Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1966 06 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT CALENDAR OF EVENTS SATURDAY, JULY 2 FLATTRACK - Dunes Speedway , Haus er, Drelon, 7 miles north of Coos Bay. Firs t ra ce 8:00 p. m., $300 purse. NRA·sanctioned. $5.00 tow money over 80 miles. W e rit Coos Bay Rac lnl Team , 1125 S. Broadway , Coos Bay, Ore. for further Info. SCRAMBLES - Explore r Post 30S at Madera Fairgrounds , Mader a. Th ree classes: Bantam up to 120cc; LIlht wellht 121· 250c c; Open 251cc up. Novice , Amateur and Expert If 6 or more In a class. P it l ate open s at 5:00 p.m. , praetl ce 6:00·7:15 p. m. 511nup cl oses at 7:00 p. m, Mall ent ries $1. 00 and AMA entry blank to Explorer Post 305, 424 S. " A" St. , Mader a, or phone 673· 3146 If expectl nl to be late. First race 7:45 p. m. Admissi on $1. 00, ki ds SOt. TT SCRAMBLES-Shasta M.C. at Shasta Co. Fa irgrounds, Anderson, Ca l if. AMA sportsman sancti on. Admission $1. 50 ride or watch. Gates open 6:00 p.m., race at 8:00 p.m, SCRAMBLES - Oakland M.C. at Hayward Speedway, 3792 Depot Rd., Hayward. AMA sportsman sancti on. Admlsslon $1.50 ride or watch. Track opens 4:00 p.m. , sl l nup and practl ce 4:30-6 :30 p.m., ra cl nl at 7:30 p.m, SAT. & SUN., JULY 2-3 ROAD RACE, FIELD MEET & GRAND PR IX MOTO·CROSS -ACA 2nd · annua l "Spirit 01 76" event at W illow Spring s. Molo-cross will be run Sat. on bolh asphall and dirt. Midn ight economy run lor stock streel machines on course. Field meet at Irack, road race Sun. SUNDAY, JULY 3 SCRAMBLES - Dunes Speedway, Haus er, Orelon, 7 miles north 01 Coos Bay. Flrsl race 1:00 p.m., $300 pwse. NRA-sanctlone d. SPORTSMAN SCRAMBLES AND SHORT TRACK-Atascadero Ramblers M.C. at Alascadero Spe edway. All AMA cl asse s. Daytime scr ambles, 250cc and under , praclice 9:00 a.m., race at 10:00 a.m. Big bikes sta rt at 1:00 p. m, Night s port sman sho rt Irack , 250cc and under, practice 6:30 p.m. , race 8:30. For Info ca ll Bob Mil ler (805) 543-4823. SCRAMB LES - Soulh County M.C . 01 Gilroy , al Ha ll Ranc h " Cycl e Hills" on Uvas Road In Morl an Hili. All classes, practi ce 9:00 a.m, to Noon. Admiss ion $1.50 , beautllul Irophles. AMA sporll nl sanction. Call Gilroy 84 2-3232 lor lurther Inl o. TT SCRAMBLE S - Oile rs M . at .C Mesa Speedway, Brown Fie ld. Limed lorm Hwy. 101 and Main SI. lurnoff just south 01 Chula Vlsla. Ent ry $1.5 0, spect al or donallon $1. 00. New locallon, ble achers, new watered and graded course, Class C Iractl on only. Prac tice 9:00 a.m., fi rst race at Noon. HARE SCRAMB LES - Ponde ros a Ranch Inn, near Ave.J. & 145th SI. (nea r HI Vista). Two 14-mlle loops, free picnic laclll tl es , plenly 01 sha de, barbec ue pits, beer and hot food availa ble. Over· nlghl campers welc ome. Enlry fee $3.00, 10:00 a.m. start lor all c lasses. Tr ophies 10 40% of enlry per class, 19" Irophl es 101M/> 01 entry per cl ass, all awarded after race at 3:00 p.m. P lus liv e band. Limed Irom Hwy. 138 and 87th SI. Ea sl , and Llllie roc k cut 011 on Hwy. 14. -Simi Valley M . at .C SCRAMBLES Bay Mare. Benelll for Ihe Injured Chuck Irons . Limed from Camari llo l urnoff and Venlur a Fwy. Small bikes start 9:00 a. m., big bike s al Noon. From 1000 Oaks (Vent ura Fwy) lake Hwy 23 North 10 Hwy 118. Lell on 118 across RR track, rlghl on rac e Irack roa d about half..lie pasl Iracks. PRODUCTION ROAD RACE- AFM San Franc isco Chapler Annual Colatl 250. " America' s most cba llen l lnl product ion mach ine raee. Cota ll Raceway. 