Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1966 06 09

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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e LAWNDALE CYCLE INC. • YAMAHA ~ ) :tt, VELOCETTE Due A T I SALES·SERVICE·PARTS·RENTALS 15324 HAWTHORNE L..AWNOALE CAL IF' I o • ----------------------------- GOOD;~~E4R Motorcycle T &lubes ires ._---------------------------- Now D istrilluted By Our Want Ads are open to anyone - Private parties. deal er s. manufacturers..organizations. etc. CYCLE NEWS reserves the right to refund payment ana reject ads w hi ch w e find objectionable. To insert a Want Ad in this ne wspaper. simply write in 25 words or so what you want your ad to say. and mail it w ith $2 to : WANT ADS. Want Ads received by Monday will Box 498. Long Beach . California appear in that Thursday 's edition. B O U L E V AR D • SP 2 1822 OS 6·8"" THE FAM ILY FUN CENTER • For Yamaha Parts • For Yamaha Service • For New-Used Yamahas FOR SALE - Two Bultaco 12Scc road racen $500.00 and $200.00. Call and a sk for Steve (805) 49~165. ow.., T. _ ho DeoIet' Pierce Motor Center See N . Ca li" . '127.933 50. Soft AT b- 2SSO • Go~ 5of'l ~ 8hrd • cu 3· 13 10 You're in Good Company LIQUIOATION SALE - New cotton Cobra Demo. and Marusho Demo. - Less than cost. Also Yamaha, Marusho, Montesa - Servic e Parts for a ll makes Sundays 12 to 3 p.m. Phone: 805-495-5617 , Gifford Enl' I.. 1000 Oaks , California. MECHANIC NEEDED: One of the fa s test I rowlnl Alenc les In So. Cal if. needs a h1lh ly qualified mechan ic. Top pay . excellent workinl cond itions. All benefits. Apply In pe rson or call JonAT 8497295. Suzuk i Fun Center. SiS N. Victory. Sur· bank. Ca lif. • MECHANIC POSITION OPEN Top notch Honda mechanic will enjoy the best In worklnl cond itions and compensation at 50uth Bay Honda,1212 S. Pacific Coa st Hwy. Apply to Carl Llz lo, Redondo Beach, Ca lif. . .. • .. HONDA MECHANIC WANTED AT ONCE Excellent worklnl cond itions. See or call . Honda of Glendale, 905 E. Colorado st., Glendale, Calif. , phone 246·2461. AL MELANSON Manager of Stor e NIII1ber Two, serving new friends and old at 5105 AII..tlc Blvd. 4328 E. Anahe im St. 439-0943 423-1433 BSA Headquarters in Long Beach 431 W. Pacific Coast Hwy. INTRODUCING THE MA£LT FLAT TRACK SPECtAL RACING BOOTS. 8 "" h ich . laced. weiaht 2 Ibs. per P8 ir $15.95 plus e.c.c, post• • • • HELP! IIECH WANTED - Partsman BSA, BMW, Hon - Excellent worklnl conditions. New shop - year round employmont, one of 50. Callfornla's oldestestabllshments Top pay 5 day week. Lebard & Underwood, 221 E. Imperial Hwy., La Habra, Calif. Phone: (213) 691·3 104. KEN MAELY Route 2, Box 758, BSA-GOLD STAR 1962 - Excellent condition · Inside and out - 50 miles since rebuild extra sprockets and parts Included S675.00. Call 245-5217 (Glendale) Terry E. Donovan. 671-0407 IN6LEWOOD TOP WAGES FOR TOP HONDA MECHANIC Valley's newest Honda Dealer ha s open lnl for Honda mechan ic. Apply at San Fernando Honda-T riumph 9Sa N. lIaclay , 5an Fernando, Ca lif. Te le: 361-6262• BULTACO FIBRE GLASS SPARES Complete seats, s ide pane ls, front fende rs, Dealer Inqui rie s Invit ed. Call Larry Wolfley, 1205 E. Artesia Blvd. , Compton. Ca liforn ia. Phono: 639-5648. 1965 GREEVES CHALLENGER-Enllne and chassis completely rebuilt by Distributor, new tires, custom pa int, tuned exhaust, $650.00. Consider reasonable trade (not over 350cc) Phone TO 2-4349. Roy Bronson. Only 15 hours runnl nl ti me. never raced. Would consider part ia l trade. $675.00. Home phone: (714) 637-1051 . work phono: (714) 635-3921 , Bob Galloway , 2776 Cottonwood St. , Oran le, Calif. FOR SALE -65 MATCHLESS G80. Like new $800.00. AIso 62 M chless G80 $450. 00. at J ac k Bye rs , 12586 De Bell , P aco ima, Cali f• . .---------------------------, H eadline in i::::............. ... : I I City 2<07 SOU TH BROAOWAV SIMPSON SAN TA ANA, CALIF. MOTORS 5475 San Fern ando Rd . West Los AnJ:c1l'S 39. C aljfornia DISTR IBUTOR of JUDSON products {including Cycle-Tron tran sistor iJ:Dilion) and FRANCISCO OILS and chemicals. Sta te BOLD TYPE $1 extra. p icture $3 extra $ 2! WANT ADS. Box 498. I Long Beach , Calif . I I I I I I ' · . ' HDK ~ OA A SALES' PARTS· SERVICE . EDDIE CROWELL 10 427 P ra ir i e , In gl e woo d OR . 