Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1966 07 21

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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.., nowers and trees growing wild. Various colors of Boup.invillea. wild sweet peas. banana and palm trees, rice paper plants. and hu~e trees of Manzanita• were abound here, The folia ge was very lush. Satu rday - lIa rch 12 W ent to tiny town of San Bias to day50 miles fro m Teplc-to ta ke a boat ride r . on the river thr ough the j ung le . Couldn't ge t ove r t he primit ive was of li fe here. Women ar e still washing clothes in the ri ver s . and returning home with th e e ntire bIlsket of clothe s on their heads. The two hour boat ride was a pl easant c ha nge . but those wooden seats sure got hard i n a hurlY! Three t imes the boat became s tuc k on sand mrs and our guid e had t o get out and push us afioatthe riv er ne ver seemed to get velY deep -and once, whe n the guide wasn't payi ng a tt e ntion to where we wer e goi ng , we crashed headlon g into the mnking! The ove rha nging branches of trees to re off the cano py of the boat and the jol t of th e cras h s ent me. tumbling backwards. Fortunately. Bob who was s itting right behind me. caught me and averted what c ould have be en a most unfortunate accident . Edwina was cut from the poles landing on her. and otherwise we wer e unhurt. but velY muc b surprised. The guide. wbo had heen talking to us in an E n'gIish that was sometimes diffic ult to understand, prov ed tha t be co uld s wear excellently in Englisb we bad no t roubl e understandi ng that! Onc e we had thi ngs back under control , it struck all or 115 as very hilario us a nd we wer e s till laughing wben we got back to land . We heard him tellin g his buddies there a bout it as we we re getting ready to leave. Bac k to tbe motel and out by 2 p.m., then on to Guadal~ara. three and a bait hours over mountain roads. F elt sure that we wer e s eeing som e of the same bus and truck drivers over and over. T bey had al wass waved to us , but DOW. t he minute they spotted us in the distance, they put on their lights and leaned out the win dow to wave. If we bad had any trouble along the road. we are sure they would have helped us - a velY comfor ting feeling in a s trange land. In faet, the friendliness we e ncountered all along tbe was was very re freshing and sucb a co ntras t to t he many luri d tales one bears from s ome tra ve lers i n Mexico. SOme of t be more lurid ones a re highly publicized- l only wi sb our friendly recep ti on could be to ld from coast to coast. (EDITO R-Granted.) Saturday night in Guadalajara is a bi e night, we could tell by the traffic. Entering the W est pte of the city at nidlt was a real thrill. It looks very mucb like the A rc de Triomphe in Paris , and is errecti vely s e t o rr with lights. We were led to our motel by t_ boys on a small motor cy cle who were tr yi n!: to race us at stop lights! Traffic was ~ s olutely frantic and di sorde rly : cars !:oing through red lights and completely disrecanlin g the 18 mile speed limit. The change of lights from red to l:J'een was like dropping the nag a t a race . And, if you were (irst in line, and smart, you ~nt orr fast before heinl: ron over! We were gree te d at ou r motel by a Newpor t Beach co uple, John and Ruth H os kins, whom we had been seeing from motel to motel. Tb ey. we re fun to be with and most interesting,qThey had travelled extensively in ma ny parts of