40 mile s north 01 S.F., lake Guernev ille Turno ff. Action from Noon 10 4:00 p.m. Rider ontry $10.00, all classes 50cc.Open. Two riders per machine required. Plan on pI! stops. Enlrles and Inlo to AFM, 637 GOUlh SI., San Francisco. Phono (415) 567-3389. Reaoers are advised tha t listi ng In t his cal endar Is a free servic e. Cycle News discla ims any responsi bility lor cancellatlon or chan l lng 01 event s by promoters witho ut notice. MONDAY, JULY 4th, TT SCRAMBLES - Jackrabbits M.C. 9th annual F irecracker F iesta at Prado Park. AMA point run. Limed Irom Hwy. 71 and Riverside Fwy. SO·12Scc prac ti ce at 7:30 a.m., 175·250 cc practi ce at 8:00 a.m. L1ghtwellhts race at 8:30. Amateu r and Expert big bikes at 11:30, big bike Novices at 1:30 p. m. Lad le s races, too, 6 riders make a class. SATURDAY, JULY 9th. ROAORACE PRACTICE -At White· man Airpa rk, P aco ima, lor AFM Road Race to be he ld Sunday , J uly 10. From 9:00 a.m, on. Total fee $2.50 all day. Stadium located at 10500 San Fernando Rd., nea r Van Nuys Blvd. SCRAMBLES - Oak land M . at .C Hayward Speedway , 3792 Depot Rd. , Hayward. AMA sportsman sancti on. Admission $1.50 ride or watch. Track opens 4:00 p.m. , s lgnup and practice 4:30-6:30 p. m., raci ng at 7:30 p. m. SAT. & SUN. JUlY 23 & 24th ROAD TOUR·'Soulhwesl Chaparral s M.C. 2nd Annual Camp W Ishon overn lghl l our. R.R.C. sanctloned point run. $2. 50 mall enlry $2.75 posl entry. Approx 200 ml from L A. nea r Springvi lle , Fun and games st art at 8:00 p. m. Sat. B.B.Q. dinne r al 4:00 p. m. Trophies at 6:00. Famil y camping groundS, fishi ng, enlert alnment and danci ng In Camp lodle. P ick up entries Irom dea lers or ca ll Bob: 325-0425 or Hoss: 442-1646 SUNDAY, JULY 24th, LIGHTWEIGHT TT SCRAMBLE5Llghtwe llhls, Inc. M.C. at Perris . Small bikes on ly. For furt her Inlo contact Floyd E. Lewis , see. , 5702 Pa rapet SI., Long Beach, phone HA 9-0405. EUROPEAN SCRAMBLES - So. Ca l. M.C., limed Irom Wagon Wheel In Red Rock area. T wo courses, AMA·sanct ioned , enlry fee $3.00. T ra il bikes 8:00 a. m. , Nov ices 9:00 a. m,; Amateurs 10:00 a. m., Exper t s 11:00 a.m. SAT. & SUN. , JULY 9-10 ROAD RUN-Third Annua l Big Boar Run by Toppers M.C. Call (714) 889-8063 for furt her Inlo. SATURDAY, JUlY30th. TT SCRAMBLES - Sprockets M.C. nllht race at Sprockels Park , Bakersfield. Signup 6:30 p.m. for a ll size bikes, races st art at 8:00 p.m, Track Is localed at Ihe bollom of China Grade Loop. Refreshments available. SUNDAY, JULY 10th. HILLCLIMB - Eastside M.C. at Uvas Dam on Hall Ranch, Morgan HIli. AMA sportsman sanction, a ll classes Irom 200cc up. Practice 9:30 a.m., start at Noon. Big tr ophies. Weekly ROAD RACE - AFM Los Ange les Chapter at Wh ite man Airpark Stadium (10500 San Fernando Rd., Pacoima near Van Nuys Blvd.) Prac tice st arts 12:00 Noon sharp, lir st race 2:00 p.m. All c la sses and production. Pre-entry sa.OO GP, $5.00 produc tion. Entry at tr ack $2.00 more, ent ry Iree ove r 200 mlles.40'Jo 01 gate purs e. P reent ries cl ose Ju ly S. Info and entr ie s AFM, PO Box 8352, Unlve r· sal City , Ca lif. 91608. Phone (213) 762·9875. EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT A.C .A. SHORT TRACK - Orange county Speedway. P it late open at 6:00 p.m. Flrsl evenl at 8:00 p.m, 50, 100 & 250c c Classes. T rack Is located off the San DlelO Fwy. sout h of Tustin , ac ro ss from EI Toro Air Slat ion. EVERY THURSDAY NIGHT TT SCRAMBLES - HI Boots M.C . at Dehesa. From Hwy. 101 take Hwy. 80 east throulh EI Cajon. Off Fwy. on 2nd St. , sout h to Jamacha St. Follo w Singing Hllis s igns past country cl ub to Dehesa Rd. , then Into Harbison Canyon. Lime starts at Dehesa . ACA SHO RT TRACK - South Gale Speedway. P II gales open at 6:00 p. m., close 7:00 p.m. Professional Cla ss A rules, 50cc, 100cc and 250cc classes. Take Flreslon e cutoff east of Long Beac h Fwy. to Garfi eld, so uth on Garfie ld one bloc k 10 Southern, west on Southern 10 tra ck, 7. MI LE NAT IONAL· Half·m lle AMA Nati onal Championship at Li ncoln, illinois. CLASS A SHORT TRAC K- Va llejo Speedway ,Valle jo. AMA· sanclioned. T ime Irla ls at 7:00 p.m. , IIrsl race 8:30. J ust acro ss new bridle from San Franc isco, 59 mil es west of Sac ramento. DRAG RACING - Carlsba d Rac eway , ope ns 5:00 p. m., eliminations at 8:00 p. m, Handicap sy stem, large Top Bike tr ophy. Pac. Cs t. Hwy. 101 10 Pa lomar Airport Road Iw noff, then ea st past air port to Rac eway, PRACTICE SESSION - s outh Gate Racew ay ( Fir estone and Long Beach Fwy.) NO License or membership necessary. 