Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1966 08 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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6 "WE .,.. AJI) ua 8U1TACOS" BY CHUCK CLAYTON is trained and eqniJlPed to baDdle as well. SIIe is a good writer (illes - puncby" words). editor and artist. She knows printing. possesses a -nose for newsand tbe patience it takes to develop a good stol;J oran effective advertisement. Only one lack in all this perfectionCla;r doesn't uOJJ beans aboo t motorcycling. We don't consider this a serious ha.adicaP. bowever. We all had to learn sometime. Witb the addition of Clay, our fulltime team of Cycle Newslawks now nlllllhers nine. Our contribntors and correspoadents baye risen to dozens. with more being added every week (and some subtmcted). SO if you are looking for proeress in tbe motorcycle sport and indnstJ;y. IBye a look at Cycle News. And in terms of improved journalism. this is only the beginning. WAIT ADS The gang at Cycle News las been busy eIJlllDding and improYiJl&; eyel;J otber department in the paper. bot we have sort of ignored the Want Ads. This oversight IBs not gone 1IIID0ticed by our readers. According to a recent questionnaire sent 01& to 1.000 snbscribers. the great majority said they want more want ads, and we didn't even ask them that! So. we pause in oar headlong dash to the deadline fur tbe fanning of a little new enthusiasm for oar want Ads.. Beginning with this issue. we are offering a De w rate of one dollar for want ads of ten' words or less. -sen JOur Bite for a Buck- or - Boy a Bike for a Buck'" will be our alternate slolllLDS for tbese IBrpin want ads. lt yOu have any donbt tlBt Cycle News want ads get resnlts. just ask anyone who 1Bs ever used one. Another result of oor reader poll showed tlBt nearly every copy of Cycle News is read by more than three people. That is prolBbly what acconnts for tbe delnge of inquiries that our advertisers receiye. At tbe rate of three readers per COPY. our effective circulation is tbitty tbousand local readers-- all of them motoPcycle fans. Matcb tlBt. L.A. Times! Ratber than waste any space repeating ourself. for the full SCOOP on what we are doing with Cycle News want ads. please see page 22. CULVER CITY CYCLE CENTER 10241 Culver Blvd. Phone 839-9000 Benelli ~ Complete Enllne Rebulldlnl and service for all makes ~~llR~ 'SPKWJZING " DTACOS' MOTORCYCLE MECHANICS WANTED!! Live in beautiful Southern Califo.... nia, work all year round. Openings for three (3) experienced HarleyDavidson mechanics: • $125.00/$150.00 per 40 hr. week • Overtime available if desired • Paid vacation & sick time • Blue Cross Hospitalization • Paid public holidays • Annual profit-sharing • Special employees' discounts • Moving expenses for men wbo qualify, age 21 to 65. • Modem shop faciJities, shop clothing supplied free. A cartoon in the New Yorker mapzine this week gave me a laugh: Wall street Broker-type. sipping lemonade. to little boy with fron~yard lemonade stand. -~'s behind this little ente.... prise?- lla,ybe it seems funnier to me because only last Tbnrsday. at tbe Buco par1;y in San Francisco. a journalist. (011 being inlroduced to Cycle News for the first time.) asked me tbe yery SlUIIe question. I _as going to SIU' -the Mafia- just to cbect bis reaction. but yOn can't tell who might be listening in the Pla;rboy Club. so I told the tn&b. .lost SlBrOll and Me. _ and 200 loyal adYeS1isers... and abont 10.000 readers. ~ s .....s IIeIIbId Cycle ews! IIEET C. CLAY Last wee1< discerning readers ~ covered a new mme mder tbe Eagle wbere tbe rollcall of tbe team re-,nsible for Cycle News is printed. C. Clay (forgive me for not int~ ducing her sooner) is our new ...... gine: Editor. and we are gratefnl to haye ber in our gang. So grateful am I that I am happy to spell out the name of my colUlllJl" rather than risk confusing the reader with the similarity of oor initials. Clay. as she prefers to be called. is a grown woman wbo. most of tbe time. pretends to be a nice cbild of eigbt. However, wben deadline comes arolDldo which is pretty ollen in the weetly publishing bnsiness. she matnres iDs lantly and galYBDizes all os other kids into action. This is what she is paid for. hut there are many aspects of the Cycle News Managing Editor's desk that Cla;r Write or caJl collect: Harley-Davidson Los Ancelas, (RI ch Budelier Company) 2531 So. Main St., Los Anlelas, Calif. 