Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1966 06 16

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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CALENDAR OF EVENTS FRIDAY, JUNE 11th, cO ... SCRAMBLES - Lodl M.C. al Lodl Cycle Bowl, Disl. 36 AMA sports· man sanction. Slcnup and pracllce 6:00-7:00 p.m. , 6 or more make a class. Class C Iracllon, high polnl l rophles all classes. Every Friday nlghl Ihrough Aug. 26. Call 368· 7182 for further Info. SATURDAY, JUNE 18th AMA SHORT T RACK - Barslow Race way, Barslo w. Novice & Ama· leur only, $300/ 40'&purse. Quarler mil e, 250cc machines. P II gale ope n 6:00·7:30 p.m., fl rsl race 8:00 p.m, SCRAM BLES - Hayward Mo C. at Hayward Speedway. P it gat e opens at 4:00 p.m., prac tl ce 4:30-6:30 p.m., flr sl race at 7:30 p.m, Class C tires only, no knobble s. DRAG RACING - Lions Drag Slrlp. Go for dough, $250.00 priz e money 10 class winners. Not E.T., bike aga ins t bike . Gates open 9:00 a.m., stri p Is localed at 223rd Slreel, so uth of Alameda. EUROPEAN SCRAMBLES - San Gabriel Valley M.C. limed north from Mojave. Two courses, $3.25 entry , Novic e , Amateur , Expe rt. T rail bikes , Lightwe ight, heavy· weighl. Come on oul Saturday night. SCRAMBLES- Richmond Ramblers M.C., at Richmond. Signup 9:00 a.m. , race at 12:00 Noon. AMA sanctioned, ride or walch $1.50 . Food and drink, many fi ne trophies. CLASS C·TT CHAMPIONSHIP 2nd Annual Washington Gran d Pr ix TT at Puya llup Speedwa y, T hun Fie ld, W ash. AMA sanc tio n, $900 purse, a lso sport sman 100cc TT SCRAMBLES - Sproc kels M.C. class. Course s lightly over half· nlghl race at Sprockel s Park, mile, two jumps. Gales open 11:00 Bakersfield . Signup 6:30 p.m, for a.m. , racing from 1:30 p.m, For a ll si ze bike s, ra ce s sta rt at 8:00 further Info contaclMZ Productions, p.m, T rack Is localed at t he bottom 200 Broadway, Suite 222, Seatt le on China Grade Loop. Refreshments Wash. , Phone MA 3-5381. a vail able. TT SCRAMBLES - Pe rris Valley M.C. al Perris. Po int run, reg· SUNDAY, JUNE 19th. ulat lon no. plates required. Ride ROAD RACE-AMA Class C event or watch $1.00, ambulance fee at Carlsbad Raceway, Carlsbad. Lightwe ights 9:00-12:00 Noon, $600/40% of the gale. PII gale Am/Exp heavyweights Noon to opens 10:00 a.m., closes PROMPT· 2:00 p.m., Novices 2:00 10 ? Six LY al Noon. First race 1:30 p.m, entr ies makes a class. Classes: Novice event, Am./Exp. Lightwe ight , Big Bike. AMA eem- SAT. &SUN, JUNE 25-26th petition licens e required. ROAD RUN· Slowpokes M .C. 14th Annual Turtle Run. Call (213) 444SCRAMBLES-San Francisco M.C. at Uvas Dam, Morgan Hili (No. 7289 for Info. Calif.). All classes, beautiful trophies. Walch or ride $1.00, AMA SUNDAY, JUNE 26th. sportsman sanction. Practice 9:00 SCRAMBLES - Combined AMA· a. m., first race at Noon. Follow ACA event at Perris. arrows to Hall Ranch on Uvas Rd., In Morgan Hili , near Uvas Dam. SCRAMBLES - Dirt Diggers M .C. combined AMA·ACA evenl al Perris. TT SCRAMBLES - Orange County Fo lding pegs reque st ed. M.C. at Prado Park. Dlst. 37 polnl run, Class C tires, leathers , fold10·MILE NATIONAL - "Charily Ing pegs. Lightweight entries close News ies" half'm lle AMA National 8:00 a.m. , big bike entries close Championsh ip at Columbus, Ohio. 11:30 a. m. Exp. & Am. IIghlwelghts start at Noon, all Novices 3:00 p.m. SCRAMBLES - Sio-Pokes M.C. at Limed from Hwy. 71 and Riverside Santa Marla Speedway, one mile Fwy. north of Santa Marla on U.S. 101. Turn all66 offramp.Practiceslarts 10:00 a.m. , s lgnup closes 12:00 POKER RUN/FIELDMEET·Comp. Noon. Also whee ll e conle sl ! Committee, Las Veeas, Nev. Bean fee d, held at Potosi Flats. T rophies HARE AND HOUND· Vegas ValEntry fee for a ll events $3.00. ley M.C. 3rd Annual Ca llf.·Nevada Conla cl Reg Sheldrlck , 2620 Am· 100. mlle Champions hip, sta rts arilio St. , Los Vegas, for further from Ihe Showboat at 8:30 a.m, Info on Ihls and othe r Nevada Mall entrle s ($3.00) close Jun e 21; events. address Box 2462, Las Vegas. Post enlr les $4.00 till race time. SATURDAY, JULY 2 FLATTRACK - Dunes Speedway, Hauser, Oregon, 7 miles north of Coos Bay. First race 8:00 p.m., $300 purse. NRA·sanctioned. $5.00 tow money over 80 miles. Write Coos Bay Racing Team, 1125 S. Broadway , Coos Bay, Ore. for further Info. SATURDAY, JULY 2nd NIGHT SCRAMBLES· Explorer Posl 305 (the molorcycllng Boy Scoul s) at Madera Fa irgrounds. Sign- up c loses al 7:00 p.m, Flrsl event 8: 15 p.m, Ca ll 673-3146 before 6:00 p.m, II you will be late. Big Grand stand • • admission $1. 