500cc singles only , no brakes. For lurther Infor· matlon call (714) 842·3813 , ask for Mike. DRAG RACING·Fontana Oral City , San Berna rdino Fwy. 10 Etiwanda twnoff, norlh to Footh i ll, right on Foolh ll l to strip. Gates open at 5:30 p.m. elimina tion s start at 8:00 p. m, SATURDAYS DRAG RACE-Irwinda le Raceway. 1:00 p.m, on Saturdays. Troph ies, plus ca sh bonuses for slreel, fue l and las cla sses. Take San Berna r· dlno Fwy. easl to Oranle, North on Orange which becomes irwindale Ave., to Raceway. FRESNO DRAGWAY - Ora l rac ing every first and th ird Salurday. Next meet June 181h. Gal es open at 12:00 Noon. TT STEEPLECHASE- Flr s l Sal ur· day nlgh l of eac h mont h at Ascot Par k, 183rd and Vermonl, Gardena. AMA Class C even t , first race 8:00 p.m. EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT SPORTSMAN SHORT TRAC K Valley M . at Cyc le La nd Speed· .C way, 14 miles south of Chico on Hwy. 99·E and Gage Shippee Rd. P it l ale closes 8:00 p.m. Races start 8:30 p.m, Conl act Dick Me Afee , 6633 Penly Rd., Parad lse, Cal if. for more Info. SATURDAYS & SUNDAYS DRAG RACING- LIons Oral St rip, 1:00 p. m, on Salurdays. 9:00 a.m. on Sundays. Tr ophi es and E.T. brackets. Slrlp Is localed at 223rd Slree l, south of Alameda. The continuing cross·country advenlures of ' Journa ll st-racers Jim Nicho ls on and Marty (Mark) MacDonal d In 1963. J im writes: ROAD RIDERS COMMITTEE MEETING • Month ly meetlnl at 3815 N. Baldwin Ave. , E I Monte. All road c lubs are Invit ed to attend. FRIDAY, JUlYl5th. SCRAMBLES - Fre sno M.C. at clubgrounds , Chestnut and Cla y' ton, south end of Fre sno. Night race, AM A sanction. May 17, 1963 - Friday SATURDAY, JUlYl6th. / NATI ONAL CHAMP IONSHIP TT RACE-30· Lap Heavyweight AMA TT Nati ona l at Castle Rock, Wash. Night race, Amateur and Expert Class C. Event sponsored by Mt. SI. Helens M .C., Box 51, Ca st le Rock, Wash. EXPLORED THE SE VEN lAKES Got up about 7:00 , ate breakfast and went down to Wolf Lake to do a little fishing and see if there were an~' fish at all in the lake , which is one of seven lakes connected together. We fished in SUNDAY, JULY 17th. ROAD RACING SCHOOL - For bell nners. Brlnl your machine , he l· mel, gloves, goggle s and lealher Jacket to12 930 P ie rce SI., Paco ima (W eman Airpark ). Conducte d by hit Bob Brave rman, Steve GIbso n, Dave Het zler and olher members of assoclaled road racl nl organiz ati ons, over paved 4/10·mlle tra ck wllh 6 t urns and 1 0 0d· s l z ed st ralghlaway. From 10:30 a.m. to 6:00 p. m. Tot al I.. $7.50 . TT SCRAMBLES - Bay City M.C. at Champion Speedway, south 01 San Franc isco, Signup and prac· tl ce 9-11:30 a.m., race at Noon. Admlssl on $1.50 rlde or walch. All classes If 5 or more, powde r puff lor girls (under-l 00cc). SATURDAY, JULY 23rd. NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP TT RACE - 50-Lap Heavywellht AMA TT National at Ascol Park, 183rd and Vermont, Gardena. Sponsored by AlaJanlan Enterprises, nllht race, Amateur and Expert Class ~. 