Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1966 07 21

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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CALENDAR OF EVENTS ~ JULY ZZ - Z4 [zJ ~ [zJ GYPSY TOUR -.aslline t.... IlJ III. J LC. 1911 C08I&. Pboa. SIt 3-1516. ...:l CJ ;:,.. CJ Ruders are advised lIIat listlne In IIIls alendM Is a .... senlce. CJcl. If_s disclaims anJ ..sponsl bllitJ for cancel latiOll or mancJne f e_s bJ promoters tbout noti ce. Sluts at ROJ. TaCOlU Y.ll0. S. G SlRet. T.. ,.3979 or U Z3~ TT -- 1 - Sbr Class C TWlUGHT .C.. P.O. TT race bJ lIIe Ra.....s M Bos 2231, Rea • . ash.. Pbone SATURDAY, JULY TT SCRAMBLES • Ventura Co. eel ers & lb. Omar d T. ln Sport s Fe sti va l p....nt an AlIA .....ction .d event. Loation is Ho...eme Road at Arc:lurus BIYd.. Osnard. D-2lIOcc 5ICII-UP close s at 9:30 p.m. willi racine at 10:00 p.m. 2SO-op.. . classes slen-up c loses at Noon. races al 12:30 p.m. Admission, SL SO. Race eotry fee .50. CUSTOM SHOW • " A Wo, ld on Wheels" at Pa sade na Rose Bowl. S. ap me.l. Custom Sho. . FashIon Sbo• • ate, Fhe alee orl.s lor beautJ bike s. For enlry blanks. ee ntae t CJc le News. SUNDAY, JULY 31 BA 6-2319. IGHT FLAT TRACK - - AI Dunes Speedwa ,. Hao. .. O..gan. 7 miles nortb of Coos 1bJ. Races slut a PolL Ifat l...a l Riders As .... Saac:tl...ed. 50 - LAP TT CHAMPIONSHIP .Nali...a l Cb_plonsblp contenders Co for lIIas. bie poInls at ASalt ... Pa rk stall e a Po J.C. AeaJ_ Ian Pralllot.s !hi s one al 1&9111 and Vermont In Gardena, 2DO-M1LE ROAD ENDURO , Greater Vancouver B.C.LC . 1630 BounUrJ Rd., BumabJ, B.C. POKER RUN - BJ orR lk C..... t aurs LC. Dist 37 Road Riders points event. Ca ll (213) 964-2674 for information. SAT.&SUN.JULY Z3&Z4t11 ROAD TOUR-"Southwest Cbparrat s LC. 2nd ~ Camp Wisa _Icbt tow. R.R.c. sac:tl-.l poIl11 .... $2.50 IUII-tr J $2.75 post entrJ. Appros 2lIO ml fro. L.A. . . . SprID&YIII.. Foa aM e_s stat • a:eo p..III. Sat. B.B.Q. cII_ al 4:00 Po•• Tropblos at 6:00. Fa.lIJ amploe cro-ds, flsIIloL eater bI_ MIl lbKI e 10 e-p I..... Pick ... ..utes rrn. dulws • all Bob: 325-042 5 • Hoss: 442-154 6 SATURDAY, JULY zea ItABC TV Ch-' 7. at 6:1IlI ..... 1965 Prado P... Jlatloul 0 _ - ProHcod for sIIip TT Mast.! asioe e1c1lt ABC bJ FI I. "'Icoptw ) 30 ~s (_ 1Ii• •s 10 coIar ""d n...... bJ Jxboa of ABC's Wide Kel World of Sports. ~.s . HARE SCRAMBLES - Sliver CltJ ILC. New arlN n.yer ridden. TJPI a l euda desert rXL IbJ be mup 00 outside riders. U ..ed fro. SIlo. Boat Holel. Bouldw HI.aJ. Sbrt at a:30 &.III. ROAD RACE - AFM Las Anee les Cbptw at WIIIt.un Airp'" St.. c1111111. (10500 San Fernando Rd, Pacoima Van NUJs BIYd.) Prxtice sbrts at 12:00 noon 2:00 p.m. All sIIarp. first classes ""d praductlon. P......trJ $&.00 GP. $5.00 produc:tlon. EnbJ • trxIl $2.00 more, .nIJy free 0_ 2lIO mllos. . . . of eate parse. For IlIfonnati oo _d ...tries AFM, PO Bos am. Unl_sa l CltJ. CaUL 91601. P.... (213) 752-'175 HARE SCRAMBLES - Desert Cllatl_e ers LC. of Vic:torviU. presoat a . . In the Barsto. area. Stal at,.... ...... EntrJ fee $2.25. LiIHd 10 .i los JlarlII of Vic:torville 00 FrHWaJ . Course will be 6 loops (3 for lrall bikes) udI loop ...... 