Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1966 07 21

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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co ... DRAGS continued from front page ~ ?;~Pi;~e~hdeS ~~fir~~;~e~;a~hse~~:i~~ o~a c... defeat ed Mulder s a nd Reese's Nort on ~ 0> ... ... "'> '" :; .... tI) :ik t.:! :?: t.:! ...:J U ;:.., U in the final ra ce for Top Gas money. F uel bike s bec ame excelle nt customers for parts di stribu tor s as pi s tons were burnt and a cc i dents occurre d. Do n McEvoy brought his two 40-in ch T riumphs to lrwinda Ie and des troyed the pistons in ' each machine just as they reached the lights. Chuck Adams had his45-inch special on the s ce ne to back up his 139 mph rec ord of last we ek. The engin e to rque was s o grea t that the frame dist ort ed and all control was lost. ~he bik e performed a 180 degr ee outs ide loop forty feet off of the line. T hanks to good reflex es and quick thinkin g, Chu ck was not hurt but the machi ne will be out of action for s ome weeks to come . Bori s Murray took over the driv e r' s seat of the twin eng in e Triumph ·Flustrat ton" and made an ·orr the trailerrun o r 152 mph and 10.37 Elapsed Time. At elimination time it was Murray vs. Willie Gore 's Harley-Davidson. When the bike s reache d the stagma area, Gore had to shut orr and Murray made a slightly · out or shape " single tor the win. Jim Cook buckled on the leather s whil e Boris took nerve pills and prepared to rac e Eb eling's 40-inch Triumph. Ebeli ng couldn' t, fire and Jim ran the Foothill Cyc l e Center sponsored double to an easy single run or 153. 30 and 10.27 , which total s up to Top F ue l money. (Sobl) sal Estrada did it a gain ! Top s tre et and A s treet cl ass winn er. Harl eyDavi dso n is s ure consistent in the winn er s ci rcle , but it tak es rid ers like sal an d Joe Smith to ge t them there. At Lions F or a lo ng time , L e R oy W yman look ed at the Lions re cord book and si ghed wit h a little doubt of doin g better. La s t wee k, though, hi s pe rseverance a nd efforts brought dividends . L eRoy's name i s now on the pages al ong wit h the brand Honda in new record e la psed time and miles per hour . Th e spee d-9 6.98 , the time-13.58 . Happin e ss is a world's record. Sonny Ra s lawski took full command as the fast est and quick est gas machine at Lions. Th e competition fielded top machines such a s Utt erbach & Muller's Harl ey-D avids on, Ed,McDonald's Harley and Chu ck Gruebn er's Vinc ent. It wasn't e asy to become to p ga s bike but Sonny 's 11. 01 E.T. and 123.62 did t he job. Suzuki rea lly made strides with X- 6 and it was thi s machine that Da le Da vidson won F s treet class with . St eve Cox sco red in E with hi s Honda and G. Han na h took the 650cc s treet class on his Triumph turning 13.27 and 100.67. Ther e were 14 class winners and each one was a fin e pe rforme r and participant. One rider Sunday was forc ed to loa d his bik e on the trail er when he performed "wheel ies " on the strip return road and pit ar ea . All 1 can say is ke ep ' em down rello ws . Spe ed limit in pits is 5 mph and 20 mph on the return road. '. ... The Other Side Pat smith, Virginia Butler, Hellen Murray, Beve rly Cook , Emma McEvoy and Janet Eb eling. T he s e ar e the name s of one half or the su c cess and enjoy omen who handle ment or drag racing. W cho res from pit dire cting t o oil changi ng and they provide a cha nge of pa c e for the eye s, from s teel and aluminum to, well . anyh ow its different! Help, Thanks At Irwi ndal e Rac eway , Bill smullin s of Smullins Machine Shop has bec ome a weekiy feature. His shop is onl y one block from the strip and whe n yo u need help o r wish to go fast er he appe ars lik e a ge nie from th e magi " l amp. Thank s from all competi tors, Mr . Smullins . Worl d Record Meet Ju b ' 30t h & 31st will be t wo days or World Record rac in g at Lions Dra g Strip. The I:3tes will ope n each day at 8: 00 a .m. Th er e are man y records yet to be set in the A.H. R.A. boo k and it seems man y a re goi ng to try an d cha nge t his. Allor the best F uel an d Gas bik es will be in contention, aU the way from l'iorthern Ca lHo mia to Texas and s treet reco rds s hould really tumble to our local la ds. If yo u need help or information abo ut motorcycle dra g racing, call IJob Ebeling (213) 966- 1891. (Re s ul ts on pa ge 16) By Reg Sheld ric k Water Crossing-The Hard Way Title of this week' s report .•.