Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1966 06 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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7 .. • • • "C harf t y New sie s· lO -Mile National : • MARKEL SPARKLES AT COLUMBUS, OHIO By Roxy Rockwood . • • Michigan ace Bart Markel gunned his Harley-Davidson past Mert Lawwill early in the race to capture the annual lO-Mile National Championship race for the third time in five years last Sunday afternoon at Columbus, Ohio • Lawwi II took the lead off the line and held it unti I the start of lap four when both Markel and George Roeder flashed by as the riders entered the back straightaway. Roeder, t he de fending "Charity Ne ws i e s· champion, le d Markel across t he li n e th e ne xt two l a ps be for e th e G ra nd National champ inched a he ad at th e e nd of laps six and seven. An over-eage r R oe d er, anxious to make it two in a row be fo re a partisan home-state crowd , got i nto t urn on e too hot on lap e ight and fell ri gh t i n front of the fast-running C hri s Draay e r. Dr aayer In j ured • , • • Draayer ran di recUy over Roeder's fallen machine and was vaulted high i nto the ai r. Both Draayer and hi s machine cork-screwed down the track and land ed just short of tum two. The black Clag came out and the race was st opped. Draay er was taken to the hospi tal a nd his Injuries did not appear to be serious . Roeder was not scra tched in the s pill although his machine was too badly bent to re-e nter the rac e. Th e ra ce was re-s tar ted with the rid ers In si ngle ru e. Fo r the firs t time It was a flyin g start with Markel brin gi ng the rid ers down the front chut e at medi um s peed to ta ke the s tarting fla g and ent er the 9th lap. From her e on out It was a runaway for the Ha rley ac e as he recorded his 16th National win. Ronni e Rall , the ' 63 "inner, drove by L awwlll on la p ten to finis h second. Lawwill was ext ende d right down to the fiag bY Illinois ' Ba be DeMay in the ra ce for third plac e a nd the final spot in the winner's ci rc le. Ga ry Nixon passed Roge r Reiman with two laps to go to take 5th position. Amateur W To Warren in The Amateur final was a runaway for the ju nior member of the Michigan team, young Jack Warren. He le d it all the way on the Eddie Warren-tuned II-D to record his second Amate ur win at a National in three times out. Rall was the winner over Marke l and Roed er in the ope ning hea t ra ce with two time Na ti onal winner Sammy Tan ner runnin g a distant seventh and out of the money. Surpri s e wi nner in the s econd he at was lllinois ' Bill O'Br ien, a firs t year Exp ert. He beat Gary Nix on i n a wireto-wire run. Th e fas test heat of the day was recorded by Mer t La wwill in the third heat ra ce. Roger Rei man l ed the firs t two laps before L awwill moved bY to win by a wide margi n, (Results on page 12) Bud Waugh Benefit: OVER 200 RIDE PERRIS Maureen Le e Well, a great American family came out to Perris on Sunday to help another famil y out. On hand to help the Waughs, the Doe famil y entered and swept all classes and all positions. They consi sted of probably everyone in the clan who could beg borrow or buy a motorcycle for the occa sion, from a Great-Grandfather Doe who campaigned vigorously i n the ligh tweight division alo ng with a very small relative who did a wonderful job in spite of the fact he couldn 't get a toe on the ground ( too short), to some obviously exDoe brot hers , c ous ins , unc les a nd perienced big bore riders. eve n a n aun t competed a ll day long, over 200 of them. with rac ing that at times became some of the bes t we've (Conti nued on page II) By .. Co E U ~ After Roeder/Oraayer acci dent, l O·Mlle Nationa l was resumed with a flyln c, slncl e-fII e restart. Markel (1) went on to victory, Mer! La_III wound up thir d. When White's right-Sammy gets the whammy. at s en t e s ry e last two weeks at Ascot as Ralph White again came through late in the Expert final to turn back " Mr. Ascot." The two aces did battle lap after lap with White going by on the ninth lap and then on for his fourth Main Event win this year. If you could ha ve a ny mot or cy c l e Tanner did salvage some re venge