Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1966 06 16

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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• trophy s ayi ng I was first . I didn 't s to p at the sign-in stand and pick it up. Th e t ruck was loaded so when I got the trophy and e xpla na tio n I went to eat. I was in no parti cular hurry. If the Oilers will se nd their addre s s to David Ham, 10067 Mis sion , River s ide , I will s end the trophy back . I hope the peopl e in San Die go are not mad at me . The race was ver y well run a nd a ll the pe ople wer e e xce ptio na lly friend ly . I e njoye d the whole day e xce pt for this incident. It was noth in g li ke the . week before at Ata s cader o. DAVID HAM Riv ersid e Wrong Impression . • • On th e mornin g of June 5, 1966, Da ve Ham and I drove to Imperial Beac h whe re we enjoye d th e hosp itality of some of the mos t co ngenia l moto rcyc le pe opl e we ha ve e ve r had the pleasure to meet. At the e nd of th e day , we departed with th e memory of a fin e eve nt . Today , that memory was s hat te re d when I read Bob Goodi ng' s re port of the 250cc expe rt main eve nt. On the firs t lap of that ra ce , a rider fell near the back of th e pack in t he third t urn. When th e leaders, Dave and Bill Silverthorn, pa s s ed by that point o n the s ec ond lap , a flagman was wavin g a red flag for t he ben efit of the fall en rider who was then off of the track. At t his point , Bill s lo wed to almo st a s top and wat ched Dav e proce ed on and the rest of the field go by. Apparently, he th en de cid ed that the ra ce was to continu e , so he cut ac ross the co urse, in plain view of e veryone , and pull ed in, right behind Dav e , wher e he had left off. Dave and Bill then put On a fine ra ce , with Bill gai ning t he lead on the final l ap. Dav e s aid that he s aw no reason to try t o ca tc h him and ris k a fall because Bill would ha ve been automat ically disqualified for c ut ti ng the co urse . At no time during the rac e was the bla ck fl ag wav ed. W loaded the machin e s and began to e wait for th e co nc lus io n of the da y ' s ev ent s and the t rophy pres entation . While we wat ched one of the la st rac e s, a member of the promoting club walk ed up to Dav e and pre s ent ed him with t he first place 250 cc e xpe rt t rophy. He a cknowl ed ged the fa ct tha t th e disq ualifica tio n of Sil verthorn was the only fai r thing to do. Eager to beat the rush t raffi c on our ret urn home , we left a short time later, una ware of wha t must ha ve taken place afterwards . T he rep ort of Mr. Gooding leaves t he impression that Dave was the obvious loser an d that he rea ched out of the ca r window a nd snatched up the trophy as we made our • get -away- out th e gate. I believe that Dave dese rves a published l ett er of apology from t hose res pons ibl e for s uch a gross misrepresentation of fa ct as tha t which a ppea red in the mos t recen t edition of Cycl e News. I hope that thos e who witnessed the i ncident an d read the article feel the same way. HERBERT BROWNELL Pomona Play ti me • it Here is a nother playground for the pape r. The a rea is located in the Baldwin P ar k-I ndus tr y locale , just north of the intersection of Rive rgrade Rd. and Los Angeles St . There is a gas station and dairy located at the actual corner a nd th e playground is adjacent and nortbe ast of the m. You can enter the a rea from either Ri vergrad e Rd. or Los Angeles St. Th e terrain co nsists of sand, rocks, banks for climbing, a nd many trail s similar to desert-styl e riding. Als o, you can find s ome debris to be ca reful of sinc e so me non- caring indi viduals ha ve us ed porti ons of t his 50 a cres for a dump site . I under stand a l ot of peopl e us e t his ar ea on the week ends and th erefor e c auti on would be nec essary to a voi d any injuries. No one s eems to mind th e us e of the area by bik e rid ers . JOHN M. LEACH T empl e City T he contlnulne cross-c ountry adventures 01 j ournalls Vracers Jim Nic holson and Marty MacDonald. In Oklahoma Ci ty, J1 tak es m over the wrltlne chores: May 10, 1963 - Fri day PARTY I didn 't go to work today because P et e didn 't hav e any job s li ned up. I read some maga