• Lonl Boach. Calif. 432-4311 or 437·3196. IRITEAD CURRENCY ENCLOSE H£RE- 1.959 FORD RANCH ERO MOTORCYCLE BUSINESS. majO( line, saJes and .-vIc.. Establl shod over 10 y.ars. 0 .... wishes to retire. Inquire: Cycle, Bos A, P.O_ !lOs 491, Lonl Boach, Calif. & $2 312 cu.. In.. Power St.rln.. Po_ Brak.s. N.w Paint. nlc. Interior. estra•• pod cOlldltlon, $600. Call C.I Patrick (213) 139-1215 evenlnls. I : FREE WANT ADS If you have something to give away $Iale ••••••••• trade etc. want ads are (ree to you cross 0'" plp.....2· mufflers oft of 85A 40'. PIlon. aft.. 6 p.m. 834-1113. WAIfTED: 50cc or 100cc CYCLE, set up for TT's. (714) YU 7·1911 call after 5:00, S. Colombero. BULTACO' - 19661,2 250 Scrambl.r. Two months old/never racod. Estra sprocllets and cabl.s. Cost $920.00. PlIrrect CondJtlon. $750.00. G. B. St•••1lS, 1030 Montana A....... Santa Monica, California. Tel: EX 5-9955. FOR SALE -1965 GREEVES 36A 2S0cc. 700 ,total miles. Perf.ct condltron. Must SH to appreciate $500.00. Call SY 6-0601. • • 1959 BONNEVILLE 65Occ. Complltely rebuilt. Flanders bars. Bates soats, chrOll. fork co_s, SllllII taIIk, cIIoppod r_ londer. Lots of clIromL $125.00. FullertClll, (714) 171-691' after 6-BELL TXSOO full "'Im~ visor. 7-3/1, perfect condition. 525.00 (714) 171-6919. Mr. E.o. Tierney. Jr.. 524 North Acacia A.... Fullerton, Calif. I Tea Words· $I I Twenty Five wonls • 52 I Headliae ia BOLD TYPE $1 extra I 2 RUING FAIRINGS NEVER USED, no hardware, 1 has lite. wlndo_$50.00 Pi eture $3 extra, I .ach? Buco saddle balS, with bardware - • • ~ FOR SALE - Bike trailer. Carries 3 Ie. or sml. LIlhts. lic•• fenders. Torsion su.,.... slon. S. at Suzuki Fun Center, 515 N. VIetory BI." Burbank. 845·3778 - 149·7295. Thl s "..., . .II kooWII. r.sp.cted and pro...... sl ve Doalershlp, Is oow for uJ•• MAJOR BRAlfDS (Honda plus) with cotlII!lot. machin. shop and special tool s. Uoboll ..eabl. r_ sonablo terms. low over"ad, nerytlllni just rllllt for som_e n. . to tho Writ, only to: Cycl. - Dept. B - P.O- Boa 491, Lonl B.ach, California. HONDA 5-90 1965 New Candy Apple Blu. Paint. $325.00. Art Amarilla. 1101 Cantlnela. Box 2H. Santa Monica. California HODAKA 1965 90cc Top condition. Sit up for Dirt (very 1I1bt). 3:50/Danlop K·70 front and 3:50 Dunlop Knobby Rear Tires. Tuned Es· haust. All orillul ...ulp....t also Included. Comp IIt.e $275.00. G.B. Ste"..•• 1030 Montana Av...... Santa Monica, Calif. EX 5-9955. U NEW WANT AD RATES ~ .-------------~--------------~-~-------------~ I I • ~ >. fool? Want to give away your mother-in-law? Do you have a fortyyeal-old wife that you're willin'g to trade for tll!O twenty-year-oIds? Put it in ten words or less and Cycle News will run your ad for free. Aside from the free stuff, Cycle News want ads get results so if you want to sell some of those parts that are cluttering up the back of your garage, some used furniture you no longer need or find a buyer for that used motorcycle you want to get rid of (dealer note) write it up, send it in, and Cycle News want ads will do the rest. rr Th gh G SELL IT, TR~E IT, DUMP IT OR ,1V E IT AWAy"I rou the Want Ad sectIOn, of Cycle News, you 11 reach the guys and gals who are Interested In the stuff that m1ght have been the obJect of . , your dre~ms a few months, back. .Now 1S on~ of the few times that anyon~ w1ll ever glve you somethIng [o~ nothIng. If you want to tra~e, or lpve somethIng away Cycle News w111 run your ad for tree prOVIding 1t 1S ten words.or less. Got some kittens you want to unload on some poor, unsuspectin/>1 •................••........•.................. I ~? s1 lids fJffering flnyllling IfJ 10 •••40 give flWflY Df 'fflde - FREE .................................................................................... ~ • • ~ a.. )1 1 II ------------------------_ BMW, 1965 R-50 7,000' miles .scelllnt condition, v.ry Has roll bars, doulli. sul. tUlia.. rack, and wlndshl.ld. Call 939-7134. Goor.. C. Stanton. 1770 St.arns Drlv.. Lo~ Ani.Ie. 35., California. S.C. -- me.t me In the Ascot pits after the races Friday -- C.C. I ) I' MAIL T8: I IAIIT ADS, Bex 498 L.-g Beacb, Calif, ._-----__--__-.._-_ ~ -- ---------------_0- GREEVES SQ. BL. Alpha crank, Parkls T Cases. challtnl_ piston. tuned cham..... Grnv.s Twin 250 street mach lao. Cloan, call after 6 p.m. 696-2106. Albert G. Griswold. : '

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