Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1966 08 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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• • BSA. A flip of the coin placed Sirkegiaa on the sidelines as Ebeling and Don Harris (rider of the twin BSA) staged for the first round. Ebeling took the round and returned to the pits for a quick oil change and the match with Sirkegian. Sirkegian fired first and headed for the staging area. The Triumph was then fired via a tow and thus passed the BSA on the fire up road. Sirkegian must push his bike to the starting line and it is a slow process. When both machines were finally staged at the s tatting lights Ebeling's bike had over heated and b~ gan running erratically. When the lights turned green, Sirkegian took the win turning 11.82 elapsed time. Certain that the BSA won. only due to the Triumph's overheating. Ebeling challenged to a rematch with a small side bet. Sirkegian accepted and the race was on again, but overheating wasn't the Triumphs problem for it ran just as badly and was defeated soundly by the BSA. Next week they will meet again and Triumph will try to seek victory over BSA. ATIONAL MOTOR SUPPLY CO DISTRIBUTOR FOR Largest stock on West Coast Dealer Inquiries Invited QUALITY MOTORCYCLE ACCESSORIES ALSO IN STOCK PHONE: 213 633.5178 15710 Garfield Avenue, Paramount, California 90723 vo vw Well-Known Wizard of the spraygun and striping brush Kenny Von Dutch very recently completed the project shown in these two pictures of his remarkableXAVW--a Volkswagen-powered motorcycle built entirely by the painter in his Reseda back yard. MOver the years,· says Von Dutch, -The parts accumulated. I felt I had an obligation to build it. ~ The frame and gearbox were part of a Harley-Davidson experimental Army model (thus the designation XA) opposed twin shaft-drive of which only 1100 were built in 1942. Forks are standard Mota-Guzzi units. The VW engine is 40hp 1959 version with magnesium block. Standard VW fitments, ignition, etc. are employed. Von Dutch says of the project, - I didn't do anything hard. lt had to go together easy or 1'd look for a better way.· The rear fender and mufflers are Triumph parts, the tank is off a Honda 450. The goat is Von Dutch's pet, named Daphne. According to its builder, the machine handles so well that he was planning to fit a Sidecar, but changed his mind. The perforated box on the right side is an oil cooler. The XAVW kickstarts easily and runs very quietly. What color scheme did the master painter choose for his own device? A simple black with red embellishments. , , , • • • , , • " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " '" " " " " U 12 3h ltd.tll Ic.."burn llll; DD"U Ku 20lI 0'1'1 PUrl" liz lUrk KG DowU 3.K»olllf Yerk. . 12ea aU1 Co4)- ];Jl: 12lll1: 6!lll: llJl 13.K 31Jl 8\.... 800\t "11''lY Nln. .n JAI ItUlllr.- .... Den ,urNd '1'..s J\Id•• c." Ou:l.nn \l. 122x !lolH. Cl/U'k 71_ J'otllllQ' Car1HlM 128:1. J.~ 8pr-euo .. .... .. .. .". 68Il",. " .... N1X ,..1" " .. .. ===.. .'" " ..".. " ..""".. ... 