Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1966 07 07

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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-~--- ---- --- -- -- - By C.C, from page 3 .... trees 10 be cut down 10 provide paper ~ to print Cycle News on. eo Me Ri der 0.. W ha te probing old wounds , but th e e ~ fract ured relationship betwee n AMA 0> bigwigs and California s po rtin g riders - is not mending properly by i tse lf. If you r..: a re reading Cycle News for the first .... time , a ll ow me t o put yon in the picture . :=; The American Mot orc ycle Assoo.., Ia tron, our national competition coordina ting and race sanctioning body, ~ sets the rul es for the vast maj ori ty of t.l clubs and ra ces In th e U.s. TIlis year ~ th ey passed a new rule prohibiting their t.l Clas s C ( profe ssi onal) ra c ers from a ,.J non-class C ( s p or tsman) scra mbles or C,) TT-scrambles . Als o. beginning this ::.. ye a r, a n AMA rule gives c lu bs penni aC,) - '.on to pay mone y prizes or trophies at thei r events. F or lack of orticial communicatio n a ccompanying th e new rules , we ar e left t o de duce the reasonin g i n fa vor of the m as follows: 1. By requiring racers 10 perfonn exclusively for professional race promoters, hi ghe r purses can be negotiated a nd a general increase in ra cers incomes c an be achieved. 2. Promoters will be encouraged to c rea te lo ca l stars by spending for publicity, if they know they won't be building heroes for their no n-profit com petition (th e sportsmen clubs) to ca pitali ze on. 3. Eastern clubs bave been pay in g money 10 scrambles winners s urreptitiously anyway, so why not le galize it and recognize the need? The only st rong objections to th e rul es co me from the sportsmen. Some Amateur-class pro fes sionals a lso feel that th ey should be allowed to de ve lop their s kil ls In both kinds of ra cin g before tbey are thrown in against the professional ex perts. The s ports men profess co ncern for the pro who likes t o ride for fun and practise. TIle clubs have expe ri enced a s light loss of rev enue from their events since the rule has been e nro rced , but they do not see m conce rned about th is. Spo rtsmen he re vote d unanimously not to pay money pri z es because th ey fee I that would s mac k of professionalism. California sportsmen a re , without e xce ption , dedicated , amate ur fun-riders. Money would only tempt thei r treasure rs an d taint their e ve nt.. they believe. Yet th ey are e nth us ias tic s howmen whe n it comes to promoti ng a club scra mbles a nd t hey feel, Quite rightly, t hat the best part of their show has been taken away without so much as a "would you mind .. . . ? ., As a result, commlDlications between AMA headquarters and Cali fornia clubs have entered the stage. We hate to see this mis unde rstandi ng conti nue on its peril ous rout e to secesstcn because we suspect that , for a ll its blunders , the AMA now has posai bihti es of leading ame rican motorcycling in t he gene ral di rection of up. We don 't think t be AMA will make it without the s olid back ing ofCalifomia 's sportsmen clubs and riders . Therefore we s incerely oITer a s ugge stion whi cb the AMA Competition CollllDittee may wish 10 conside r. It i s not Cycle News ' idea, nor should anyone else attempt to take credit for it. But it may serve as a compromis e solut ion tbat .ouuld benefit all three million o f us " 'ho like IIIOtorcycles and want 10 see the sport improve. The s ugl:es tlon is this: Amend the rul e to pennlt Amateur Class C profes s iona l riders 10 compe te in sportsmen events where no money prizes are paid. This would still leave the Expe rt Class C riders as the exclusive property of the big-time prnlllOters and they should th en be paid commensurate with their skill. T he sportsmen clubs would co nti nue to develop rutore Cl ass C racers. as they a lways have, without di minishing the promo