Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1966 07 21

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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CASTLE ROCK from front page the final with Mulder o lf to a quick R. Goldtbwalthe lea ds Ray Huff over the jump lIIl d onto the opposite pace at Lodl nleht TT. Another First for Cycle News With this issue your newspaper jumps to 24 pages as a standard size. T hanks to the very generous support from readers and advertisers that CYcle News has enjoye d in the ten months since it was purchased by C&S Publ is hih g Company. we have elected to doubl e o ur size without ra ising the copy pri ce or advertising rates. I be li e ve firmly that ne ws sells new spapers and I tru s t that futur e c irculation gains will bear this out. Now we ha ve the s pace we ne ed ed for bi gger pictures and a wi de r variety of reports . We shall increase our covera ge of clu bs and competition, road a nd di rt fun . customizing. trail riding and th e many otber fa cets of th e motorcycle world as tbe demand indicates and as fast as qualified reporters can be found. To give our many a dvertisers the per sonal service that the y require. we recen tly hir ed Mr. D.B. ·DutCh· Fi elder as Assistant Adv ertising Mana ger. Dut ch is doing a remarka ble j ob of op ening new account s for us in Northern a nd Central California. cycle News i s t he fir s t an d only motorcy cle publication to employ more than one full-t tme a dvertising re pre senta tive . This make s it possible for us to give personal attenti on to every accou nt that ad vertise s witb us . Both Ad Manage r Gil Brown and Assistant Ad Mana ger F ie ld er ar e sworn to carry out the Cyc le Ne ws pol icy of cre a t ing effective promotional campaigns tailored to ea c h client -s ne ed s . thus re li eving busy businessmen from the hassle of making up the ir own promoti on. , B. C. LIKES M/C' S Last wee kend. at the req uest of the Ensenada. Baj a California Motorcycle Club, your e dit or went s out h to inspect tbe new course facilities being prepared for th e An nua l International Sc ra mble s. sche dul ed for Oc tob er 8 a nd 9. Traveling t hrough Baja Ca li forni a lately feels like riding down t he tummy of a sleeping giant. T he rolling hills and fiel ds look very much like SOuthern California used to look twenty years ago. be fore pro sp erity paved nearly everything. F il thy Tijuana may not be much by U.S. standards. but it is al ready Mexi co ' s eightb largest city and i s growing fast. I hurry through ·TJ" to t he next 60 mil es of narrow roa d to Ens e na da. This is frust ration road for cars. full of slow traffi c and !rak en pave me nt. But it is smooth sailing for a motor cy cle. A new free way to En s e nada is under cons tructio n whic h strai ght ens all t he groov y bends. but thank he ave n the native s ar e i n no hurry to compl et e it. Car drivers will hav e to wait for miilana befor e t hey ' ll be able t o make the trip as fast as a motor cycle on the old road. When that da y come S. real esta te i n Baja California. already a s costly as $30.00 0 an acre (in Amer i can dollars ). will prohably go sky high. On a r r i vi n g i n E nsenada I was greeted by Oscar Gomez. the P re si de nt of the E ns enada M.C. and owne r of th e Yamaha-M ontes a shop. Oscar and his partner are th e spark plugs of th e annual Ensenada Grand P rix, Since there is no ot her official motorcycle club in Baja California. th e EMC follows a good mixture of FiM international rul es and SOuthern Califarnia pra cti ce s . T he annual e vent has been a rough scrambles for th e past fe w ye ars . b ut it be gan as a tru e Grand Prix scrambles, Ia Catalina. using paved s treets and dirt trails through and around t he little seaside cit y. First we t ook a to ur of the co urse. on 175cc Montesas provided by the di s- a lead. Van Leeu...e n and Haaby ...ere runnin g 2nd and 3rd at th e e nd o f th e firsl.. Haa~ broke a c ha in on lap nine and fell ...i th Sonny Burres going right over the back of his machine. Burres nearb fell off but ke pt going. minu s hi s foot pe gs ...hich he left bur i e d in Ha a by' s machin e. Rome ro was t he next to go. He cam e UP with e ngi ne t rouble s and dropped out on th e 12th round. F ou rth fastest qual ifi er Bru ce Holland was nex t. He c ra s he d on l ap 15 but later got hack i n th e race to finish ne ar the back . Mul der s tarted lapping th e tall e nde rs o n lap 16 with Burr es and Van Leeuwen running a whee l t o whe el du el for s eeand at this point. Bur res moved into second over th e Dut chma n o n la p 20 and set his si ghts on the fro nt-running Mulder. A Ii ttle farther down th e track Gl en Adams and E ddi e 'i r t h wer e swapping 4th pla c e hack and forth and runni ng like they were ti ed together . Burr es continued to inch cl oser to Muld er for the next five la ps but for the last five . Edd ie kept th e dis t an c e safe and positive to go on for an impress! ve win and a ne ar- pe rfect ride. L at e lap