zines, af ter which I went out on the lawn a nd la id in the hot s un. lt was so hot I had to put somet hing on my eyes bec a use of t he s un's brightness . SO I put a nic kel on my right eye and the ca p off the bottl e of beer I was drinkin g on my le ft eye . La te r on I burnt my eyelid where the nickel on my eye had gotte n hot from the s un. T oni ght Mark went down to t he Horses hoe and I went down to J erry' s apa rtment. Th er e was some ki nd of a party there. I went s wimmi ng, I met a lot of cut e girls . after whi ch we dan c ed un in • , MURDERS 'EM AGAIN th e a partments. I had a ball. It was the fi rst party I hav e been to i n week s. Aft er e ve ryone left I we nt out in th e parking lot a nd we nt to s leep. I wa s too ti red t o go ba ck to J im' s. In the mornHooPS. i ngoo .W May 11 , 1963 - Saturday PLAYE D CARDS I got up and wen t for a swim in th e pool to wake myself up. T he n I wen t back to Jim 's , had some coffee , an d later went down to the bike shop. Mar k said he had a ball last night. We washed our bikes and Mark was given two $9 .00 air cleaners , two quarts of Castrol R, an d some othe r stuff. W went home and had supper, then e deci ded to go to the apartments for awhile. T her e were some people singing i n one of the apartments with a guita r. We went in and listened for awhile. I went in swimming again an d the n we went up to J erry' s place wher e we played cards wit h some girls . Afte r t hat Mark a nd I took t wo of them home in some guy's ' 62 C hevy. We brought it right back , talked for awhile , then went home . May 12 , 1963 - Sunday LEA VING OKLA HO M A Mark and I got up and spent most of the day cleaning and packing up our truck and trailer. They sure were dirty. We put a new battery in the t ruck and c hanged the oil. We put my water ski on the top rack to add to the sporty look. T oni ght we left about 8:0 0 after saying goodbye to Jimmy, his mother and Billy. T hey sure hated to see us leave. W drove to the outski rts of Tu ls a on e Rout e 66 and spent the night. (Continued Ne xt Week) '66% HODAKA JIM CONN OllY W ISMONTESA! ITHH 250 C . C . EXPER T lstJim Connolly· Montesa 250 CC More Powe r The Power Re s earch Ra cin g T eam s eems to find lots to say ab out th e road races at Whi teman. Reg Pr idmore and Erni e Ca esar DID do a n excelle nt job of riding th ei r sidecar. I finis hed second behind them , and ne ver got c lose enough to even c ha ll enge them. I! Pridmore and Ca esar wer e to make remarks about one of ou r des ert sidecars , I am sure it would carry more weight than from a group tha t I ha ve ne ver see n on a sidecar. If they kn ew what s kill it tak e s to rid e one . Th is mac hi ne came out of its element t o ride , and was as much at a disadvan ta ge as a kneeler sideca r on the Green horn. The fellows on it were doi ng their be st in a n ef fort to ride it . I would li ke to see the P ower Res earch T eam research together a si decar and RACE it . I am s ure this would give t hem a better under s tan ding of what tbey are talki ng abo ut. See you at t he track. MIKE P ARTI Pr e s iden t , Si de hac k As sn. Di s tr ict 37 # I " MONTESA Ne w Impr oved Ho daka has Incorporat ed hl eher han dlebars, l oneer swine arm. Growin g popularity of Hodak a motorcycl es has brought a bout th eir av ailability to deal er s in Canada. Paci fic Basin Tr adin g Company (P a ba tco), i mpo rters of t he machine , ha ve announ c ed the a ppointment of KIEL, Box 33 , P en i cton, Bri tis h Columbi a as C anadi a n distrib utor. A co ncurrent an nouncement gives de tails of changes to cu rren t Hodaka models. W ider and higher handlebars repl ac e the previous pattern, to bette r suit off-road co nditions . The swing arm ha s been le ngthened two inches for improved ha ndling. A two-piece rear fend er extends fa rthe r ove r the rear wheel for better protection from mud a nd water , a nd the rear half of t he fe nde r a nd taillig ht a re easily removed for co mpetition. Addit ional ly , the headli ght now incorporates a hi gh bea m i ndicato r . 2nd - Ray McC ... Husk. arty 3rd - JohnSeibrandt . ,. G re. T . T . SCRAMBLES • S INNERS M . C . BAY MARE. JUNE 12, 19 6 6 MO TESA MOTORS J INC.

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