the world. They were just le a vi ng fo r dinner as we arri ved, but waited for us to ullllack and c hange so we all could dine together. We lost ano ther bour today. (c onUnaed Next week) . A saxIero Ralllblers M Sportsman Scrambles /C Atascadero R aceway 90cr Am. . M' E vent 1 RE st . Lisarrars Short Tram South Gale ,July 7, 1966 lOOa • Event 1st Dave H am SIa1 Tract Santa Maria, July 9, 1966 90a N ovice Ma. E vent 1 G st .Knecht HiIIoppers TEE HEE Scrambles CastaK, July 1 1 7, 966 JOOcc Amateur Mair Event 1st Frank Morgan 2nd Jack Morgan H. A. NasoN "'REA HODAKA HODAKA DISTRIBUTOR IN SOUTHERN CAlIF BelOW KERN COUNTY LINE Glendale Calif. (213 ) 243-101 7 . AMEJtICAN CYCI.£ ASSOCIATION. for aL riders in speedway. rnoto.1ics. /'hones, 678-7621, Hollywood Pari: on O>andler Street. Four 372~ Wrile: Sox 90221 Airport 5. . lion. u.s Angeles. Aces Me, 8231 langdon Ave., ApL 15. -7.;;;:;;;:::;~~==;a--;;==-.::=- ROAD 1IAM8lERS. Road Riding Club. Meets 1sl & 3rd Saturday of e ach monlh 01 11503 E. 2 14th Sr~ lakewood, Calif. Write J im Com.... 14286 Keese Dr•• Wh ill ier. Canf. SEE YOUR HODAKA DEALER SO . CAt. M/ C. Deser l Compelilion Club. AMA Sanct. Meets e ve ry Wed. 8:30 p.m.. Olive Reaea tion Center. Burbank, Calif . Moil Ad d. 1026 N. Evergreen, Burbank. Call TH 8-31139. Von Nuys. Calif. "NOMADS OF GARDEllA. FaoIlly fun ROAD RIDERS MoC. INC. of South Sa n FOOTHIU HAWICS Me. Meets every Tues. e lull. lleets at H... da of Gar a 1st Gabriel. AlIA Sanctioned. lIeets at SPO KE-IENDUS of Sou th Bey. Desert c0mpetition club. AMA chartered. Meet lsI & al 8:30 p.m. at 116 S. 6th St~ Montebello, Sunday of nell month at 1:30 p.m. For 3044 Jaeltson St reet every Tuesday. 1:00 p.m. lIall address as above. Pos t 2rd Sat. each mon th at EI Tiro Park. in further Infonutlon call laez at DA 4Calif. For info. call Paul at ~ Tcrreoce, Mail: Ron Wh ile , 36 19 W. 152nd meetlnc club run durlnc actlvll)' c ontest. 7043 or Huu of Gardeaa, 323-8314. GHOST RIDERS of P......... Canf., Road Streer, lawndale. OS 9-67 48 . SIIufne board and skill pool at clubRid ing Oub. Meets l sI and 3rd Friday at - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - house. NOIWAUC CENTAURS M.e. 12630 Wh ill ier . 2231 Concord Ave~ Pon-.a. Write E. D. Blvd., Wh illi er. Meets 101 Thurs. of month, ROUGH RIDERS MC of Peremcunt, Calif. SO. CALIF ROAD RIDERS CO_ITTEE. P.O . 60x 2107, Alha mbra, Cal if. Meets 8 Coleman, address same (714) 623-4676. ride nights on o ,her Thursdays. Open for AMA sane. Meets a t 8434 Harrison St., p.m . 1st Monday ea ch mon th. Prudent ial Paramount. e ve ry Thunday at 8:30 p .m , Sav ings & Loan (rea r e nt rance ) 1300 E. GO LDEN STATE M.e. of Pasadena. Road membership. visitors welcome.. riders rep. H. W. 1Iorden, 5406 N. MapleMail addreu: Rough Rid e rs Me, P.O . Box Volley Blvd., Alhambra. All road clubs OAKlAND MOTORCYCI.£ ClUB. Roall & 5 16, Paramounl, Calif . Phone ME 3-436B. invited. tree, Arcadia. Calif. G I 3-9388. Competilion club. Meets every Wednesday al 116-36 th Street, Oakland. Calif. 8 p .m. GREYHOUNDS competi'ion club. Scrambles ROYAL RIDERS MC, INe. of S. San Gab- SOUTHERN CALIF TRIALS ASSOCIATION. and desert. Meel every other Wed., 8 p.m. Since 1907 devoted 10 safety and courtesy riel. AMA sand. Meets at 3 04~ N. Jeck- Engli sh Tria ls en thusias ts. Secretary: Rayon the road. et Saber Room, 1829 Empire SI~ Burbank.. .:..._.::...-:..:..:..:.... _ 51. every Tuesda y, 8,00 p.m. Mail ad d ress mond Mor ea u, ~ 707 W. 1 64 ~h St.