1 • HALF·MILE FLAT TRACK-Ascot P ark,1 83rd and Vermont InGardena. T ime T rial s 7:00 p.m, First race 8:15 p. m, ----------------------- MONDAY, JULY 11th • SCRAMBLES · Lodl M.C. at Lodl Cycl e Bowl. Dis t 36 AMA spo rt sman sanction. Signup and practice 6:00-7 :00 p.m., 6 or more r l d~n . o. e a cla ss. Clas s C tra ctlon, high poi nt trophies all c la sses. Every Friday night throulh AUI. 26. Ca ll 368-7182 for furth er Info. ---------- ----- • (th e Vo ice of Cal ifornia ) 6471 N. long Beach Blvd. long Beach, Calif. 90805 Or: Box 498 , long Beach, Cal if. Phone: 423-0431 (Area Code 213) From L.A. Phones: 636-8844 • Pu bl is he d wee kly e xcept the fi rst and last week of the cale ndar year by C&S P u bl is hin g Company . P.O. Bo x 498. L o n g Be a ch, California. • Charle s Clayton Editor Sharon Clayton HlIs ine s s M anager Ca rol Sims M ging Editor ana Gil Brown, :\ d ve rt is in,:: Mana~er Denn is Greene Ph o to Editor Gay Thumaso n .. Ci rculatio n :\lanal:er CONTRIBUT ORS: Carl Bartlett , es Dal e Boll er, Annette Ca mp, W Cooley . Mike Crowley , Bob E beli ng, Robert O. Fee, Larry Hal ey, Herman, M aureen Lee , J oe Lopez, Watt M hony, Geo rge Maness , Bill Peta tlgre w, .Io hn Ramos , Dan Reynolds , Roxy Rockwood , Earl Roe sele r. Appli cati on to mail at second class postage rate s is pending at L ong Beach , Calif. Any part of this newspaper may be used wi thout permission as long as credit is gi ve n. Editorial contributions, cartoons . photos are welcomed and will be paid for upon publication . Self-add ressed. stamped en- • • • velope assures ret ur n. Single Copy P rice 15 ¢ Subscriptions: One year 2nd class mail . . . . .. •..•.•• •• . $7.50 Advert isin g rat es will be sent on request. • .. the channel. I caught a fai r-sized bass. I took It as hore and left it in some guy's house because bass season wasn't open yet. After this we putted our way up to Little Wolf Lake. We cruised up all the channels which were pretty shallow and about 15 feet wide . I stood on the bow and we cruised through the channels li ke Huck Finn. After that, we putted down t hrough a bridge on the bot tom end of Wolf Lake a nd ente red anot her lake . We decided to go th rough all t he lakes. We went t hrough anoth er brid ge . followed by the fourth lak e. We came to a t hird bridge. I starte d goofing around and when we wen t under the bridge I grabbed t he top edge and hung on as the boat kept going on. Afte r laughing to myself for my funny t rick, then it dawned on me that I was dangling ove r a river of icy water and it didn 't seem too funny then. Mark turned a round , taking his time coming back. I could tell he would have died la ughi ng if I fell in. I guess he re membered my wallet , so I finally got back in the boat. After t he fifth lake we traveled about a mile up a twisting canal. It was real pretty with a ll t he green trees a nd the red-winge d bla ckbirds watching us while sitti ng i n the reed s . W fina lly stopped e and dropped ancho r and fished . We caught qui te a few s mall fis h as soon as it s tarted rai ni ng. We fishe d for about an hour. As we were pretty we t we decided to head for home. It took us aho ut an hour to get back to the true k, by then we were soaked to the bone . Mark drove the truck down to the dock and got the front left whee l caught in a hole. We couldn't get it out. It was ra ini ng ha rder than eve r now and we we re getting pretty mad. W decided to leave it there and e get it out wit h a j ack when the rain stopped. A frien d of Sam's loaned us e his 1itt I e Me ss erschmit. W bar ely sq ueezed i n it an d drove ba ck to t he home. we too k a hot s hower, ate s uppe r, pla yed around with the ca rs , then went down and took back the Mes s er s chmit a nd got the truck out of the hole. Went home and hit th e hay. \\1iAT A DAY! • • • • (Conti nued Nex t W ) eek •

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