3· 9 S7 3 Wh~n the y're tuned by GO! CY,CLE CITY 2142 Lonl Beach Blvd. LOlli Beach. Phone 591·1389 Glle ra speed kits I Glle ra·Roya l Enfield dealer 2·STROKE .SPEED EQUIPMENT I I I I I I I I • ~Al[HLE55 GILER~S 1958 A.J .S. 500cc very fa st, very IIlh t. (a lmost a Metisse) Shown by Appointment only: Phone: 213-638-1398, Lynwood. WRITE AD HERE ENCLOSE CURRENCY D . E AST F IR E ST ONE B LVD . L A MIR A D A YAMAHA ASCOT RACER MATCH LESS TY PHOON 600cc SINGLE , completely re built, repa inted, and rechromed. I I 4~4 0 523-4540 TD I·B Enllne, Ilass tank and sea t, chrome frame . spool wheel , etc. , etc. Show and 10• $600.00 or trade for unit Tr iumph, Rob Harrison (714) 629-0665. FOR SALE - Two whee l t railer with spare wheel and ti ro. Was built to haul. Four mot or cyc le li cense on IIl ht. Phone : 835-6343 , J ohn Hammonds, 1128 BaMlnl Blvd•• WIImln&ton, Ca lif. a l~ ; Custom Seats - Motorcycl e Painting Pickup & Delivery Service HONDA AS5'T. PARTS MANAGER. wishes to return to Californ ia. Two yea rs parts expe rlenco . former mechan ic, younl, married . avail a ble In two weeks. Excellent re ferences. Write : P art s Man, c/o Cyc le News , 6477 Lon l Beach Blvd. , Lonl Beach, Ca lif. 1965 BULTACO MATISEE MOTO CROSS HANDLEBAR FAIRING by Wixom for BMW twins , black with white strlplnl , unmarred, new 21" hleb plex illass. $35. Phone: (213) 474-0101 after 7:30 p. m. C.L. Hostetler, J r. 1257 S. LA BREA send $1.00 for Webco Accessory Catalog. Dealers write direct for lists and prices. FOR SALE 1964 DOT. New sq. barre l. Ex. condition, 3 sprockets, speci al ex. system, set of Vll llen engine tools. more, $500.00. Call 674-6215 aft .. 6:00 p.m. call 645-0105 Ronald Coloman. 8000 Alrlane Ave., L.A. MATCHLESS SCRAIIBLER $395. 1961 500cc slnlle. stronl, clean and ealer. Bates Hat, hleb pipe , desert tires. lIust se ll. Call (714) 822-6355. Larry Bowser. 9150 P inyon. Fonta na, Calif. Ilk fit, Milt wit, UI'3 N IItll FOR SALE - 1960 Matchless 500cc s lnlle Scrambler Model. Mechanically AI , (hone st). Has hllh pipe and speedometer. $300.00. Contact James HJalmanon, 2186 Oxford, Cardiff, Ca lif. Te le: (714) 753·2715 . FOR SALE - 160 Honda built for scrambles. Fastest 160 around. Carries export #37 plat.. 175 kit - Weber cam - ported, etc. Extra lears, clutches, etc. Ca ll1like (714) 774-1072 nllht or 865-1152 days. the shoeman .Corona, Calif. . FOR 5ALE-'65 BSA 350cc. Excellent cond. $550. Call (IIrs.) U. L. Palove ra at 424-1874 • 218 MaiD SL • Veztice. Calif. 90293 62 DUCATl 250cc MONZA, real clean $375. with McHall helmet. Call 254-"6602, Bob Oliphant, 3730 Brilliant PI., Los Anleles. LEATHERS - 2 piece. Jacket size 42, Pants size 33. Good condition. Ph: 361-8701 , Hueb IIcLean. 849 Alexander St., San Fer nando. o • Experienced men wanted for top notch pos itions. Good pay and fine worklnl cond it ions, paid vacations and hosp ita lization Insur ance. Mechanics we s upply your uniforms . Interested? AppIy In person at Norm Best 1I0tors. 8461 W. Commonwealth Ave. , Buena Park. Calif. Phone 521·3642. LONG BEACH HONDA • • JOURNEYMAN, MECHANICS AND LOT BOY NEEDED CYCLE NEWS STILL NEED5 qualified report er s In Northern, Central and other parts of Ca liforn ia to furnish race reports, results and photo vaphs. Paymen t at our standard rates to re sponsi ble persons. Contact Caro l Sims at Cyc le News, 6477 No. Lonl Beach Blvd., Lonl Beach , Calif. 90805. 15 I I I • I I ._- ---- -- -- - ------- - -- - -----~ 185 7 Merced Street EI Monte. Collfornla 91733 M<:lrORCYClE INSURANCE FOR CALIFORNIA RESIDENTS ONlY COMPliESWITH CAlif . FINANCiAl RESPONSIBIUTY LAW .... RATES SAM£ FOA MRYONE +c 6. 1. & P. O. S10/20 SOCXl ee. I v,t UP TO 66 S, • ASIC ANY CAlif. NOTORCYaf DEAtH 67 TO 180 29 FOR OUR AWUCATtQN OR WRITE TO 181 TO 32 8 3. OVEl1 3 2• •• CAlIF. MOTOICYQ.£ DWlIS ASsoc. BOX 43262, LOS ANGElES. CAlIF. 90043 •

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