00. North side of lown on Hwy. 99. SUNDAY, JULY 3 SCRAMBLES - Dunes Speedway , Hauser, Oregon , 7 miles north of Coos Bay. Flrsl race 1:00 p.m. , $300 purse. NRA-sanctloned. SCRAMBLES - Oilers M.C. at Imperial Beach, Just south of San Diego. New track lime d from Imp. Beac h/Coronado lurnoff. Palm Ave. to 171h St., left 10 track. Practice 9:00 a.m., firs t race at Noon. Refreshments. HARE SCRAMBLES - Ponderosa Ranch Inn, near Ave. J & 145th St. (nea r HI Vlsla). All c lasses, Ihree 12'mlle loops, free picn ic facilities, plenly of shade, kids' playground, barbecue pits. Overnlghl campers welcome. Trail bikes at 11:00 a.m., big bikes at Noon. Enlry fee $3.00. Limed from Hwy. 138 and 90th St. East (near Little Rock) and from Little Rock cuto ff on Hwy. 14. Call Jack Ross (805) 942-0839 for further Info. He Likes M orcycl es! ot The purpose of this letter is to draw your attention to the fact that Senato r Clark L . Bradl ey is up fo r re-election in the 14th Senatorial Di strict this Nove mber. He is running unopposed On on the Republican ballot in the upcoming state Pr i mary Election to be hel d on Tuesday. June 7, 1966. F or t he General Elections this November , Senator Bradley wlll be oppose d by Ed ward W. Freitas , Democrat . Senator B radl ey has done a lot against the best interests of motorcycl e riders, deale rs , drivers of fo ur-whee l drive vehi cl es, and any one else who would like to use public land and tra ils for somet hing besides horseback ri ding or hiking. Senat or Bradl ey was the autho r of the bill in Congress. which became law. that sets aside many acres of public land for the sale use of equest rians and hikers . T o those of you who wi ll be voting in the 14th Senat orial Di strict . we ask you to campai gn and vot e agai nst Senator Brad l ey ; and to those of yo u not in the 14th Di strict ,let your feelings be know n t o you r frie nds and relat i ves in the 14th Di st rict so that they might cast thei r vote against Senator Bradl ey. L et' s get this man out of public office befo re he can do furt her harm. T hank You. Respectfully Yours, L os Gato s Motorc yc le Club To m Harty , Secr etary Successfu l Schooling We want to t hank Cycle News for the help exte nded to us in publici zi ng our Road Racing School. On Jun e 5th we had our second class which was t wice as large as th e fir st. T he students were separate d i nto tw o groups . beginning and i nte rmedi ate. Th e rid ers tha t were at our first sessio n were move d up to i nte rmediate. as we felt i t woul d be better from a saf ety stand point to keep the groups separat ed. Th e i nte rmediate ri ders ACA SHORT TRACK - Soulh Gate Speedway. Pit gales open at 6:00 p.m., close 7:00 p.m. First Event at 8:00 p.m, Professiona l Class A rules, 50cc , 100cc and 250cc classes. Take Flrestone culoff east of Long Beach Freeway to Garvey, south on Garvey one block to Southern , west on Southern to Irack. EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT HALF·MILE FLAT TRACK-Ascot Park,183rd and Vermont In Gardena. TIme Tr ia ls 7:00 p.m. First race 8:15 p.m, CLASS A SHORT TRACK-Va lle jo Speedway, Vallejo. AMA·sanctioned. Time tria ls at 7:00 p.m. , first race 8:30. Jusl across new bridge from San Franc is co, 59 miles west of Sacramento. DRAG RACING - Carlsb ad Raceway, opens 5:00 p.m. , elimina tions at 8:00 p.m. Handl cap syslem, large Top Bike trophy. Pac. Csi. Hwy. 101 to Palomar Airport Road lurnoff, Ihen ea st pasl airport 10 Raceway. EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT A.C.A. SHDRT TRACK - Orange county Speedway. P it gate open at 6:00 p.m, Flrsl even t at 8:00 p.m, 50, 100 & 250cc Classes. Track Is located off the San Diego Fwy. south 01 Tustin, across from EI Toro Air Stat ion. SATURDAYS DRAG RACE - Irwinda le Raceway. 