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Dealer Inquiries Invited Custom Seats - Motorcycle Painting Pickup & Delivery Service Dis'ric' 37 Ligll'weigll' Scrambles. Poin' S'andings Jan. June, 1966 T,~,!~, Nonda OU 8l1: \fIoJ.\ Imth 3lla o.oql 0.0 I'r. ?z Lon.., .....H.r ATTENTION COMPETITION llIDERS! A & A Manufacturing Now Features a Select Line of Quality Components for All cycles AIR CLEANERS COMPRESSION RELEASES ALT. COVERS-HONDA SCRAMS and more, MUCH MORE Mention Cycle News when Writing to A & A MANUFACTURING ". ". '''' '" '" ,,, '" ,,, '" '" '" '" '" ,, , '" ...'" .... 2C!.a ·,u.• COIll':"nn 13lllllll .11• • • rtUrn "Ox .... .... .."x '" ,... ... ,"... .. .... .... .. ... ." ..". C'hIlOIr . . . 'lIhJt. Dc" •• lDu1IarO t DII ... Britt........ ~:::rok'I~~I'" :Le1'1')' C. Lln4 .......,. .1oba s.-n 111'1... 0....lluutn J:._Ul*""l .1. . . L. " "rr:r lC)'T1. a- ..tL. on.- C. ~ftIl" 'f1'all)' Co-pll' atll... C1U1I: .1'. . . . . arOJlbt BtU CMU 0U7 AM10l :BUl J\l1tOIl Diu IlJI2Ct ll1oh11rdIl\lJ1llM hill c.Ml'~ .. 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J'au111.1I06ha DoIII.Il Cor 110". .l1. D. s...Ul_" '!~Or_ or......rn. Lalla,. Cl.... nonl _lolL.,.".,", 1UIIIIr 011'*,. 0111111)' 100. D'ond IlcO'!U_ La_"~17 Jl1ck BIIllou :Dw... 1n1.tott In'1II 0111.." 1.0. . T.,. Cli rk ""'07 ht..n -20"'- '!'It'd "rU.. Da... JlIIra.1 . .11 D. add... uu.... aa..... ". .". 'H, on. l!laT1'111On ~lkrJ'l. Qprl.... Vt"ol.... r Q1.:x~1.II.1l'ha'*'"' Thce. . ...,. CII1r ""tIIIl11"'MJo RichArd L *1.10"" 0 Burt. )flU rr.e IJo!l1. ~ " " " .. " .. ,. .. .. .." " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " .. .. ... '" '" .. '" '" .I"nn1. D. ~ Chari. . ' . Tl!.~on Sill Mott DIIn All.n . . . .rd It.... Clh. VWlQl D. S1aldIl1. . .Tohnn::l' X.lnr RoM1ll .IN>II(I ~ Chlu-btlrlllin 1)01111 ftOrt1n DIIrld AU•• Chug){ PlItt)' Brio Ihdth Bob Ilud• MlIlrln .hrlhloh 'I'OtIIlIl'l'1. DIll H....t KtchM1 Kookbl. .u." G. Levlll er •• alii... Mo ftllhlt" W- 8t.... Clll!IItI.n .1i. W~V1... R. 8. o.u.... rdt ... Y111i. . v•• ~Ro •• ..... ... ..'" ..'" "" "'" " "'. "... ,.. "'" "" ... ". ..'" 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" 1tuo1 e _ ...11 \ftIMlar 1U- R1p K1 trlt.11n 158IIIlI:-... ......l.haIIl' 30M A. or.lOIIl' .... thomt.... 1U. ..... r4 V......10 8iu.:r J. Crif't1n *rla Theqokll .101h .. soon sat Ur. lOll Yoln' ncllola. 8.r_nd_ EVERY THUR. MOTOR, CYCLE RACES Jilt.,. Lotlo.,. lUOlQ,. Al.".rt l'lltod,. _'ll:J' S-'-rt 1t.fl"I'hJU .Ux CiIIor«ll Coribll7 Practice 6 pm • Races Rob.rt ft. Pl.ou1' 1.0111.. ","u1 :DUlle""" 1 - ' CtwU" ,...rki..... Joh.. Llll1r. Dan IIA~OO"'~ -"" CAIo. sqtlU:lla.B m. L.J.. a:::. .AS OA:BJU:I:L ..."'" ."""" .......... ......... PA:]).... lUIllIIZIlI ... 1;,.2 '" ... .., "" ... ... '" , ", ... ", ... .. .. .. " .. ., .. .. " .. ... " " '" , 1U 120 120 102 SIMPSON MOTORS 5475 San Fernando Rd. West Los Angelrs 39. California DISTRIBUTOR of JUDSON products (including Cycle-Tron transistor ignition) and FRANCISCO OILS and chemicals. ~~~ Specializing in &20 N. Main-Corona, Calif.-135-5&OO 5

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