• Lew~ Phone 285-4466. 01lE1lS Me. Competition Oub. Meets every as a bove. PO$t meeting club ru n d ur ing d ale. 37Q.8.491. Observers w elcome and activity con test. Shuffle board an d skill needed. GRIPSTERS M.e. Competition club. P.O . Sox Tues. nighr, 8:00 p .m. ar 19062 Mathew> pool al clubhouse. Ct. Hunt ington Beach.. 272. Placentia, Canf. Meetings Man.. nights ..::.~::....::.:..:.::;,.;.._.:....;....:.. _ SOUTHWEST CHAPAIJIALS Of CALIF •• ORANGE COUNTY MC of O...nge County. SANDBtASTEIS MC of Ridgecresl. Meets Mee ts 1sl and 3rd Wed nesday of each 7,30 , Chapman Hall, Placentia. HIoIlOOTS Me. Combined Road and Camp. Ca lif. AMA sane. Meets .1 clubhouse, Trask every Thursday. Mail address: P. O. 60x month at 7:30 p .m , a t Motorcyde Goodies. 13446 lakewood Blvd., 8ellflower, Calif. O ub. Nebo Hall on Nebo Drive la Mesa. & Newhope. Gave. Calif . Tues. every month is dub social SAN JOSE DONS II.C. AlIA sanctioned SU lAND SHAMROCKS MC of Sun land. PAORC COAST Me of Sou1hgale. AMA lI rt events. Con tact Joseph II. Be n ld ce . Calif. AMA san e. Meets every Wednesday HIUTOPPERS MC I e. of Stgn.1 ~,II, Ca~f. sanet. Meets first Frida y of ~ph month, 343 Jem e Street , Sa n Jo se, Ca liforn ia. at 8:15 p.m , a t the Sunland Par le. zeeeeeAMA Sane; Meets ar 2255 CetriIOs, SIde 8000 p.m. and third Frida y al 7:00 p.m. tion Center in Sun land. Ca lif. Mail address: entrance. Signal Wdl Thun- at 8 p m.. Post lilt Sou1hgatc Patk Reaeation Center SAUNAS RAMBLERS II. C. AliA sancP.O. 60x SIS, Sun land, Calif. ~ting. refreshments. ~il address P. O. Room 2.. RRe. Vi$itOf$ welcome. N~ ti on e d di rt events. Co ntact Bob Way· TERRAPINS M.C . A.II.A. sanctioned. 60 x 1746. long Beach, Canf. members a lways wanled. Enquir~ 5931 man , 324 North lI a ln Street, Sa linas, Ro ad Run s. Secre t ary lIartha Palmer, JACKRABBIT COMPETITION Me. Meets.,... La Beck. Bell Gardens. 7T.U>IIl0 before Ca liforn ia. 32 11 - 39th Street , Sa n Dleco, Call· ery Moncjay al 8,30 p .m. al the Jackrabbil 3. Captain: J im Cleghorne. 634-2629. l ornl a 92105. club house. 9 143 East Complon 81vd.. Bell:- PACIFIC COASTERS M/C O ub, Road Riders SAN GA BRI EL VALLEY M.C. AlIA dub, AMA chartered. Meets every other Sanct ioned. lIeets every Thurs. 8 p.m. THROTTLE HOUNDS II.C. AlIA Sancflo wer (Just off lakewood Blvd. ) Fnd.y. 7:30 p ..m. at members homes.. Write at 5343 P e elt Rd. . E I lI onte. Mall ti on e d. lIeets every We dn esda y at 7:30 p.m. In c lubhou s e at 534 East Chapel UGHTWEIGHTS II.C. AlIA sanctioned Poway, 1620 Duva l St~ San [);ego, Carof. a ddr e s s: P.O. Bol 813. E I Mont e , Calif. In Santa lIarla. competi tion cl b. lIeets every 1 st a n d Phone 262-8 100 or 748-2 152. 3rd Tuesday of each Fl oy d E. SAN PEDRO MC of San Pedro. Calif. AMA TlI UNDE RBI RDS II. C. 13442 South L e wl s ( sec.) 57 02 Parapet Slreet, LonC sanctioned. Meet5 at B & M Enterprises . New Hamp sh ire . Ga rden a, Ca lifornia. Beach. Phone: HA 9-0405. 128 S. Pacific Ave.• S. Pedro, ev ery Thun. 8:00 p.m. Mail Address, 906 Paseo De l 13 R£BEl5 M.c. AMA pnet. since 1939. LONERS no organiution.. no meetings. iust Street & competition club. Meet ev ery Wed. Mar, San Pedro, Calif . Phone : TE 3-266 1. guys and girl5 who like to ride cycles in S p.m. 01 Shell Motors. 3346 Cen tury ...:.... .::..._ Calif. and re ad Cycle New>- Mailing acISCRAMaLEIS MC of San Fernando Volley. Blvd.• Lynwood. 638-Ml64. dress Sox 498 . long Beach. Watch for the PEIIIIS VAUFf MC 01 l'erris, Calif. 