Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1966 04 21

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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CSill[1~ ~@)illffi 2 WEDNESDAY APRIL 20 ®C5 ~W~~1] 0 entry will be S5.25. Tral l bikes FUN.RUN _ 2nd Amu.' yam.... A.C-A. SHORT TRACK- Orange and slde-h.cks welcomed. Limed satety A-Go-Go. For Y.m.h. 0..... ... coon" Spee dw.y. Pit g.t e op.. • t from C.1l10mh C,.... ., ers only. Trophies and prizes , ce I.. brltle s, refreshments. Free .dml s6:00 p. m. First event .t 8:00 p.m. SO , 100 & 250c·c CI.sses. Track 5CRAMBLES-Sprocllets ILC. Art- slon. 12 noon at yam.... Intern... Is loc. ted off the San Dlelo Fwy nual Trl-State Scr.mb les In tlon. 1 Corp.,n33 Teleuaph Roadturn all the Santa An. Freeway at south 01 Tustin, .cross I",m EI Bakersfield. Taro Air Stat:an, SI..son. SCRAMBLES - 16th Lodl ILC• •t EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT Lodl Cycle Bowl. Practice starts APRIL 28-30, MAY 1,1966 HALF-"ILE FLAT TRACK·Ascot at 9:00 a.m. Admission $1..00 ride P.rk, 189th and Vermont In G.r- or watch. Dlst. 36: CYCLE WORLD ..OTORCYCLE dena. TIme Trl.l s 7:00 p.m. First SCRAMBLES - P.lo Alto " . C. at SHOW - Los Angeles Sports ~" ..... r. ce 8:15 p.m . Fremont. "I st. 36. SATURDAYS TT RACING - Profess lon.1 A....A. races at W.tsonville Speedway, S.nt. Cruz Co. F.lruounds every Saturday nl&ht throu&h Ju ly. Three-st. event. Gener. 1 Admiss ion $1..75. R.clng starts 8:00 DRAG RACE- Irwlnd. le R.cew.y. 1:00 p.m. on S.turd.ys. Trophies , plus bonuses for street , luel and g.s cl.sses. S.n Bem.r· dina Fwy. east to Orange, North on Orange wh ich becomes Irwlnd.le Ave., to R.cew.y. SUNDAYS POKER RUNAnnu.1 "H ldd... Destinati on" ..... t, Trophies and ...rds g.lore! St.rts at 8:00 to 10:00 a.m••t San Fernando V.lley H-D Shop, 16113 Sherm.n Way, Van Nuys. Post entry, S1..75. Mall entries no I.ter th.n April 17th, to V.lleymen "C. " H.rkleroad, 675 W.tson, Simi, C.III. M.II entry SL50. ROAD RACE - A.F.....t Cotat r R.ceway. All cl.sses and production. opens .t 8:00 '.01. Entries and Inlo:-158 Jersey, San Francisco. loc.ted 35 miles N. 01 San Francisco on 101. (Guerneville tum-all). DRAG RACING - Fontana. 8:30 on Sundays. Trophies .nd E. T. Brackets. San Bern.dlno Fwy to Etlwand. to Foothill, right on Foot· hili to strip. FRESNO DRAGWAY - Dr" racing every second Sunday. Next meet April 17th. G.tes open at 7:00 '.01. SATURDAYS& SUNDAYS QUARTER·MILE DIRT TRACK Sportsm.n, A....A_ sanctioned by the Wanderlust M.C••t the Contra Cost. County F.lru oun ~ I In Anti· och. Sign-up 11:00 '.01. to 1:00 p.m, R.ces at 2:00 p.m, Admission $1.50 to ride or w.tch . CI.sses 200cc .nd 250cc. APRIL 30-MAY 1st, 1966 ROAD RUN-29 p.lms Spring Tour to benellt City of Hope. Everyone Invit ed, ear entrles accepted. ... 11 deadline, April 25th. Send to, So. Calli. ~oad Riders Committee, 662 Albona PI.ce, Pomon., C.III. Donatlen $3.00. Children under 12 $1..50. Post entries .ccepted. St.rts at Lions Club Rest statten, Banning, C. lllornla, Overnight camping at Knott' s Sky P.k, 29 p.lms. Ex· hlbltlo ns by Ace of Clubs Dri ll Team and 29 p.lms .Sky Divers. For addltlon.1 Inform. tlon c.1I any number on R.R.C. Ro.d Riders C.lendar. This Is an A.M.A. ssnetloned R.R.C. Point Run. SUNDAY, MAY 1,1966 TT SCRAMBLES -Clrculto L.gun. S. I.d., ....Ic.II, B.C. ....Ico.Cross country, 1 mile tr3l:k. "' II r. ce .I one, 3 entries make • cJ ass, First race 11:00 a.m. Inlo: Benny S.,chez, P.O. Box 304, . Cal..ico, C.lllornla. SCRAM BLES - Dunes Speedway , H.user, 'OrelOn. 