213-749-6235 SAVE BIG MO;""EY NEW 1966 HONDA'S Two Big Locations ~325-33:0 2073 W. Pacific Coast H",y. 583-34G9 6101 AtlantiC S, vc. NEW WHO'S BEHIID CYCLE NEWS'? PUT YOUR BESTWIIEEL SlDEUYS There are groups. and there are individnals" that are e.asy to dislike. Owing to some qnir1< of personalil;)'• they irritate us. They seem to be poking tbeir DOse in where it isn't wanted - tbey don't di.saRJear when they are told to - get lost". and they're never satisfied when we've told tbem aU that we tbiD1< tbey ought to know. A good newsgatberer is lite tbaL The Dirtdiggers Motorcycle Clab to suffer tbe same affliction. We are admittedly biased in favor of any California club that can promote creat race lite the Hopetown Grand PriI eYer)" year. Considering tile enOl'mous problems this event entalls. the Dirtdiggers deserve all the tolerance and help tlBt orlll&Dized motorcycling can offer. Becaose they bad. the bad manners to offeud tbe former Executive 5ecreiar7 of tbe AlIA. tbe Dirtdiggers haye lost their AlIA clBrter. and unless reason preYails in Columbos, Ohio, tbe HopetowD races tbis coming November may have to operate witbout tile AIIA's blessing. In a WIU'. it natters little wbetber or not tbe AlIA fiushes tbe Dirtdiggers' 21-}e&Mlld cbarter down the drain. The race will still go on lDlder ACA sanction. 1t'bile tbe ACA is undeniably a oue-man Oflll'nimtion. at least tIBt man. Wes Cooley. is here. wbere tbe action is. The AlIA may not realize tlBt by ignoring tbe grievances of their sllOrting clnbs. they are cutting some of the ooJ,y lines of conmnnication tlBt exist between the no~riding executives of tbe association and tbe grass-roots. rider members. The Dirtdiggers cOlOlllaints may be CODIPleteiy invalid. and they mlU' baye tbDrongbly -tom it- by letting tbe ACA C&SlUIction the event tbat led to losing tbeir charter. Bot in tbe United states" ••• dissenting YDices, no matter bow radical. baye a right to be he ard as long as tbey don't advocate violence. In their latest -Dirtdiggers Newsletter"' the club says ••• -It appears tbe AlIA of Colmnbos. Ohio is still throwing tlleir California Tl' (temper tantrlDD) and we don't lite too results!- The Newsletter continues ._ -therefore, we move tlBt District 37. as a whole. pull oat of the AlIA. and we'll govern ourselyes. The District las a large enough membership and treaswy to efficiently do this. and if a problem arises. they are local and can solve it at tbeir monthly meeting:;.The Dirtdiggers propose, not alt~ getber seriously. we suspect. an association called S.C.R.A.M. (SO. Cal. Racing Association of Motorcyclists). And their slocan is. -If the AlIA won't bave yOu. SCRAM.- _ars II HOTSHOE T· SHIRTS Here·s a brand new item matle available to you from Cycle News... a top-quality, combed cotton T-sIIirt with a rider in red leathers 1Iotshoeing it on the back, ne . . . plate is blank so you can ilk-ill own or your favorite racer's .......l Available in sizes medi.., large and extra large. Quantity is limited, so get your order in now! ONLY J'. each ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• e CYCLE NEWS 6477 LONG BEACH BLVD. LONG BEACH, CAUF. 90805 PLEASE NOTE QUANTITY AND SIZES FIND CHECK OR m.. FOR (C.O.D. ORDERS ACCEPTED WITH $LlIO DEPOSIT FOR EA. SHIRT ORDERED) OF HOTSHOE T-SHIRTS e .