1:00 p.m. on Saturdays. Trophies, plus cash bonuses for street, fuel and gas classes. Take San Bernar· dlno Fwy. east 10 Orange, North on Orange which becomes Irwindale Ave. , to Raceway. FRESNO DRAGWAY - Drag rac ing every first and third Saturday. Next meet June 18th. Gates open at 12:00 Noon. EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT SPORTSMAN SHORT TRACK Valley M.C. at Cycle Land Speedway, 14 miles south of Chico on Hwy. 99·E and Gage Shippee Rd. Pit gat e closes 8:00 p. m. Races start 8:30 p.m, Contact Dick Mc Afee , 6633 Penly Rd., Paradl se , Calif. for more Info. PRODUCTION ROAD RACE- AFM San Franc isco Chapter Annual Cotati 250. " Amer lca' s most cha lleng ing product ion mach inery." Cota ti Raceway, 40 miles north of S.F., take Guernev ille Turnoff. Action from Noon to 4:00 p.m, Rider entry $10. 00, all classes SATURDAYS & SUNDAYS 50cc·Open. Two riders per machine DRAG RACING- Lions Drag Sirlp, required. P lan on pit stops. Ent· 1:00 p.m. on Salu rdays . 9:00 a.m, rles and Info 10 AFM, 637 Gough on Sundays. Trophies and E. T. St. , San Franc isco. Phone (415) bracke ts. Strip Is loca led al 223rd Street, south of Alameda. 567-3389 . VOICE of CALIFORNIA were going considerably faster. So far the beginning classes have worked out extremely well. At the beginni ng of the day the ri ders looked less tha n professional. To be . real ly honest about the whole t hi ng. they l ook ed pretty bad. But. by t he end of t he day t hey were really sailing around qui ckly and smoothly. Our l ect ures and practice r eally made ri ders out of the st udents. The lectures included safety equipment, corne ring and riding techniques . tires, braking and brakes . flags and signals , correct lines through corners , ri der comfort , machine mainte nance and a t horough tec hnical i nspec tio n of all machines. Paul Doyle and Kim Mc Mast ers went ove r every machine t horoughly and each ride r was to l d j ust what was needed to bri ng his machine up to par . Many of the st udents found out very quickly where their machines were defi ci ent. E ach rider had as much pers onal i nst ruction as pos sible si nce we feel t hat thi s i s t he only way to achiev e the desi red resul t s. Of course some stud ent s require mor e perso nal instruction t han othe rs , but I'm sure everyone left at the end of the day knowi ng he had rec ei ved his share . We di dn't pull any punches either. When a st udent did something wrong (a nd there were plenty) he was told what he did wrong and how to correct it. It i s i mperative t hat we adopt this psy chol ogy si nce we have a great deal to ~a ch in one day. A ls o it is irnportant that a ri der be shown his mis take s quickly before he gets himself or othe r rid ers i n t rouble. . There have been quite a variety of machines show up so far. Everything from an 80cc road raci ng machine to st reet 40 i nch bi kes. The trac k i s fai rly short and as a result t he spee ds are not too high. Th e faster machines get up t o 60 to 70 miles an hour down the st raig ht. The track has a variety of conditions tha t k eep the riders on tbeir toes. A flat sweeping turn, a dec reasing radius banki ng, both ri ght and left hand turns • EVERY THURSDAY NIGHT plus the straig ht mak e i t mandato ry that the riders conce ntr ate on thejob at hand. E very beginning ri der we have had to dat e has commented on how much fas ter he was going at the end of the day. Also each rider felt he was far more comfortable about runni ng at higher speeds and had fa r more control. It's pretty unreal j ust how profici ent the riders become i n a few hours. T o believ e it you just hav e t o see i t . Dav e Hetzler help ed me out with i nst ructing the beginning ri ders and his one comment at t he day' s end pretty well sums it up . · 1 j ust can' t believe it! · Dave has been racing a good number of years and his help was immeasurable . Stev e Gib son ta ught the intermedi ate class this time. and he was pleased with the progress thes e riders made. Dave and I were pretty busy with th e beginning riders and as such didn' t hav e much free time. but the opport unities we had to observe the i nterme diates im pressed us very much. T hese rid ers wat ched t he beginni ng ri