available in t he U.S. for yo ur C hr is tby soundly whipping bo th White a nd mas present t his ye a r, which one Haaby i n t he Trophy Dash. Mel Lacwould it be ? .. . A giant , glitteri ng her a dded i nsult to i njury by taking Ha rle y- Davidson 74 with an 80 " sec o nd and dropping the " Go ld Dust stroke r kit ? A lus ty, bello wing NorT wins" back to th e t hree-fo ur fi ni s h ton Domina to r with Du n s tall goodies? po s i tions. Or maybe simply a 4 50 Honda sho w T anner, White an d Haa bY kept up the wi nne r c ustomize d by Du t ch F ielder? win parad e in the hea t ra ces as each Or le t' s re a ll y ge t hi gh on the pipe sc ore d a nother win an d five more poin ts and talk a bout a n E s o 500c c speed(AMA) to e ac h rider. way ra cer, An M. V. fo ur for th e Th e Main Event was ano the r of those road , ah , maybe even a BMW s idecar close , wild ones tha t have bec ome c amknee l er? ..A brand ne w Triumph mon e ve ry Friday night. Th e purse again Me t is s e . .. a Yama ha T D I -C ? ? ? toppe d the $2,000 mark by qui te a dista nce . What eve r machi ne y o u' re dr eami ng of, you wi ll get i t , if it 's availKruseman Cruises able, whe n yo u win the The Amateurs conti nued to gi ve CYCLE NEWS "MACHINE OF YOUR . forth with thei r weekly SUIllr1SeS and agai n ca me up with a not he r Main Eve nt DREAMS· CONTEST winner. This time it was Ron Kruseman who took ove r the lead on la p three and • See Page 12 (Co nti nued on pa ge 5) e me of Your Dreams • TWO-!~ D!!nY~~~er Monday - Marc h 7 Ha d to check in at four dif ferent Ins pec tion stations today to s how vehi cl e permi ts and tourist cards . Sometimes stations were only 50 ft. apar t, one for vehicles a nd the other for tourist car ds . seemed a waste to us - particula rly of our time - but, no dou bt , they have their reas ons. L os t an hour in time cha nge today, too, and a ll of this cut i nto our ridi ng time. Ate lun ch in Santa Ana, M ico, a far c ry from Santa Ana, Caliex forni a, a nd we stoppe d at the ci ty limit s to ta ke pi ctures. W found e veryone so e very frien dly. W were kep t busy wa vin g e at bus es , truck s, a nd pe ople in vill ages along the way. f'm s ure the tourists in aut os don't receiv e as frie ndly a gree ting. W must hav e seemed closer to the e people bec aus e we rode motorcycles . Als o, the way we were dres sed attracted attention. W wer e all wearing whit e e leather jack ets, whi e h we had had c us tom-ma de . W w orn e n had black e mout on coll ars. White helm ets , black s lac ks , boots and gloves. Each night we cl eane d our j ac ke ts, helmets , and boots with liq uid leather cle a ner to keep our good app earanc e. W the r was defi nitely getting much ea wanner. SCenery changing. too. Mexico's desert is like, but unlik e ours. Fo r miles the desert was covered with orange popp ies , then the yellow of wild mustard, then a carpet of tiny lavender nowers. We passed through ,i llages of huts made entirely of pa lm fronds - buth tops and sides - 110 windows 0 r doors. One could see large adobe ovens outside where the cooking is evidenUy still done , and even huge mortars and pestles where they sUlI grind com by hand . Always we could smell their fires when we passed, but where they got the wood was a mystery to us as no large trees were visible at all. Small crosses j ust off the roadsid e, varying from plain wood to o rnate stone or iron, cau ght our att ention. At first, we thou ght they were ways ide s hri nes , but on stopping to i nvestigate one , found it to be a grave , Th ere are no embalmi ng, so burial mus t occ ur within twentyfour hours. Th ere fore, many people are buried almost wher e they die . From Santa Ana, the roa d was ve ry good, two-lane , but with very little s houlde r on which to pull orr the road. W par ti cularl y noted this because it e becam e our practice to sto p every fifty mil es to res t and s ometi mes we went five miles looking for space enough to get the motorcycles cle a r of the road-what, we wonder ed , do the cars do? By s toppi ng for ten minute s , we wer e s till (Co nti nued on pa ge 4) • :OJ IUDJ'U Ja4nap OJ alqllllD 11- - 113J.SV,fJ,SOd

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