Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1966 07 21

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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•• Joh n Rice was nat among the competltars at Casta ic last Sunday, but this photo , taken by Carl Bart lett at th e preyl aus eyent there , Is just tao goad nat to us e. .... • firmly-mount ed Ri chard F erri ck taking a well- earned second on a fast movi ng Hond a 160. Ri chard depart ed with hi s iron- t oad in the hi gh- ri sin g turn one on the seco nd l ap of hi s heat race. Bla ck F lagged T he 200-250 cc A mat eur Mot o, rac e was black flag ged twi ce. B oth t im es bec ause of cras hes on that not ori ous turn No . I. John Ri ggen managed to out ri de hi s fell ow competitors on a 200cc Bu lt aco while bein g c l ose l y fo llowed by Steve Cole on a Gr eeves. Gary Gilbert, slidin g hi s way down that precarious back chut e, fought hi s way to a third. Greevesv ille T hirt y-y ear- old • dese rt - rat " Lloyd L i ngel bach t ried hi s hand at rou gh sc rambles with the outcome a well-ridd en win in th e 200cc - 250cc Expert Moto . L l oyd , with ni ne years of desert racing under his Shamrock je rsey , stretched his desert equipped Gr eeves to a long, l ong l ead ahead of seco nd place, Gr eeves- mount ed L ee Stumpenhause , t o c linch th e beautifully ri dd en wi n. After the race, L l oyd to ld Cycle News th e sec ret of his winnin g form: Wat usi practi ce. Dann y Kline, also Gr eeves-mount ed, whipped hi s way around th e co urse to a cl ose thi rd , ahead of fourth place Clyd e Difitz on a B ultaco. Spills In t he 650 Novi ce Main, Triumph- mount ed Co ene Smith made hi s way around a few spills on turn t wo and t ook a fi rst for himself. Co ene was rot- l owed by Marrin Steel e and Bob T ondrok al so ri ding T riumphs . They finished seco nd and third, respectivel y. Ron Wil son and hi s immacul ate Matchl es s t eamed up for a wi n in th e 650 Amat eur Mot o. Joe Borges and J.N . Rob erts copped sec ond and third in tha t order. • Buck or Chuck? Si xt een-y ear- ol d Buck Smi th th e second rode a beautiful race to first place in the 500-65 0 Exp ert Mot o. BSA- mounted Chu ck Min ert got off the line first but lost th e lead to Smith. Chu c k still showed his ri ding prowess and came through with a s econd, bei ng followe d by Mik e Haney on a Tri umph. Nick Ni cholson show ed up l ast Sunday with two new Gr eeves Cha llengers for th e sp ectator s and compet i t ors to t est ri de. One of these machines was equi pped with Ceriani forks i n place of the standa rd spring fork. Ni ck was knqck ed out of compet i tion ear l y in the rac e, after lead in g fo r a lap. T he 'Hi lltopper s hav e an impo rtant message for th e sou thland clubs that need a place to hold an event. They are willing to rent th ei r course to recognized clubs for a fee of $25 .00 and half th e gate to go to th e landlord. Ther e will also be a $20.00 cl eanup fee t hat can be refunded upon a satisfact ory cle anup of th e co ur se , If you are interested , contact th e Hilltopp ers of Si gnal Hill , California . (See Club Di rectory , P age 23.) Thanks are due th e Hi lltoppers for a good and well-organized meet. This is th eir last Castaic event unt il after fi re season. ( R e s u l t s on pa ge 16 ) ,

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