7 miles North 01 Coos Bay. N.R.A. Sanctioned. R.clng starts 1:00 p.m. TT SCRAMBLES - Elsinore. No points. 8:30 a.m. sm.1I bikes. Noon DRAG RACING - Lions Dr.g Strip lor big blkes_ Entry I.. $1.. 00 1:00 p.m. on Saturdays. 9:00 a.m. Sponsored by owners. on Sundays. Trophies and E. T. Brackets, plus specl.1 purse 01 SATURDAY, A,r il 30th HARE AND HOUND - Titans ".C$2SO every 4th Sunday. Strip Is INDOOR SHORT-TRACK, A.ILA. San Diego County. For Inlo: 4739 located .t 223rd Street, south 01 sanctioned CI. ss " An. First race Edgeware Rd., San Diego. C.II AI.meda. at 8:00 p.m.' Long Beach Aren.. loot 281-4180. 01 Long Beach Blvd.. SATURDAY, Apri l 23rd HARE AND HOUND - Fort Sutter MOTORCYCLE SHOW AND DANCE ILC- Inlo: 4085 Deeble, -It.ln. P.'.ce, 11 P.clflc Hwy. Se.1 Beach. Show starts at TROPHY PRESENTATION - The C.II: 371-4184. 01 strict 37 Sports Committee will MOTOCROSS SCRAM BLES-A.C. A. noon, dance . t 8:00 p.m. hold their annu.1 trophy present ... event at Sycamore Park .... Course tlon at 8:00 p.m. .t the V.lley Gun will be changed from I. st event. SUNDAY , APRIL 24th. Club, 12651 Osborne Street HARE SCRA"BLES - N. tlon.1 ma. Clubs .1so presenting , P.col-, sand, etc. , knobbles recomCh.mplonshlp by Simi V. lley ".C. will be the Four Aces, Lostrophies mended. Full le.thers. All licenses Angels .ccepted, no pie plates. Located In Dist. 37 points. 10<00 a.m. st.rt. and Simi All Entry S4.25 Including ambu l.nce welcome.V.lley. will interested, .e the S.nt. An. Canyon Just off tbe There be • live b.nd Freeway, 10 miles West 01 Corona. lee. M.II In using uniform entry Entries close .t 10:30 ••m. blank, closing date April 10th. Post .nd lree refreshments. Voice of California THE REST O'MODESTO In regards to your arti c le o n The Modesto Reser voir Sc ram bl es as repor ted by J ohn Ram os (C N Vol. III #1 4) , th ere are a few facts we should c le ar up . I. The 8 mil e track was about ~ mile. 2. There may of been 1.200 spectators but ce rtain ly not 12,000. 3 . In th e 500 Novice Class J une Jewett did no t jump ov e r Greg Miller to pass h im , but he cut the course and was disqualified. 4. In th e Open Novice C l a s s #13h was also di s qu al ifi e d for cutting th e course. We a pp reciate th e c o ve ra ge of Northern C alif. events , but we ho p e tha t Mr. R a mos will stick to the facts rather than using hi s imagination. T he me mbers of ou r club (Dirt Di gge rs M/ C) wou ld like to than k T he Modesto Mo tor cycl e C lub fo r a ve ry good e ve n t. E D. BEARCROFT Dir t Di g ge rs No rth Merced EDIT OR - And we a ppre ciate yo ur wri tin g us to fill in the r a th e r s ketc hy pictur e COlTes po n dent Ra mos ga ,'e or th e ra c es . His rep o rt was Cyc le :"ew s ' fi rs t a ttemp t at s ome thi ng new in ne wsp ap er in g: an on the s pot, t a pe reco rded, blow by bl ow de s c ri pt io n or the e ,'e n t, as seen th ro u gh the eyes o r a n o bse rv e r. T be techni que still ne e ds some wor k , ( it so unde d like 8 mile and t 2, OOO) but it will im p ro \'e • .-\s soon a.~ h e ri nis he d th e ta pe • .John R a mo s s e p ara t ed fo r a va- catio n i n ' Ie xi c o , t hus h e was un a bte to wait arou nd ror o niciat decisions . OK, TRIUMPH-HALF CASTE Re: Vol III , No. 13, P . 