'AMA Cali f. AMA Sane. Meets Reseda Pork Club- TRINITY TRAILSTEIS MC, INe. Meet> lsI Big Sur Prize Meet Labor Day. sane. Meets lilt Perri$ Motorcycle tra ck every house. Res ed a. Ca lif.• ev ery Tues. ni te 8:30 Wed. & 3rd Sun. a t 6:30 p .m. at Kiser t OS PADRES MC lne. o f Ventura County. 101 & 3rd Fridays ar 8:00 p .m. Mail ad- p.m . Ma il address ' 751 4 Reseda Blvd ., Re- Bres. Cycle Shop. Mail a ddres$: Box In. AMA u net ioned c:ornpeotit ion dub .only. dres$: P.O. Box 37 1 or ~n Pe rris. Calif.• .eel a. Calif. Ph. 345-8678. Willow Creek, Calif. ~ts every I$t and 3rd Thun.. of each Phone 657-3678. SIDEHACX ASSN. of Sou.hern Calif. AMA month. Pres. ' Bill Lullrvll ; Sec'r- Phil Tod d . - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - chartered. Mee ts at The York Club, 72 10 TWIN WHEElEIIS Me. AMA sa nctio ned. Mail addres s 697 Vine 5'., Oak View, Calif. PlAYBOYS OF tONG BEACH MC INe. So.. Wes tern Av e., los Angele $ ev ery bt Meets Thurs. 8 p .m... Stroube an d Alvarado (805) 649-2V72. AMA Sa nctioned. Meets every Thursd ay & 3rd Monday 01 8:30 p .m. Mail ad dress' 5.... EI Rio. Mail address' P.O .60x 102. B p.m. al 406 W. 234th 51., Wilminglon. 101 26Y2 Mounta in Ave.• Tujunga. Calif . Ox nard , Calif . 485-5201. LUCKY FEW MC AMA SWICt. meets 1st & Ph. TE 5-7llO3. 3rd Tues. a r 7:30 p.m. 13406 Lakewood SIMI VAUEY MC of Simi VltIley , Ca lif. VAUFf TRACKERS MC of Sepulveda, Calif. Blvd., Bellflower. Address 13831 Yaak Sr., PORTEIIYA.lE 5l'l_US MC of Porterville, AMA wnc. competition club o n ly. Mee ts AMA sane. Meets 01 9010'12 Sepulveda Garden Grove. (714) 893-1156 . Calif. AMA wnc. Meets lilt Spi nn ers Ou~ every Tuesday ar B p .m. Mail address: P.O . Blvd. every Monday al 8 p.m. Posl MeetLUCKY WHEElS Me. Road Riding O ub. house, 1779 Cryslal 51., Port""';" " , Calif. 60 x 127 . Simi, Calif . Pho ne 526-99 55 or ing. Mail oddress: c/o Don Mall>on , P.O. Meets BoOO p.m. on rorst one! lhird Friday every Tuesday ar 8 p..... Mail addre= P. Jim & OU5ty'• • 60 x 3367, Granada H;lIs, Calif . of each month, al HoD shop. 1241 W. O . 60x 1241, ~IIe, Carof. Holt Pon-.a. Phone 633-54 17. AMA 5 NEaS Me. of LA area. AMA sanction. VENTURA & SANTA BARBARA COAST RIDUS. Meet 2nd & 4th Wed nesday of the & RR e. Pres" J. M. Jones - 983-2524 . PIlOSPECTORS MC of Ga rdenoo. Calif.. AMA Met!ts Mon.. ni te I1S17 S. New Hampshire . month 8 p.m. al 1346 W. Poplar SI., Ox· sane. Meets a l Thornberg Par k. Gardena, in re ar. Refreshmenn during meeting . MAluu m WHEELS Me. 01 ONTARIO. AMA na rd. Ca nf. every Tuesday at 8 p-m. Ma il acI- Phone, (213) 756-4858. sanctioned. Meets 2nd and 4th Saturday dress 1651 Market St~ Ga rdena, Calif. of each month. 7:30 p.m. al 1241 W. HoIr SOCIABLES M.e. Road Rid ing Oub. Mee ts VICTOR McLAGLEN MOTOR CORP. of Ho~ _ Blvd.. On lario. Welcome all married COUp' b;..weekJy a t mem bers' homes in Gardena, Iywood. Ca lif., AMA . an e. Meets al WashlAMS Moe. AMA sa nct ioned. Meets 2nd S. San Gabriel , Bell, S. Gale. Call 324-8457 inglOn & Main, 253 1 Soulh Main Sr•• u.s Ies. and 4th Thursdays 8 p .m. al the Van Nuys after 5 p..m. for time and addres s of meet- Angeles every Tuesday 01 9 p.m. Mail MONARCH Moe. '111 1 N. lallrea. Ing lewood. Playground, comer of Va n Nuys 1IIvd. and ing_ Couples we loomed. Refreshmen... address, 4853 W. 13 1sl 51.. Hawthorne. Van Owen. Calif. 671 -76119 . Phone: 722-4651. Meeting nights flexible. :::::::===::.::1=:=:=:-.:;==:=:-:-__:--: 5'_

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