10 lies ZOIIIId. SatIIrUJ n1cbt ~pine Iut .Ine 0_ . . . . ""d .ats. Trophies for wary S eatrles 10 a class. Re..Its will be mail.... POKER RUJI - IIoaads LC. P. for Gold. Ran Sbrts at lIoIlu of GardIIq . 15515 S. west.a A.... Gar1IlIu, Calif. PoUr . . 10 AzIIsa for Gold ,....... Sbrts • 9:GO - . wrp. F. f. the f.-lIJ. SCRAMBLES - SII_ CltJ LC. at s-rls. R _ J end of Vall., Drln ..... N.llls BI..... Prac:li.. 9 a.m.. Stut 10 .. EntrJ $3.00. A Isslon 50 coat s SUNDAY, JULY Z4111. UGHTWEIGHT TT SCRAMBLESUcbt_ ip t s, Inc. LC. al Perris. $lull bibs oolJ. F. furtbor loro c:ontxt FloJd E. . Sec:., 5702 Parapet SL. Loae Bud, phone HA '-'140 5. EUROP EAN SCRAMBLES - So. Cal. ILC~ lIad from .acon . beel 10 Red Rock ..... Twa ClllII'. .s, AIIA-UIIc:tl...ed, ent ry fee $3.00. &.IIL, Ifoylce s Trai l bibs a: 9:1IlI &.m., Amat eurs 10:00 LIIL, Esparts 11:00 &.IIL Cammiss l...ers SCRAMBLES les at Ab scadero Scr Spee dwaJ. nortb of San Luis o . spo. TWO - STAR TT - - Class C ......1 bJ Gra,' s Hubor M.C. al Elma rite Fa ircrounds, .a Inet on. li s. c/ o P.D. Bos S07. Co .asll. TT SCRAMBLES - HI-Bools ILC. at Debesa Trxk. Practice Sbrts at &.... rad • 10. MONDAY, AUGUSTBlb rae. A.LA. DIST 36 REFEREES Ass'n meeUne at Capital CIIJ ILC. -241413111. SL sacramenlo. Calif. at a pm This Is Just norlll of 13111 and Broad.a J. SC~L ES - at Sab _ioI SpeedwaJ. N•• Imprnved Ins. A.M.A. field 01111 twol J saac:tl. ... 36a rule.. 51en .. clo..s 12:30 Rac. 1:00 all classes. SCRAMBLES - Hosted by Palo Alto LC. at F . -nI. POKER RUN - Lodl M.C. at Lodl CJCI. Bowl. SPORTSIIAIf HILL CUMB - Santa Cruz M.C. al Scotts Vall.J. FRIDAY, AUGUST 5111 NITE SCRAMBLES - Lodl ILC. at Lad! CJcl. Bowl. SATURDAY, AUG. 61h POKER RUN - Host.d bJ CJ cle N_s d Incl d. s al lIIe conclus100, lIIe sIIo. lne 01 III new CJ c le Ac:tlon Moyies. Sb rts at III CJ cl e N• • s offic. . 6477 Lone Beac b Blvd.. at 10:00 a.m. and ends at arin. Air sbllon at tb. EI Toro M 1:30 p.. Entry fee Is $2.00 Includlne admissio n to lIIe moyie tbeat... JlITE SCRAMBLES - Esp lorer Post S. 3O Madera Falrero ds. - Hi-.aJ ItInes BENEFIT RU ale. Call (n 4) beoefit for BoJ' s HO or Info. r I 522-19&2 SAT. & SU • AUG. 6& 11 A.H.R.A. ORLD CHAMPI ONSHIP SAT. &SUN. JULY30 &31s1 Drae Rx.s. Sec d week for tb is Strip A.H.R.A. WO RLD CHAllPI DNSHIP enrol. Held a Li s Drae In Drac Races. at Lions Drae Str ip at 223r SL. Sootb of Alameda o In Wllmln&t n. Gat. opeo at a &.m. . 11 Incton. Stuts a ...... Bike . lImlnallons start SaturdaJ 110 IIILE NATIO AL CHAli Pl ONeven l e.. Strip loea d at 223rd SL. SHIP ROAD RACE. Eyenh t GreenSooth of Alameda. .ood RoadwaJ . D.s Moioes. loW&. SO-lllil. alUtllll and 4O-m1l. noYlce FRIDAY, JULY Z9th road races. Prxtice and II e IfITE SCRAMBLES. Ladl LC. at trials Ane.. 6 & 7. Entry lanils . Lad! l:JC1 Bowl. from A.IIA.. SATURDAY , JULY 30 SUNDAY, AUGUST lib 300 IIILE ROAD POKER RU • d fi.l d _et. IlJ t he CUIpoUt .C•• Portland . Oro. Black Jacks M .rlte for IOtrJ to 9225 s.