Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1966 07 21

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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•• ROAD RIDERS MEET AT BIG BEAR by Ro bert O. F e e . Three hundred Southern California Road Riders and their families left the warm climes of the lower levels Saturday , Ju ly 9th, and toured their way to the 6,700 foot mountai n level of Big Bear Lake. The 3rd Annual Big Bear Benefit Rally, promoted by the Toppe rs M .C. of Fontana, started at the Good Luck Campground near Fawnskin at 1 p.m, with an afternoon of field events. A t 4 p.m. th e group moved 8 miles down the road and across t he lake t o th e B i g B ear City F ire Department wher e a Mexi can- st yle dinner of t amal es . rice . beans . sa lad . co ffee and i c e c ream was bei ng se rve d. Then it was on to th e C i t y Park where the maj ority of t he 5 1 tr ophi es were awarded. During th e awards . th e sun set and thos e ri ders from t he L os A ngel es area were given a rare treat - the sight of the starry hea v.ens in their full glory . T he danc e that fo llowed at the P et er P an L odge was a great enj oyment. The musi c of Don Heath and his orc hes t ra was uni nt erru pt ed fo r hours at a tim e. F or those who didn't dance. th e l obby offered soft cha i rs and te le visio n. Just off t he lo bby was th e bar . Most of the riders reti red to t he cllmpgro und or th ei r mot el s as the well pl anned rally kept the people goi ng with no c hanc e of boredom. Sun da y mo rni ng d a wn e d cl e a r a nd cloud less . Ri ders cam ped in t he Goo dl uck C a mp gro un d who were fortunate e no ug h to be within a hu ndr ed yards of the O xnard M.C. we re served by an excellent a larm clock- -some c l a gh o rn- vo i c ed i ndhi dual s ta rted rou t in g his frien d out of t he sack a t 5:3 0 a .m. By six he had succ e eded in rou s in g all of hi s cl ub an d waking mo st of the o the rs n earby. The · traditi onal B e s t Dres sed C ompetition got und er way on t he gras sy slopes of the nort h sho re. A brief commotion accompanied th e award of th e K-9 troph y as a four-legged contestant registered a vocal protest whi ch almost result ed in a fi ght . However staunch fri ends rest rained th e combat ants and bloodsh ed was avo i ded. AMA registration was waived fo r th is eve nt . I t was noon when Du ke, own ed by Darrol Steen of Gard ena. collec te d hi s gol d and joi ned th e other motorcyclists on th e way home. The T oppers were ass isted by th e Nite Li ght er Mot or cy cl e C l ub of Duar t e in pro moting thi s annual event . th e proc eeds of which are donat ed to t he Big B ear Ho spital. (T ro phy wi nne rs on page 17) MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE 8. 1 & . po $ 10 20 5000 FOR CAtrFORNlA il:ESID ENTS ONt y COVoPllES WITH CALI . FINANCiAl RESPQI\ISIBlllTV LA F W ..... RATES SAME FOR EVER yONE ..... ASK ANY CALIF. MOTORCYCL E DEALER FOR OUR APPLICA TION O R WRITE TO CALIF MOTORCVW DEALE ASSOC. . RS cc, UP T O 1 YIl: 66 $ 19 67 10 180 2f1 ne )9 18 1 TO o LAW DALE N CYCLE INC ~ Y AMAHA ~ BOX 4326 2. l OS ANGELE CA LIF. 900 4 3 S. ) :t* I VELOCETTE Due A T I SALES· SERVICE•PARTS· RENTALS 15 3 2 4 H AWTH O R N E BOU L E V A R D LAWNDALE. CALIF. • SP. 2 ·1822 OS . S-.Me THE FAMILY FUN CENTER 218 Main Sl • Venice. Calif. 90293 Send S1.00 for W ebco Accessory Catalog. Dealers write direct for lists and prices. DO YOU WANT TO WIN OR DON7 YOU? Fo r add it ional 5% dl~~~~~ lb:I:: ----1IIIIilo. Stop talking about going fast and do it with the 9lcc Suzuki H.P. Kit from B & W Enterprise. S28.50 Exchange/or S34.50 inclU ding install ation. (InclUding rebo re ely., B & WEnterprises Inc. new hl-dome oJsten, rings, • • ' wrl stpln and rac ing port timi ng.) 128 South PaCific Ave. 80 . & 120cc Suzuki. San Pedro, 832-5345 COMPLETE PARTS AND SERVICE ""S~."...... • HEADQUARTERS • M on.- Fri. H Sat. H S 10-6 un. WORLD CYCLE 3303 SUnset Bl vd. Los Angel es, Cam. Tel: 662-0839 IN TH E BAY AREA IT'S A & A MOTORS ~ F irst Licensed Cyc le Wreck ing Yard In 11 Weste rn States Oy er 10 ,00 0 P a rlJ for All M. ke , • P ro mpt Mai l Delive ry & Mod el! LUCY SEES LONDON BY LIGHTNING A meri can comedienne L ucille B all. know t o television audi ences t hrou ghout th e world in the " Luc y " seri es . has made a lightn ing t our of L ond on fo r her latest progr am. Lucy was i n t he Bri tish c apit al to film on- the-spot sequence s fo r " Lucy in L ondon". to be seen first in full col or by Amer i can vi ewer s in Sept ember . T he sto ry behind th e sc ri pt i s Lucy ' s response t o a U. S. adv erti sement fo r a L ondon L uxury t our . On her arrival L ucy finds her " l ux ury ve hicle " is a powerfu l BSA 650c c Lightni ng. coupled t o a matching Wat soni an sidecar . And to cap it all . her chauf fe ur is t he Bri t i sh star of stage and screen. An t hony Newley . Inevi t abl y . a co mbi nation of t wo such famous names is bound t o l ead to a va riety of whi rlwind situations . but th ey find they hav e chose n one of t he safest and si mpl est met hods of beating traffic j ams in any city . TOM CLARK'S 7 25 8th St reet Mod est c , C.l if. Cycle Specialtie. Aru Co de 209 ~~.. • ~~. ~ "jlI.I. ()' Racing Specialists ~ ......~ Bikes and Equipment ..... We W elcome Mail Orders \ Factory Trained Mechanics Race Tuning For All Brands Two Shops to Serve You 1036 EI Camino in Redwood City 2116 S EI Camino in San Mateo . 't 5H-2955 OLD INDIANS NEVER DIE lorge $Ioc k of Ind io n Ports, from 1930 196 1 Scout, Chie f & '0 W a rr io r (No " 4" Per f s). Bargoin pr ices . Moil orders p ro m p tl y f illed Sammy Pierce Indi a n BSA Sales 933 San Gabriel 81. San Gabriel. Cal. . SAVE up to $100. 00 New ' 66 Honda' s a nd Bultaco's T wo Big Loca tions MA YW OOD· BELL HONDA S83-3409 6101 Atlantic Blvd. LOMITA HONDA 2073 W. Pacific Coast Hwy. 326-3810

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