ac tion found Swed e Savage pass i ng one an d two ri ders per lap to ove rtake Adams on th e fina l round and move in for fourth pl ac e mon ey. Southern Cali fornia's top two amateurs, Jim Berry an d Rich 11Iorwaldson ran away with the 15 lap Amateur final. They on b had to ra ce each other to take th e top two positions. Each rid er won hi s heat rac e. Berry did it the hard way by coming from 4th place. The fastest heat went to th e nation's Number One Novic e last year. Do n McLeod. McL e od was ne ver a great threat i n th e final but was a solid third at tbe fin ish. Thorwaldso n led the fi rst six laps in th e featur e before Berry we nt sliding by o ut of the s wee pe r tum onto the front straightaway. It wa s Be rry by eight lengths a t the finish. Once again th e ra ce was run before . a s eUo ut czowd of 10 ,000 fan s. Sli ghtly UP from last ye ar. The race ran off like clockwork and was organized and operated by t he Mou nt Saint Helen s Mot orcycle Club. Da ve Welch was the referee. AU did a fi ne jo h from s tart to finish. ( Results on pa ge 16) ~~ ~~Z)~ Z)ea/eM r/44#e See The All New 1966 ModJs at your So. Cal. H-D Dealer _ . SAI_ fIJll.EIl1lII R£tn, tWlL.£T . DAWIDSOI Do\l£"S . . . . . CYtL£ 1Ur.Rl.ET .a&~ fIB. TDIf"'Stu.Rt.ET DA ftJ'SCIfl 4 El WOO Klt.RI.£T ..DA Y'DSOlI OfF SIIITU•• INQ..EWODD KAID..£T .I)A YIDSOI UlIIG BEACIt MAItI.ET-OA~ SIIIIlIEQ) IIULEY -DA\'ID5QIt CD. a. CAJDJiI I1IGUWOlID OF l.ONI'; IIEAOt LOS Allb£W HML£'Y...IU,YImQM .. LOS. ANCELD a::1f II.IlEUE'R CD~ PAUIlAU te -DESEIIT cra.E CBITER - IIARl.£Y .AlQJ5DM ICJIUn, SIl. SAl CAIIIllEl. LAa.£" IIAIII.£T..DAYDSmI lAIn TAfT TAFT -.....n..QlYmSCM w.B VAIl SM FE-..xJ YM.1.£TtuaLD'-DA YDKII • PASAll£JIA $. e. 0UIa0 IUA.£T-DAYm5IaI tributor (plug). It c overs a wedge of land about 50 a cze s in size ne ar the bay o n the edge of town. Start-fi ni sh is on a 9O-yard long main strai ght ending in a sweeping left turn whi ch straighte ns i nt o a downhill rolle r coaster , th en levels out. sweeps. ri ght. dod ges ar ound some tr ees and leads to a hard. fourthgear s traightaway parallelin g th e s tran d. Thi s ends i n a fa irly har d ri ght (Wit h an e s cape ro ute), climbs a gradually s tee pe ni ng hill witb a slow j ump an d l eft turn at the top , s nakes al on g the brim of th e hill. then tacks down right along a 30 degree hi llside with water trap to catch yo u if you goof . then the course makes a kind of question mark aiming you at slight incline leading to a short urn er 1 National GAl.BI 8ICI£JQIS 1IAIIlET..o.t....... ....~ ~TtaCTQ..E CD. RiLXlEtiU i tiMIOCOiESl RMUl'..DiftIKII sai d that I guessed 1.000 to 1500 people migh t be expected to come on our rec0mmendat ion a nd we ha d to be s ure they woul d not be di sappo inted . T hey offered us a lov ely peninsula at the beach. with a paved hi ghway to it . for th e ex clu s iv e use of motorcyclists. An orti cia l asked how many temporary re s t rnoms I thought they would have t o build. An aPPointment was arranged with the layar of Ense- ITHE1966/ I I I I S HERE ! I I ~~~. H~~Y~~D~~R?:~~ I I I ~ EAD PORTING . SPEED TUNIN~ L . :DR RACI NG · OUR SPEC IA L TY---.J SUBSCRI E AD :..--",-.-_._- f chute. anothe r sweeping 9 0 degree right bander and back onto the s tarting straight. The coo l sea br eezes blo w co ns tan tly . Os car i nformed us . so th e course shoul d be virtually dust-free except for the s an dy starti ng stra ight. which is pa rallel with t he wi nd. This i s wi de enough. howev er . that rac ers can stay w t of the leader's rooster taiL T her e is no groov e and plen ty of passing room on most of the course. Next IIIOming. saturday. dressed in ... best. we called on officials of tbe Mexiro Gove rnmen t T ourist Bureau woo told as that they were impressed .ith the caliber of tourists who came to the Gran d Prix each year. I pointed out that the COIIception of the t)-pical cy cle fan as a rowdie was as out of date as the old inage of Mexicans with huge S0mbreros asleep against cactuses. They agreed aDd asked if Cycle News woaId cooperate In sponsoring a road nm to EDsenada ill ronjlDlCti on with the Grand Prix. I said we would need many thinl:S from tile Mexican authorities to mak e su ch a th ing soccessM beantiM cam pgrUl....S. coordinated publicity. dieck-in Iocati... s , czowd control. official mdorsements and much ..-e. I Prospect ors IILC. was havlne a clu b fl shl ne. camplne tri p In Ensenada Is la st week_d. Close to 100 attended. READ IT IN... 5 31 - 9 9 8 .4 -. CYCLE NEWS nada an d the Chambe r of COmmerce. The Tourist Bureau would pay for s taff sui tes in the be st hot el and th e mai n s treets wer e offer ed for a motorcy cle par ad e. I som ehow got the impression tha t Ensenada wel comes us . (T o be coatiDued) STREET • T Ae - EVERY WEEK ~HlllS dJ&\t0 • DESERT 53 1-9303 @[3 (5@(9[ill1\7 WEEKDAYS 12:00 - t-.3O SAT. & SUN. t-.30 • 5.00 - @W@lY:3@~~ 205 N .HARBOR , SA NTA A NA 1 blockfro m Bolsa on Ha rbo r ~YAMAIIA& CLOSED TUES. ENTAlS

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