• . aOth, Port l d. 97200_ SCRAMBLES - Gripsters ILC. pr. . .1 a -.oiot =-ble s in a n_ area oa a n•• track about 2 allies If. of Coroou. Track will be Icbl s at a:oo lip • ered nere Is Lm. ble bikes at pl_tJ of sbade. plus a swlllllDln e lab _d a trout n slline lake. Tak. RI_sld e F....a, to Noral to. . off _d CO ortb to 'SII_ Lake .." NITE SCRAMBLES, Hosted bJ Ha,wMd ILC. at Ha,..d SpeedwaJ FLAT TRACK • Nlp t ev t . DUDeS Spoechq J. Hao. .. ~ 7 miles nortb of Coos BaJ. Nati. riders Assn. SHc:Ilooed. Races stat at a .... TT SCRAMBLES - Sprockets LC. at Sprock .ls Partt, a1cfl1 auersfle ld. Sica... 6:30 ..... far all siD bikes, rxas stat at a:lIlI p... Trxk Is IoclIlod • tbe . - of CIlIa GraIo I...oop. Refre... ..... anllIIbI L rae. EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT SCRAllBLES - Hosted bJ Abs...-.. bmbler s LC. at Ata"" '" SpeedwaJFO ULA A NATIONAL CHAMPI SHIP HILLCU ~ IIusk.p 1IIdl. ad will be _Id • III.. GarAll . licibi. riders _Iifled bJ lIIo A.LA. "I. .111_ AUG. 10,11, 12,13 & 14lh 26l11. ANNUAL BLACK HILLS MOTOR CLASSICS. Aoe 10, GJPsJ Tow luves St"'eis, s. Oak.. at 9 a.... for "" alI-UJ .scourte d t_ 10 Devils To_r In WJomlne. Aue.. 11. Main GJPsJ Tour I.aves Slurels at 9 LIIL for an all-uJ ... courted tour to IIouaI RuslllllOl'll . SYI~ uk. and otber beaut iful spots In the Black Hills. SportSlllall SIIort Track In III. ennlne- Aue. 12, Sportsm" " Hili Climb In III. Ine.. Sport _ Scrambles In III. att--. . Free Food 10 all bJ III. Sturels Cham_ of Commerce In III. citJ park. Procram In !be eveni... Ane.. 13••• are pi_Inc a short road tour In lIIe IIOmlee to tb. Hom.sta ke Gold Mlno In blstorlc Lead, S. Oak. A.LA. 1/2 mil. dirt track races In III. afternoon at III. faitcrounds. Sport... .. short trxk In III. e.....1 e. Aue. 14. Attend church of JOur cbolc. In III. _nine.. A.LA. 1/2 1111. dirt trxk rxl ne In !be aftem.... .. All Sport...... E_s are far trapbJ onlJ. A.LA. unctl...ed dirt track rx.s •• for $2700.00 prize IIIOnoJ. G..... eral Alhlssi ... cUre.s lor all Sport.... a and Class C race events run from $l.2S (sportsmen) to $2.SO (Class C). .e ban a ..plne fac:IIiIl. s at tbo ClIJ park ""d lIIer. ar. several mol. ls and oIels to ls acallDlll oute eY8rJ Y ltar to our c1tJ. For h. lp .11b ....mtl ons or ""J uestlOlls fee l ,.. 10 write: Doreen A lii SOlI. 1215 ·J unc:lIOII Ave. SlurcJs. S. Oak.. or St...e ls Cbamber of Com....ce. Bos 504. Sturels. Dakota. So ATTENTIO N P UBU ClTY COliITTEES _. Be sure 10 s... d CJ cle News tl ce of Jour COlIllne In d we will list III ...ts .Y ti s depMtment free.. A post ca rd or a post er will do. B. sure to Includ. d1rec:1lon s 10 tb• • vonl, stutine Ii e s, etc. FRIDAY, AUGUST 1ZI h ITE SCRAM BLES • Madera Braves ds. ILC. at CI her SATURDAY, AUGUST 13lh NITE TT RACES - Selma Speed waJ SUNDAY, AUGUST 141b SCRAMBLES - Host.d bJ Oiler s IL C. al Deb. sa Trxk.. ee ls for POKER RU N - Ibrrl. d informatl Oll a ll (714) 9&3-3216. A.C.A. SHORT TRACK - Oranee c_J Speed.a J. Pit cat. open al 6:00 p.m. Flrsl .nrol at a:oo p.m. SO. 100 & 250cc Classes . Trxk Is located off lbe San DI.CO FWJ. south of Tustin. xross from El Toro Air Slation. ACA SHORT TRACK - Soulb Gat. SpeedwaJ . Pit cates open at 6:00 Pom•• c los. 7:00 p.1IL Professiona l Class A rules. 50cc . 