Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1966 08 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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COOLIES COLUMN continued film page & • part of the eighth-mile, with a switchback and a jump. Many favorable of the riders have called it "a fun TT course." Because of its shortness, the course will be limited to 250cc machines and under. The first event that will be held on this course will he on Sunday, August 21 st and will be an ACA short track steeplechase. Pit gates will open at 2 p.m., with practice starting at 3:00 and the first event at 4:00. The races will consist of 50cc, 100cc and 250cc classes. This should give many of the L.A. area riders an excellent place to race on Sunday afternoons. Look for more details in this column next week concerning this event. • AFM SCENE by Tom Finlay This week the AFM National points series moves north to Cotati Raceway under the direction of the American Federation of Motorcyclists, San Francisco Chapter. Northern California rac' ing fans should be sure not to miss an exciting day of racing action this Sunday, August 14, at the tricky Cotati, California, airport course. Directions: take 'the Sebastopol, Guerneville, turnoff 40 miles north of San Francisco on Highway 101. The track is just off the main highway. Of special interest will be the 175 class, for Ralph LeClerCQ needs only to win one more race to win the 175 class cbampionsh1p. Also. Ron Grant will be out to avenge the last lap defeat that Art Bauman handed him in the 350 race at Whiteman. July 31. Their SUzuki-Honda rivalry will continue at Cotati. Remember riders, your entry 1S free if you commute over 200 miles to this event. The AFM honors all MICUS licenses (AFM, ACA, F?IM International). If you have an AMA license only (amateur or expert) this will Qualify you to apply for an AFM license. New riders must report to the track by noon Saturday previous to the race where they will be gi ven basic instruction by Qualified experts. This will be a temporary policy at all AFM road race events in the future until the competition committee completes the new junio1"senior class rider at all AFM road race events in the future until the competition committee completes the "!lew junior-senior rider classification system. The AFM board of directors held its Quarterly meeting. August 7, in San Francisco and one of the decisions that will affect future competitors Is that starting August 15, you must have a valid competition license In your possession to compete at any AFM event. No more licenses will be sold at the track. Contact your local chapter representative for the necessary forms. In Northern California, write to 637 Gough st., San Francisco (San Francisco Bay area Chapter), tel. (415) 567-3349 in SOuthern California, write to P.O.' Box 8352, Universal City. California 91608 (Los Angeles area Chapter), tel. (213) 762-9875. or you may write direct to AFM National Secretary, 1133 Bell Ave., Sacramento, California 95838. Sorry I am unable to deliver, as promised, the column on "How to Watch a Road Race". but there Is complicated art work being prepared. We hope to deliver the goods in our next column. WOULD YOU 8ELIEVE.... ? ., e .. NEW & USED-READY TO GO WH ILE TH EY LAST AT • BOB WILSHIRE"~---" South Ba~ • HONDA Russ Robinson mar. pleased with his l00cc dash trophy than with the lovely Ilrl thai coos with It. 1212 SOUTH PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY REDONDO BEACH. CALIFORNIA • FR 1-9257 NEW WORLD DRAG RECORDS • • , . STOCK BIKE CIB Salvador Estrada· H·D 105.80 mph SUPER STOCK SICB Bruce Miller - H-D 105.88 mph· 12.63 ET -\\ DRAG BIKE II/DA-Gu Smith & Butterworth - H·D 122.28 mph II/DB-Gas Millard DlshalOon • H·D 115.83 mph Tllere is ND Substitute {Dr HDrsepDwer So. Calif. Harley- Davidson Dealers Association II Test Ride The Hig. Performance 1966 Harley-Diridsons At Your Nearby Southern California Agency • >

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