Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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:::::a.... • • VOLUME III NUMBER 26 National Cb~ionsbip Warmup MULDER TAKES ASCOT IT • Hot and cold Eddie Mulder was batter tban a 4tb 01 July lirecracke r in the linal tes t belore the national T T on July 23rd at Ascot. A month ago he lailed to qualily lor the main event but more than made up lor it this time around. Edd ie wa s t urned ba ck in hi s • he a t rac e by Gene R omero a nd a gain in t he das h by Rome ro and D i c k Hamm er before he really go t going a s only Mu lder can go . He lea pe d t o a qui ck lead in the final a nd it was all o ve r. R ome ro moved up to challenge fo r t he fi rs t e i ght laps but then got off on t he first t urn t ry ing to close the ga p on the ninth round . With Rom ero out, Mulde r had a wide le a d over Skip Van Leeuwen (Con ti nued on pa l:e 9 ) DRAGS 8 y Bo b Ebelmg Triumphs set three new records , Honda one! Dick Rios defeate d by Murray and Cook! Orenall es and Ebelin ~ cal l it a draw! • These are th e headline banners from a we eke nd of fast action at F re mont raceway near San Francisco. A t 8 :00 pm, Fri day , July 1st, the C y cl e News caravan left Los An(Conti nue d on pa ge 13) (lj " (lj (lj ~ " • c" ' " ( lj Q II> " S II> e • (lj ~ e ci: Cal-Nevada 100 Mile Hare Scrambles .!! Bill HIli Checks In. e " ( lj Q THE DIRT BOMBS • • • It was just like the gold rush days of old. Many an overnight camper was stretched out under the Las Vegas stars awaiting the early moming start, to seek the gold in them there hills. Today's modem gold rush traveled' via two-wheeled horsepower, and the gold was the the trophies. BSA-riding Larry Bergquist, remembering his Bonanza strike in '65 , went whaling around the desert hills to take the overall trophy again this year , in the 3rd annual Nevada-Calif. 100 mile Hare scrambles. 8:30 a. m. the banner drop sent the big bikes bombward, followed, when the dust settled, by the trai l bikes. To the smoke and off for the first of four 25-mile loops they roared. Arriving with an 8-minute lead at the first check was early leader Doyle Fields (Tri), followed by Jim McPherson, Larry Bergquist, James Martino and local 250 expert Bill Hill. Bergquist fell behind for a spell when his shift lever broke but ~ little forsight came into play here. Lar ry carri ed a spare, inst~ll ed It and roared on. Martino , pushi ng his Triumph hard, took the l ead through the 2nd and 3rd lap followed closely by Greeves rider Bill Hill. The lead changed again as Larry turned it on in the final lap to becom~ the overall winner. James M no was 2nd, Gary Preston (Tri) arti T BIll Cal. M.C. 4th, and fifth ard,he SO. Hill (Gre) was the lar ges t was Doyle Field (Tri). group at the Ha re Scr amble s from Los An geles . Over 30 membe rs mad e the t rip a nd turned out 12 ride rs . Among the ma ny ent rants was 13year-o ld Ja ck J ohnso n, who rides for Rancho-Mira ge Honda-Tr iumpb. Ja ck ' s luck ra n out this ye a r whe n his machine failed him an d thi s 2 time winner of the t rail bik e c lass had to b e c 0 me a s pectator. A lot of pra is e s hould go to Bill Hill of the Sil ve r Cit y Scramb le rs . In a fi eld loade d witb 500 & 650's, in very ca pa ble hands , Bi ll was never far behind the lea ders. His 4th pla c e fini sh was even more noteworthY as he has been ill t he l as t fe w days wit h a ba d summe r cold a nd was a doubtful start er. Local BSA-Yamaha dealer Al T i tus, who hns bee n ri din g longer than he (Conti nued on pa ge 4: Ii '" S Q .c :. Dan Reed outraced the novice Trers. Ka-chooie! Mo to rcycle Goes Blooie MOTORCYCLE YS. HELICOPTER ror the outcome of this exciting match race at Wilow Spmgs Raceway last Sunday, see Cycle News next week! All it look was a mansized s neeze Friday nidlt to redu ce Police Orric e r J . L . Pascoe's three-wheel motorc yc le to a sputtering hulk 0 1 dented meta.! and shattered d ass. Orrice r Pascoe sai d he was drivi ng the cycle in the Lonl: Beach City Ga rage, 243 Che st n u t Ave., when he "sne e7.ed proluselye a bout 8 : 50 p .m, Th e sneeze, he said, ca used him to lose co ntrol of the cycle. It gla nce d orr a ce nte r post a nd crashed into a wall , breakinl: the windshield an d red lamps , dentin I: the front fender a nd bending the front " b eel. Th e offi cer escaped with a brui s ed e go. _ HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO? BREAK SAMMY TANNER'S REC ORD You c a n ha ve t he honor of bre ak in g the re c ord o f Sa mmy Tanner , Na t ional #7 ra c i ng a nd re c ordi ng star , if you fi ni s h i n the first 50 of the new s ubscri pti on contest t ha t C y cle New s i s just sta rting. This contest is the lates t fa vorite pa stime of th e fun bunch. Anyone can ente r as o fte n as you wish. but you ha ve to be a s ubsc ribe r to Cycle News to win In oth er words, you ha ve to rec eive Cycl e Ne ws every week in the mail to win th e honor of breakin g Sam' s record . W guarantee it will be a pl ea sure a nd a e thrill to do it ou yo ur 0"" motorcycle. All you have to do is put sam's record on the s treet and nm over it because it is a 4:1 rpm record a f Sammy Tanner singi ng "The F ly ing F lea " and on the ni p side "So One ," Is that a lmost 100 much for the bears? Here ' s a ll you do to win: 1. Be a s ubs cri ber to Cycle News and get yo ur pa per every week by. mai l. 2. T ell us in 25 words more or less, why you lik e CYcle News (or why you don't li ke CYcle News if that's the way you fee l a bout it) . 3. Just in case you win first priz e, write down wha t motorcycle you woul d li ke to have for Chris tmas if you co uld ha ve any motorcy c le available in the U.S. 4. Mail yo ur entry to Cycl e News , " Machin e of your Drea ms Contest" , P .O. BOI 498, Long Beach, Calif. Entri es will be judged on th e basis of since rity, origin ality and a ptn ess of thought. Of co urse, if you don't wis h to break SIlmmy Tanne r' s rec ord. y ou could add it to your collection of mode m folk-rock mus ic. Recorded in 195 9, the little wax disc de finit ely pro ves tha t befor e th e beatles , came the Flea. .. ~ .,IIS 'J!II:' 'JP!aS 2a01 'N un !peas :1111 SM3N 31:lJ..:l :01 UImaJ JaA!lap 01 arqeun Jl - - H3JSVYiJSOd