100c c and 250cc etassas, Take Flreston • culoff east 01 Lane Beacb F.J. to Garfie ld. soutb on Garfl.ld on. block 10 Soutbem . on Soutbem to track. EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT SCRAMBLES - Ladi ILC. at Lodl CJc le Bowl. 0 1sl 36 AlIA sport .. m.n sanetlen, Slenup and practice 6:00-7:00 p.m•• 6 or mo,. ,Ide,s make a c lass. Clus C tractlen, hleb poinl trophie s all classes. Ey.rJ FrldaJ nlgbl !broueb Aug. 26. Call 36a-71a 2 fo' further Inlormatl on. HALF-MILE FLAT TRACK- Ascol Park, 183rd and Vermont InGa rd...a. TI... Tr ials 7:00 p.1IL FIrst rac. a:15 p.m. CLASS A SHORT TRACK- Vallejo Speed.a J,Vall.Jo . AIIA-sancliOllod. Tim. trials at 7:00 p.lIL. first rK. a:30. Jusl across .... brldee from San Francisc o, 59 miles wesl of Sacramento. DRAG RACING - Carlsbad Race.aJ. op...s 5:00 Pom., .lIminat loas al a:oo p.m. Handlap sJst..... I. ee Top Bib trDpbJ. Pac. Cst. HWJ. 101 to Palo... Airport Road turnoff. lIIen .ut pul al rport to Rac_aJ . PRACTICE SESSION - Soutb Gal. Rac.waJ ( FIreston . and Lone Bead FWJ.) NO Ucense or .._ bersb lp necesYr J. 500cc slneles onlJ. no brak.s. For furtbor informallon all (714) a42-3&13. uk for MIke. DRAG RACING-FOlIQna Drae CItJ . San Ilet'nardlno FWJ. 10 Eli_u t ...notf. nortb 10 Foothill, rlcbl 011 Footblll to striPo Gal.s open at 5:30 p.m. . lImlnatioas start at 1:00 p.1IL SATURDAYS DRAG RACE- Irwinda le Race.aJ . 1:00 p.m. on SaturuJ s. Tropbl.s . plus asb bonuses for slreel. fuel and eu cluses. Tab San Bernardino FWJ• • ast to Oranee . Nortb on Drane. .blch becomes Irwindale AYL. tn Rac.",J . FRESNO DRAG.AY - Drae raci ne .YerJ flrst and IIIlrd SaturuJ . Nut m"t Jun. lalh. Gates OP'" at 12:00 Noon. TT STEEPL ECHAS E-First Sat.... daJ nlpt of .ach montb at Asco t PMk. l &3,d and Vermonl, Gardena. AMA Class C event . nrst rac . 1:00 Pom. EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT SPORTSMAN SHORT T RACK Vall., IL C. al CJcl. und Speed. aJ , 14 mll.s soutb of Cblco on HWJ. 99-E and Gae. Sblppee Rei. P it eate clos e s 1:00 Polo. Races sbrt a:30 p.m. Coobct Dick IIc Af" , 6633 PentJ Rd., Para se . Calif. for 100.. Info. TT SCRAMBLES - Elslnor. Race Track.. Every Saturu J nlebt sbrtInc J ulJ 16l11. P ractl c. slarts approxlmale lJ at 4 o·clock. Entries close at 7 o'clock. No points. but lropbl. s glyen• •ltb opportlDl ltJ for plenlJ of fun racine . NITE FLATT RACK RACING at Dun.s SpeedwaJ , Hauser Dreeon. 7 10 lI. s north of Coos BaJ. Sanc:tlon. d by N.R.A. Racine starts at 8:00 p.m. Rac ine .111 be ev.ry SaturdaJ nit. Aug. 6l11. SATURDAYS & SUNDAYS DRAG RACING - Lions Drae Strip, 1:00 p.m. on Saturda, s. 9:00 &0... on SunuJs. Trophl.s and E.T. IIOTORCYCLE" bracbt. . Strip Is located at 223rd " OP ERATI ON Blood Ba k.. Ca ll (213) 442-164 6 Str"t. soutb of AI_oda . or (n 4) S22-19&2 far Info. MO DAY, AUGUST 151h SUNDAY, AUGUST 11lh ROAD RACE RIDING SCHOOL, at item- Air Park, Paco ima. FRIDAY, AUGUST 191b MITE SCRAMBLES - Fr.sno LC. at F..sno. SATURDAY, AUGUST zelb NITE SCRAMBLES - Sprocbl s ILC•• $Dracbt s Park, BaUrsfl .ld -. EVERY THURSDAY NIGHT SUNDAY, AUGUST Zlsl POKER RUIf - bJ Throttle Ho ds ILC. Lenet b of run. 100 mll. s. Free food at end of run. Man Mil. TropbJ. TropbJ lor hlp poker bands and 10. ball bands. Dinner and casb award.. Entry lee $2.00 Sica.. at 10:30 a.m. FIrst on. out at 11:00 Lm. Sbrtlne place Is Ibe Falrcrounds In santa Marla. TT SCRAMBLES • HI-Boots ILC. at TrKk. Prxtlc. 