9, Paul Hunt P hoto Caption . In Calll. " Meli s s e" may mean a bichin bike , but " Me ti s s e-' does not mean bitch in F rench . Nor does it mean bastard. It means half- breed or half-caste. and it 's strictly femal e. W J. K. Harrington . Livermore HALF-IiLE-lst Northern C.lllornl. h.lf·mlle 01 the s..son. Alam.. d. County F.lrgrounds In Pleasonton. SCRAM BLES - S.lIn.s R.mblers MoC. .t S.lIn.s R.mblers Club Grounds. No machine under 200cc permitted. Pr.ctlce and sign-up 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. SIgn-up end s :II 11:00 a.m. All riders and 01'" chines MUST comp ly with A.... A. and Dlst. 36 rules. Admlsslon , SLOO. Inlorm.tlon: Bob Wayman , 324 N....In Street, S. lIn., C.III. EN DURO - Explorer Post 305 4th Annu.1 Chicken Enduro. First bike out .110:013.01. St.ts .nd finishes at Yosemite Forks Lodge, Lake turnoff, 3 miles No. 01 O.khurst on Highway 41.. Entry fee, S3.00. Send to Explorer Post 305, 424 So. "A n Street, M.der., C.lII. Post entry $4.00. While scores are figured .t the end, chicken dinners will be served for SI..75 each, FRIDAY, MAY 6th. SCRAMBLES-Fresno M.C. presents night scr.mb les at Fresno. SATURDAY, MAY 7th. TT-STEEPLECHASE - Ascot Park In G.dena. 189th St. and Vermont In Garden•• St.rts at 7:00 p.m, SATURD AY-SUNDAY MAY 7 and 8th. ROAD RUN - Travelers ".C. 3rd Annual Sp. ghettl Run....11 entries close M.y lst. ..all to Tr.velers ILC. 823 W Vlst. Way, Vlst., C.II. fomla. Fee Is S2.25. Post entrY: S2.75. Kids under 12, SI..OO. Starts at " cKnlghts Chevron Station, 810 E. VI st. Way, Vista. Dinner startIng at 5:00 p.m. S. turday. Check-In deadline, 6:00 p.m. Saturd.y. ApprOL 100 miles of paved ro.d. Camping with open IIres. SUNDAY, MAY 8th. TT SCRAM BLES- E.stslde Cycle P. rk In Tucson. Call1ornians Invited. Practice from 9:00 a.m. 'til noon. Hwy. 80 to Tucs on, turn off on Wilmot to E.stsld. Cycle Park. FRIDAY, MAY 20th .. OTORCYCLE MOVI ES-presented by Cycle News. Hoover High School Auditorium, San Diego. First show, 7:00 p.m. Advance ticke ts $1..50, Write Cycle News, Box 498, Long, C.1I1. 90806. pulled it almost all t he way out ana fin ally the snake let go. A man that was fishing the re s al d that it was a co tto n-mouth. He sald there were s ev eral in the l ake. W were e going to s leep t here but decided not to . We didn ' t get any more fish s o we let the one poor little fish go and went to find s ome pla ce to s leep. Jim Ashmore tak es up the pen. April 15, 1963 - Monday L AND ED A JOB - Marty MacDonald c ontin ues the s uny of our hero es. April 14, 1963 - Sunday EASTE R SUN DAY W got up and coo ked breakfast. We e didn ' t do much in the mornin g. W wer e e getti ng bored s o we deci ded to go fis hing. W down to a little lake . We were ent the re abo ut two hours and J i m Nichol s on de ci ded to call his Ma an d P a . When we left, J im Ash more stayed with t he fishing stuff and we got back in about half-an -hour. Jim As h. didn ' t get any fis h. About fifteen minutes af ter we got there he did get one . It was a catfish about 10 inches iong. He took and put a wire throu gh that poor littl e fishy 's mouth and put it back in th e watter and li ed it to a tre e. W s et th ere for abo ut e sri hour and didn't get even a bit e. Jim Ash. went to look and see how his poor li ttl e fish was getting al ong. He took the wire and started pullin g the fish out of th e wat er (See , I speltt watt er right this time. ) Oh well, whe n he pulled it out there was a fis h and on or had a hold of that poor little fish was a snake about four-and-a-half-feet long. Boy, you should ha ve seem J im j ump! He Mar k was the first up. He sald it was 10:30 s o we W

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