Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1966 07 21

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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·- •• 8,000 Expected at Asco t TT Largest Purse Ever , • T he ri ches t s tee plechase mot orcy cle ra ce in th e nation--the $6000 Na ti onal Champions hip---is set for Ascot P ark in . " ,Iv 23) at Gardena , Satur day '" 8:30 p. m, Ga te s will open at 6 p.m. Th ere will be preliminary ac tion on F riday night , (J uly 22), in cluding qualtflyi ng runs tor Saturday's50-lap National plus a full sche dule of novi ce ra c e s . Th e race meet ha s attracted a virtual IIb o' s IIb o of cyc le racing aro und the nation. Foremost is Bart Markel. Flint. Mich. , the Grand National motorcycle racing tiUis t. Markel will be maki ng his first SOut he rn Cal iforni a appearance of the year in the eve nt. He is leading the 1966 ra ce for the U.S . champio ns hip. Other headliner s coming in incl ude Roger Reiman , Dick Dorresteyn , Sid P ayne , Geor ge Roeder , Chris Draayer and Mert Lawwill. T he 50- lap U.S. Ste ep le cha s e mee t tr aditionally is a hi ghli ght of t he summer se ason at' As c ot and is expecte d to lure upwards of 8000 fans. Mana gi ng Di rector J .C. Agajanian report s 53 ent ries for the expert c hase an d 54 for the amateur title chase. T he amateurs will run 15 la ps i n their go- . round , RACES HIGHLIGHT OXNARD FETE ,.. r Motorcy c l e ra c e s will aga i n hi ghli gh t th e t hi rd Annual Oxn a rd Sport s F e s ti val which will be he l d Aug . 7 , 19 66 . The A. M.A. sanctioned spo rt sman Sc ra mbl e s Ra c e s will be held as befor e at Huenem e Road a nd A rcturus Bl vd. in Ox nard o n a fast and wid e sca led down model of th e T .T. track at A s c ot . L a st year t he motorcycle ra c e s fa r surpassed the other 72 Sp or ts F es ti val events with approximately 2 ,000 spectators and 200 ride rs who took ho me 50 t rophies . A lot of e ffo rt a nd pl anning by t he v entura C ounty T wi n Whe ele rs who donat ed ti me a nd reso urces , free gratis has ma de this e ve nt a big suc c e s s . CASTLE ROCK NATIONAL MULDER MAKES IT TWO Ascot riders met head on with the Northwest ace s for the firs t time this year and the score was much differe nt this time around. In fact, just about the entire picture chang ed from a year ago at the first national in the North last Saturday night. Only four riders repeated in the main event thi s year. The top three finishers from ' 65 were not around for the main eve nt. Two of them, Dave Palmer and Bart Markel, were elimin ated in the heat races, the third , Dick Hammer, was left standing at Los Angeles International Airport without a plane ticket. Eddie Mulder copped his second na tional TT championship in less than a year with a wire to wire run over the t r ic It y TT course and the 30 lap distance. By Bob Ebe ing HARLEY-DAVIDSON SETS NEW MPH RECORD AT IRWINDAL E, WHILE HONDA SCORES ON BOTH ENDS AT LIONS. T he te am of Smith and Butterworth " s hot down" a field of four gas drag bike s and s et an official miles per hour record of 120.8 0 at Irwinda le Saturday. T he Harley-Da vids on. spo nsore d by Laidlaw' s Harley-Davids on de vel oped clutch trouble s oorly in the dav, but (Conti nue d on pa ge 18 ) Eddie scored a sweep in that he pos ted the fastes t time trial on Friday night and then cam e back to win his hea t race on Saturday e veni ng. Mulder turned a one lap ti me or 26:01 which was or r the record set last yea r by Dorresteyn at at 25:95 . All four hea ts were packed with TT talent an d the la ps were i nc reased thi s ye ar rrom tour to s ix. It ma de little differ ence as some of th e nation' s best racing talen ts were turned back in e very heat rac e. The open in g heat round de fending champion Dave Palmer a nd Geor ge Roed er bei ng el iminated. It also turned back last year's s econd pla ce ama teur rtnalist. Steve Nason. The s econd he at eliminated Jack Simmons , Bart Markel and Dou g Chri s topher. Th e talen t stoppe r conti nued in the third heat wi th Dick Dorres teyn, Dick Taylor, Cal Rayborn and Roger Reiman get ting the ax e. Th e last heat again too k a hea vy toll with the eli mination or M ert Lawwill, Da ve Bos trom and las t ye ar's amateur cha mpion, Dave Cl ark. The 16 ra s test were ready to roa r in (Contine d on pag e 5 ) '10806 'me:] 'q:Jeas :luOl 'PA q:Jeas :luol ' N LLt9 IS SM3N 31J~J

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