Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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, VOLUME III NUMBER 17 • Winning sldehack team crosses the f in ish l ine. 100,000 SEE MOTORCYCLE SHOW (FULL REPORT NEXT WEEK) , AXTHELM AXES ALL Walt Axth elm l eads all the mark (500 Experts.) National Hare Scrambles By L arry lI al ey North of California City 12 miles , the Si mi Vall ey M.C. held th ei r nati onal Champi onship Har e Sc rambl es th e 24th of Ap ril , and was probably th e best l aid out and orga nized run so far this yea r. T he t urno ut of rid ers was a s mash figure of 4 19 entrie s , and t hat was a bunch . If th e read er has never see n a mass sta rt fro m a dead engi ne all lined up in one co nt i nuous line, i t l ook s ve ry imp ress i ve . Ju st bef ore th e st ar ti ng banner is dropped , yo u ca n fee l th e te ns ion in th e ai r and it's so quiet you can hear yo ur heart beat. And th en it sound s like a squadro n of bombers taking off as 419 engi nes co me t o life. and fr ee lance any w.ay they wi sh t o th e smoke bomb some 5 mil es out in th e desert where th ey pi ck up the trai l that is mark ed by l i me and ribbons ti ed t o bush es al ong a given course . Thi s one was 30 miles around and it was bi g bike count ry . Escorted around th e co urse by Presid ent of 37th District , prerode the c ourse Saturday to see if all was two Si mi Vall ey. members on Saturd3;y a.m., I hked it so much I rode lt in order and did a spec t ac ular endo twic e mor e that aft ern oon and once that 1 would hav e gi ve n money to catc h on film but 1 didn't get it and more Sunday morn ing before th e race started . (C t ' d -) True to hi s wo r d , J ean C art er on mue on pa ze , WHITE SHINES AT ASCOT By Roxy Rockwood The fir st mont h of racing cl os ed out l ast Friday night with th e best pro-gra rn ever for th e new se aso n. All th e pros , th e expe rt s , appear t o hav e found th e gro ove fr om l ast year and th ey prov ed it in t he main event . T he 15 l ap featu re was timed fast er than any feat ure of th e '65 sea son and over fi ve sec ond s fast er than any of th e previous four run this y ear . I (Continued on page 6) By Maur een L ee The seco nd running of th e A .C.A. Irvine Moto-cross on Sunday was a complet e success, with a l ar ge c rowd and a lot of riders , although for some of the competitors it dev eloped into a day of "Iet 's-go-out-and -chase-Walt A xthe lrn-again," Axt he lrn, ridi ng two CZs in their res p e c t i v e 250 and 500 classes, completely domi nat ed every one. In 8 ) ' Jack Byrd th e 250cc moto-cross, Malcolm Smith Onc e again th e motorcycli st s of Southern Calif ornia made an exc ellent on a Husqvarna seemed th e man to showi ng when called upon to aid th e Cit y of Hope, by participating in th e 6th gi ve A xth el m the most competition Ann ual 29 Pal ms Spring T our , jointly s pons ored by th e So. Calif. Road Rid ers along with Phil B owers on another Committ ee and th e Twent y-Nine Palms Cha mber of Commerce. CZ, but despite f erocious attempts Nearly 700 ent rants arrived at by th es e t wo , th ey just couldn' t keep th e s mall d es e r t communi ty and the dance held afte r th e merc hanup with Axthe lrn. signed in, making the T our a ve ry dise awards draw i ng. In th e 500cc cl ass , on hi s 360cc successf ul und ertaking. The c omThe merchants of 29 P alms litermachine, Axthelm lined up with a mittee had sc hed uled a fu ll day of ally ope ned thei r arms to the cygang of full 500 cc machines and proacti vity , beginning wi th a Parade c lists. Everyone see med glad to ceeded t o bl ow th em all off. His through th e main par t of t own, and have us there! I n most of the busi machine just handl ed better all endi ng up at K n ot t ' s Sky Par k, ne ss es tab lis hments , there were around in th e deep st uff, s ki mmi ng where th e even i ng 's ent ertai nment signs of weIcome posted--" lI"eIcome throu gh i t while th e heav i er bi kes too k place. A .M.A.," " Wel come R.R .C." and wallowed t hro ugh. The A c e of Clubs Dr ill t eam "Wel come Cyclists ." E very one was The hero of th e day rode in the t hrille d eve ryo ne with their skillful conge nial and court eous , as wer e 500 cc class . C huck Min ert, out on dri lls and t rick ri di ng, i ncluding th e riders th emselves. his BSA Victo r and determined to thei r f amou s "Sui ci de Split. " The weathe r eve n cooperate d , for gi ve A xth el m a battle , had hi s enth e day was bright , sunny and warm! Dur i ng t he aftern oon, the F i el d gi ne tie up in th e first mote , and on E vent s were i n full swing, with With s uc h lovely weather , many ri dth e l ast lap "Feet s" jumped off and ers too k advantage of the shimmereve ryo ne who par ti cipat ed (a nd those ran around th e l ast par t of th e course, who wat ched) havin g a hilari ous t i me! i ng blue swimmi ng poo ls at th ei r pus hi ng hi s scooter t o main tai n poThe B arb ec ue was enj oye d by mot els , and to ok an enjoyable dip! sition . He was accompani ed by the Our hat s are off t o th e Road all. It consisted of bar bec ued beef, wild chee rs of t he crowd who cou l d beans , co le slaw , rolls , donut s and Riders C ommittee and th e 29 Pal ms hear and see the next place man coffee , and enou gh food for second s Chamber of C ommerce, for a fin e comi ng up through t he t rees . B.y then to all who could hold it ! ( we' re still and enjoy able mot orcy cl e t our. We th e tempe rature was all of 85-90 destuffe d! !) A ft er th e barbecue , th e enjoye d every moment of t he two grees and ot her riders were quitt in g, enter ta i nment began. A group of days , and are al ready looki ng fo rso Chu ck probably didn ' t mi nd too yo ung enter t ai ners deli ght ed all wi th ward t o next year 's t our! Join us; much not havin g to ride any more, th eir co medy skits , songs and danyou 'll be glad you did . ces , as did th e band t hat played fo r (Continued on pace s) 29 PALMS SPRING TOUR • • • 0 . f