(2 PI!IJPLE (ft IImIlCYCIB IlL II; 11m- Lee J. DodilI of tlU6 W. 54a st.. b1dewood. Calif.. ro.d a sa.... priae .,.ty s-6I.J' as they were _ their WQ' ... PaIDs Verdes lor _ I!lUIy _ _ ride. At caner of CeatiDela .... ~ _ a baby dd paIdIIc; """baCO dowII lIIe .uddle of ... s&n!e&.. ~ of c:oarse did as MY -'an;JdisIB . . . . do ... belp their fellow dti2leas" lIIey diYeded &laflic ........... UI&Ie dd -W they a.ld eel ..... ..reQ dIiId• ......-lb' ...... _ 01 _ iJllocaUIIc ber tbe ........... SHIP TO: --..~:-:-:=-::-:::::--.......:_----------- Please print Dillie Address City St_ Zip c-. • c : ........................•..•••..........................., y .......... __ a..ed._ . . IocoI . . . .JUea. You'll alwavs see it FIRST in MIl N. LMg BeacII Blft. L.g Bea, Calif. 90.5 Or: Bol _, L.-g Beaell, Calif. PIIoIe: 423-8431 (Area Code 2Ul F. . L,A, PllHes: UHI44 Published weekly except the first and last week of the calendar year by C&S Publishing Company. P.O. Box 498, Long Beach. California. Cllades Cla;rtaa •••••••••••••••••Editor SIIanIo C1a,)1oa ••• Busioess MaDacer C. Clay -_._ dDc Edilol' Gil BroWD •••••• AdvertisinC Manacer D. B. (Da&cIl) Fielder.Asst. Ad. Mer• Delmis Greeoe •••••••••• Pboto Edilol' Gay n..-son .CircnlatiOll Manacer. CONTRIBUTORS: Carl Bartlett, ADoette (;amp. Wes Cooley, Mike Crowley, Boh Ebeling. Robert O. Fee, Lany Haley, Herman, Maureen Lee. Joe Lopez, George Maness, .lobo Noffsinger. Bill Pettigrew, Jobn Ramos, Dan Reynolds. Boxy ItodIwood, Earl Roeseler, Carol Sims. Second Class Poslage Paid at Long Beach, calif. Any part of this newspaper may be used wi thout permission as long as credit is gi ven. Editorial contributions. cartoons, pbotos are welcomed and will be paid for upon publication. Self-addressed, stamped envelope assures return. Single Copy Price I5t SubscriptiOllS: One year 2nd class mail • • • . • • • • • • • • • • •• $7.50 Advertising rates will be sent 011 _ s t . COOLIES COLUMN Sbort tract racing in SOuthern Calilornia had drawn a tremendous amount of riders but bas not been as successful in attracting spectators. even though tbe excitement and the closeness of tbe racing. I feel, is very superior to that of tbe larger tracks. However, sbort track racing does fiJI a definite need, and that is it gives the rider an opportunil;)' to participate and canpete with otber riders in a close proximil;)' and this. in tum. enables him to learn to bandle himseU in "traffic". I feel tbat the IlOpularil;)' of short track racing will increase as more fans are exposed to this type of racing. Also. tbere is the fact that tbere are more tracks available for short track racing. Ventura Sbort Track Since the inception of short track racing under tbe American Cycle Association a couple of years ago. otber tracks" under other sanctions. have sprung UP througbout California. We, too. are presently ttying to expand the sbort track racing in California. On August 14th and 28tb, the A.C.A. will sanction tbe first sbort .track racing in Ventura counl;)'. This new dirt track is located at the fairgrounds in the cil;)' of Ventura. There is grandstand seating for approximately 3000 people at the fairgrounds. A course is being built in front of this grandstand. On these two Sundays. short track racing will begin at 1:00 p.rn. Pits open at ll:()() a.m. This course will give tbe riders anotber oPllOrtunil;)' to particiPate as well as provide additional exposure for short track racing. FUN IT COURSE For several weeks at SOutb Gate RacewlU' on SUnday afternoon. there has been an open practice session for riders interested in short course Tl' racing. The course has been worked out and has been developed until it looks as tbough it will be a track that botb riders and spectators will like. It encompasses (COIIIi-.ed 00 pace (7) •

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