10:00 a.m. ,xl ne al nooa. (th e Voice of Ca lifornia ) 6411 N. Long Beach Blvd. Long Beach, Calif. 90805 Or: Box 498, Long Beach, Calif. Phone: 423-0431 (Area Code 2131 FfIIII L.A. Pbaaes: 636·8844 Publis hed weekl y exce pt th e first and last week of the c ale ndar year by C&:S Pu blishi n g Company. P. O. Box 49 8. L o n g Beach . Calif orni a. Ch arles C l;IJ'ton .•••.. . . .. •••.•••. Ed itor Sharon C I;IJ't on ••.• Busine ss )Ianage r anager Gil Brown. •••••••,\ dve rtis ing M D.B. (Dut c h) Fielder•.,\ s st. Ad. Mgr. Dennis Gre en e ••••••. .•. . Photo Editor Gay Thomas on ••C ircul ation Mana ge r CONT RI BUTORS : C a r l Bartlett , Dale BoUer. AIlDelte Camp , Wes Coole y . Mike C ro wley. Bob Ebelinc , Robert O. Fee. Lany Haley, Herman. Maureen Lee, J oe Lopez, Walt Mahony . George Maness , Bill P ettigrew , John Ramos, Dan Reynol ds, Ro llY Rockwo od, Earl . Roe sel e r. S econd Clas s P ostage Paid at Lon g Beach. Cali f. Any pari of this newspa per may be used wi thout permiss ion a s long as credit is given. Edit oria l contributions . cartoon s . photos a, e welcome d and will be paid fo' upon publication. Self-add ressed . s tamped e nvelope assures ' eturn. SinRie Copy Pric e .. . .. •.. .•.••.•. •• 15 ¢ Subscri ptions: One ye a r 2nd class mail. • • • • • • • • • • • • • •. $7.50 Adverti sing rate s will be sent on re quest. SUBSCRIBE ON PAGE 22 If you are not al ready a su bscribe r 10 Cy cl e , .ews, read thi s . !ben tum 10 page 22 and fill ou t Ib e coupo n Ibereo o. Tear it out. 'Se nt it to us wilb or wilbout your c beck or money order ( we trust yo u) d Iben • • •you' ll not only get your Cycle • ·e ws fre sh e very week via improved second cla ss mail service (or a day or two ear lier "ia more expeosi ve first class mail) Iut you' U also be eligi ble for priz es in Ibe current ., Bike of Your Dreams " cootest . Ok ? T um 10 page 22 . Vallej Speedway' July 15, 1966 By P a lti e P re s tidge For the second time Butch (92y) Corder of Sacram ento bl ew his Triumph moto r. Last week when he was leading the Main after 12 of th e 15 laps he blew and "t his week after winning the semi and th e Trophy Dash he "tied it up" on the 13th lap . Di ck ( 4I y ) FarJa of San Pabl o and B ut ch Corder had been battling all the way and when Butch bl ew Dick riding a Ducati, swoope d i n add won the Mai n Event. Di c k had taken it easy in the heat. semi and Trophy Dash. but came on strong in the Main. Butch said he was gonna Quit winning these " expens i ve" Trophy Dashes each week. New Star Debuts Vallejo was the sc ene for real excitement with Tommy (53z) Clark and Corder 's bikes tieing up. Il was also the scene for the debut of a new raci ng star. R eal ly watch for Ji mmy (JOy) Odom of F remont riding a Bultaco. Jimm y is an Expert scrambler and us ually rides a ontesa. The bike is t une d by his dad , and r. Odom sure does a good job. (Result s 011 page 16)

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