Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1966 05 12

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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----------------------------- • ._---------------------------- . • Our Want Ads are open to anyone - P r ivate parties. dealers . manufacturers. or gani za tions. etc. CYCLE' NEWS reserves the right to refund pa ym ent ana reject ads wh ich we find objectionabl e. To insert a Want Ad in this newspaper. sim ply write in 25 words or so what you want your ad to say. and mail it with $2 to : KE MAELY'" 8 '" h igh. I ~ c ed . ~~ , - w e ich t 2 Ibs. per p a ir $1595 • LARRY HAL EY COVERE D THE LAST DE5ERT event and took acll on pictures. W you ere there ? II so ,1 may have a pictu re of you ava ilable In bla ck and white or color. Look for the Cycle News truc k at all de se rt eve nt s. watCh for your rid ing number marked on an enve lope hanging on the side of the t ruck, or cont act me at P.O. Box 813, EI Mo n t e or call 444-3445. Club and group shots on request. th e shoernan Route 2, B I 75B { O , Corona, Calif. p lus e.e.e . I rA: t ift ",~" wit, we:1r~ postaltl' 1 22. 50 - , Itt ! Send boo t o r CIIrd bo.. rd cut out. HONDA MECHANICS, SALESMEN & PARTSMAN NEEDED MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE COMPlIES Wl1H CAlIFOIRIA F11W1ClAL ..-...urt Rates Appty To Both Male and FetIIIle, All Ales, Married or Sinlle, lIilitaly Personnel, etc. uw _'I Ilodll, In.... $1 0.000 tiC' tach acci*"t. Proprr't J DIn'IaIt $5.000 t-'Ch aetl*nt SSO.OO Dl'dwcti~ • • n o,ooo D~ II CC'I ASK YOUR MOTORCYCLE DEALER FOR ONE OF OUR APPL ICATIONS OR WRITE DIRECT TO; HON DA MECHANIC W ANTED AT ONCE. Exce llent working condilions se e or ca ll Honda of Glendale , 905 E. Colo rado Street, Gle nda le, Ca lifornia 246-2461. ......1 . . 12_ cc. 67 III 180 cc. 29 181 III 328 cc. 39 0Nr 328 cc. MECHANIC NEEDED: $19 49 Up III 66 CalIf. . . M0&are7de DeaIen ~.... Box 43262, Los Angeles, California 90043 Experienced men wanted for top not ch posi· tions. Good pa y and li ne working cond itio ns , pa id vac allo ns and hosp it alizatio n insurance. Mechanic s we supp ly your unll orms. Interested ? Apply In person at Norm Bes t Motors , 8461 W. Commonwealth Ave ., Buena P ark, Calif. Phone 521-3642. One of the fa st e st growing Agenc ie s In So. Calli. need s a highly qua lilled mechan ic. Top pay , ..ce lle nt working cond ilions. All bene fit s. Apply In person or ca ll Jon AT 849· 7295. Suzu ki Fun Cente r, 515 N. Victory, Bur· bank , Calif. WHAT 'U II' DO? HDI $u'nr; yaa §(jeM 10 !tOw 18 TRDPHY CLASSES FDR BIKES WINNERS EVERY SUNDAY 175cc MONT E5A Scra mbler sure c lass winner with all the right modifi cati ons and ple nty of s pare s. • SUPER -SLEEPER SUZUKI X·6 as s ee n at Cyc le W orld Show. With or with out goodies . RON J ONES P RESENTS IN EL TORO ( Ga t e s o p e n 9 a .m. ) gkJ"i $1.5 0 Ge n l. Ad mi ss ion Su n. $2.00 Sa t u r d a y . $1 to ra ce .

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