• Mud pil e a Go-Go. " Down the road, up the hills . along the sid es , round th e bends a nd s pl as h! T he Vega s Vall ey MC held their seco nd annual Cros s-C ountry Race July 10, j ust s outh of Las Vegas. With th e j oint e ffort of club members, th e pick a nd shovel bri gade dammed up a gully , lin ed it with tar pap e r and fill ed it with water from a lank truck to provide a wet sp ot for rid ers and specta tors to enjoy . The 100cc cla s s were off th e lin e fi rs t and Tom Culp , a new re s ident from Cali fornia. met hi s waterloo on hi s first outi ng wi th the loc al s . Th e wate r killed hi s engi ne fir st a nd then hi s tra nsmi s sion went. Dan Sta tl ande r fe ll bY the wayside and l ett a thr ee-w ay battle for the tro phy. Bob T ool ey ' s Yamaha prov ed allergi c to the water a nd stalled out often. Chu ck F l ann ery, ridi ng a Hodak a for Bob Simps on cycle gave the mac hi ne quite a good workout . but wound up in s e cond pla c e behind Honda-ridi ng 0 a n n y Sromalla. Bob Tooley (Ya ma ha) was 3rd. I 'm loo kin g forward to s eein g a girl from the Ac es M.C. i n North Hollywood up her e on the 24th to test our 100cc riders . Her moth er Above: Lonnie Lawrln leads Fred Morga nstern through the muck . waiting for him whe n he s ells the one He 's ri di ng now. Conta ct him at 3820857 if yo u're int erested. T he star-studded open c las s , final heat got und erway and the trophy was won by Gen e Drew. pl owing his way th rough the water like a bulldozer. Gene and Lonni e Arnold s pli t the fi rst two heats , an d when Lonnie 's bik e broke down, Gene took the heat and the ra ce. The is sue wasin doubt for a few minutes when th e combined weight of man and machine provided the title for this re- Roy Chlvlngton wIIeelies (1) port . T he BSA sank int o the mud past its ax les , bri nging a few cries of ·GO! from the onlooke rs . T he mud flew in all di rec tio ns til l the wheels got hol d again an d away Gene flew for the fi nal GO'lap, New Track Report The past two weeks have brought letters and phone calls re the next race on the new track, from California and Arizona. The Silver Ci ty Scramhlers will hold their second event here on July 24th. Open to all riders from :iOcc's up. This IS A.M.A. sanctioned. Starting time is 9 a.m , prac ti ce and a 10 a.m , race start. Th e track has been improved a little from the last time , and I think it is the best scrambles tra ck in Nevada. W should have a lot of people from out e of town judging by the cal l s and letters. To reach the track , go east on VeJ:as Valley Dr. This is a s hort way along Nellis Blvd. and Nellis crosses the Boulder highway betw een Flamingo and Tropicana Aves. Next week, report on an interview with Mr. Leo Margolian regardi ng the future of motorcycling (if any) on the Stardust Ra ce way . So many rumors have been floating around town . that I a rranged the meeting to try to clear up the stories and get the facts. , - .' tells me she wa nts to ride with the boys and 1 will assure her of good co mpe t ition if sh e comes up. The 250 Am. & Nov. class saw Lo nnie Lawrin demonstra te the art of falling in the mud th ree different ways , and Cas ey Folks had the pleasure of his mot or quitting a few fe et from the finish lin e and get passed, in the final heat. The spectators who lined the ce nter hills had a full view of the e nti re co urs e , and aid ed the rid ers up the hills wit h their body e nglish. F inal tabulation had Casey Fo lks (Maico) I st, Re d Van Buskirk (Greeves) 2nd a nd Tom Scales (Greeve s) 3rd. Bultaco- riding Max Switz er took the 250 expert class. Bill Hill was 2nd, and Roy Chi vingto n (Greeve s) romped into the 3rd sp ot. Bill has a new Challenger FHEE FHE E VVMC Elects Th e Vegas Valley M.C . held an officers election at their last meeting. Jack Nort h takes over as Pr e s iden t, Don Slagle , V.P., Tom J one s, Se cretar y, Dale F ergus o n, Tr ea surer an d J ay illey , referee . W A few of our boys pac ked off to Phoeni x last Sunday to ride i n the Copper State MC Clu b' s Scramble s. Bob Wal ling wound up as a D.N.F. while J erry Cox t ook the trophy in the 250 amateur astride his H- D. Bob Ni el was 2nd. Bob Ahlst rom was 3rd in the 250 Ex pert. I hope some of thos e clubs i n Arizona make it up here on Ju ly 24th for the Silver City Scramb les. At present it .Iooks like we 'll have the la rgest turno ut of th e year both spectators and ride rs. .. DRAWING FOR Vamaha 80 .. ,FREE BOcc YAMAHA ... FREE .. ,FREE September 3, 1966 Free tickets obtainable from Harry Foster • and the Gardena Bowl. HARRY FOSTER MOTORCYCLES 10 4 2 5 SO. VERMONT AVE. 754-2811 •

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