te rs' gate. If th e Compe t ition .Rules Committee woul d pass this a mendment with th e utmost speed that th ey ar e capable of, Cycle News will ha Ppi ly headli ne the act in lette rs three in che s tall ! DI RT BOMB from front page c are s to remembe r, (would you believ e 1940?) came bounding into c heck 4 a round 11 :30 a .m. to pl a ce 22 ove rall and wrap up t hat Sunda y ' S rac e . The Ch ampion s hi p had to be held late this year. Ori gi nal plans called for a J anu a ry or F e brua ry da t e when the weather would ha ve been much coole r. The hot day laid Iowa few riders who p ro bably would have finished otherwise . The co urse wa s well laid out and very well limed and signed. the ttrst th re e 25-mile loop s were a re al hla st o ver hills, through th e washes , up and down th e mountains. Th e Iinal loop was a long a. \\inding road to th e last che ck po int. A few rid ers co mmented on th e .. Road Race" section. Th e s ponso ring club, mt ndtul of th e heat or th e da y, put this part in Iiguring that afte r th e lort urious going ov er the t errihl e te rrain. rid ers need a li tOe s tretch 10 relax before the next go- round. The clay's only i niu ry wa s to J e ppy P e rkins of t he s at. M.C . I got the s to ry tha t he wa s racing a not her rid e r t o an ope ning in t he mountnins a nd los t, flippi ng man a nd machine up ove r t he rocks. J ep py got multiple fa c ial la cerations . an d a de nti st's bill. I hea r that o ne rid er. whos e e ngi ne jammed up, pushed it over alittle cliff and s a t down i n the s hade to relax. T he trail bi ke cla s s saw Hodak a mounted Jack Morga n lead thru t he t st lo op a nd take th e trail trop hy a head of Ron Bish op (Z un) and Ri ck Walden (Honda). Bob Tool ey rode hi s Yamaha to 4t h in the firs t lap hut fell be hi nd in th e final as the Cal . lads swept t he first five pos itions. Des ert Da isy Rose marie M tino ridar i ng a Hoda ka 90 finis hed 13t h. So me rid er on a Greeves unl oa ded in front of her a nd s he ha d to lay he rs down, Quote , • Becaus e I didn 't have the guts to run o ve r him " . She was the only female e ntrant and rode as good a race as the me n. Las Vegans would be happy to see s ome Cal ifor nia girls t here for their Cross-Co untr y ra ce July 10th. They promise a little wa t e r around that course. ----- - ~- - - ._- --- - _._-~ • • • Above: Desert rid er prepares for a soft l andIng. (He hopes). Belo w: Larry Bergqul sl rushes through a check In the l ead. ( Re s ults on pa ge 12) . c '" Tom Scales checks In before bomblnc on to II nl sh nl neteenth on bi s Greewe s. .. '~" 'c" c e '" ~ 'C C t 'c" .9 2 U c e '" ~ • E e '" j c:. ""'~.~.6"J:: Above: Spectators spectating at the start, Belo w: Greev es mounled Bob Riley beaded f or bls slxlb place II nlsh . • "_n GILERAS GO! CYCLE CITY t_y're tu..d by .. 2142 LOIIe BeacII 81...... Lon& Beach, ..... 591-1319 Gllera speed kits / GII• •Royal Enfield deal. S IM PSO N MO TORS 5475 San Fern.,n do Rd . West Los Angeles 39. Cal ifornia DISTRIB UT O R of JUDSON products (iocludin~ Cycle -Tron transistor ignition) and FRA NCIS CO O ILS and che mical s. INTROOUCINQ THE: Mll£LY FlAY SPECIAL IlAClNQ IIOOYS. TIIACl{ S· h .... - . . . . . .t 2 Ibs. _ ""lr $15.95 KEN MAELY the shoeman Route 2, 1101158, Corona, Calif. . Irk tile "'ill wit, IP~ . ., 1 550 p1~ o LAWNDALE CYCLE INC A YAMAHA e ):" , VELOCETTE D ue A T I • SALES-SE RVICE- PARTS-RENTALS 1 5 3 24 HAWT HORN E B O U L EVARD L..AWNOAl..E CAL IF • SP 2 1822 os 6954& THE FAMILY f-UN CENTER MOTORCYQ.E INSURANCE . I. L& P. O FOR CAI.J=()RNA RfSI)EN1'S ar..y CDMPUI5WITH CALIF. FWANOAl 101 _ RAns SAME Rf.SflCJ'6BIlJT lAW .... to 66 CALF MOTOIlCYCl£ 0EAlB. . 61 TO 180 29 APPlICATICN 01 Vr'RITE 1{). a... . , . . . " m DUlBI5 ASSOC. BOX A3262, lOSAHGElfS, CAUf. 90043 181 TO 328 39 CIIIBl 328 •• EVBn'QtoI; _ ASI.. AN'( ~ ex.- S IO/20 ':SOOO I YIl ce. ". •

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