ders and there were a number of comment s made about t he mistakes tha t were being made. This show s thes e pr ospective racer s are thinking and catching on fast. Steve showed how to pas s, bump start . set up t he rider i n front to pass him and al so how and wher e to pass with t he ut most safe ty . Th en there were two short rac es hel d. One G.P . style with bump starts and a product i on type race with a L e Mans start. T hey were impre ssi ve to say th e least. Th e intermediat es l earned how to bump start Sunday and with some practice t hey ' ll be as profici ent as anyone racing to day . Th e tw o classes we have held so far have taught us one very important fact. We are abl e to take any ri der. regardless of expe rience (we had one rid er who bad only been riding t hree weeks) and in a few hours teach him not onl y the fundament als but also with hi s c ooperat i on we can have him goi ng a great deal fas ter. with comple te safe ty , t han he thought would be poss fble, This was borne out by the many comments the students themselves made. W would personally like to tak e thi s e opportunity to thank W alt James, owner (the Voice of California) 6477 N. Long Beach Blvd. Long Beach, Calif,90805 Dr: Box 498, Long Beach, Cal if, Phone: 423-0431 (Area Code 213) From L.A. Phones: 636-8844 P ublis hed weekly except the fi rst and last week of the calendar year by C&S P u blis hin g C o mpany . P .O. B o x 49 8 , L on g B each . C ali f orni a. Editor Charles Clay ton Sharon Clayton Business Manager Carol Sims Managi ng Editor Gil Brmm Advertising Manager Denni s Greene ..•.... .... Phot o Editor Gay Th omason .. Ci rc ulat ion Manager CONTRIBUTORS: C a r l Bartlett. Dale Boller, Annette Camp, W es Cooley, Mike Crowley , Bob E beling , Bobert O. F ee. La rry Haley, Herman, Maureen Lee, Jo e Lopez. Walt Mahony. Gem ge Maness , Roxy Rockwood . John Ramos. Earl Roeseler. Applicati on to mail at s econd class pos tage rates is pending at Long Beach. Calif . Any part of this newspaper may be us ed wi thout permission as long as credit i s given . Editorial cont ri butions . cartoons . photos are welcomed and will be pai d for upon publication . Self-a ddressed. stamped envelo pe ass ures return. Sing le Copy Pri ce 15¢ Subscriptions: One year 2nd class mail . . . . • • •• • •. •• •• • $7.50 Adv ertisinl'; ra t es will be sent on request. YOU'LL ALWAYS SEE IT FIRST IN CYCLE NEWS of Whiteman Stadi urn for his W holehearted support of our school and the use of his track. Without his coope ration this school woul d neve r have came to pass. Thanks agai n. Walt. We hav e had i nnumerable ques ti ons on how much act ual track time t he st udent s get. All I can say is that all t he students went home pret ty tired (so did the instructors) and the machines never real ly cooled off all day . Well. t hat about sums the whole thing up. Thanks again for you r help in promoting our sch ool; eve ryone concerned is very aooreciative. The next sc hedule d class is July 17th. BOB BRAVERMAN Road Ra cin g School 6906 Col bat h V an Nuys, Ca liforni a The Other Side Regarding th e incident at the Oiler s rac e i n San Di ego. th e articl e stated t hat I ran off with th e trophy i n th e 250cc cl ass. Here is what happened. In t he first or seco nd lap of t he race. i n turn number three someone crashed. The next l ap there w ere a l ot of people wavin g red flags (red nag AMA means caution). Bill Silve rthorn stopped and was passed hy other ri ders. W were e riding one and two ; I was first. Bill was sec ond. He realized there was no bl ack fl ag so cut a cr oss the track. cutti ng out turn four, and pulled i n behin d me again. (It is my knowledge that anyone cutting t he course will be automat i cally disqualifi ed. ) W uld yo u believe I di dn' t care if he o passed or not? Well. he pass ed, and at the end of th e rac e I ask ed the officials who won. (T hey gave him a checke red flag.) They sai d t hey would check it out after the races . Would yo u believe I was mad? I went to the truc k and loaded the mot ors and was waiting f or the results when an Oiler came and gave me the

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