Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1966 04 21

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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VOLUME III NUMBER 15 WEEK OF APRIL 21 11n1gb APRIL 21, 19&6 i I ASCOT LAWW ILL TR I PS SA M'S STREAK AT SEVE N A LOVELY SUNDAY RIDE Whew! Sammy Tanner went down to defe at. not once . but twice last Fr iday ni ght at As cot P ar k! Inv ader from the north, M Lawert will. the nlue and oran ge cl ad Harley-David s on rid er . was only one ACAdion AI Carlsbad Fans were thrilled last Sunday with the excellent ridin g of Yos io Koshino on his magn ificent 125cc wat er-cooled , te n- s peed Suzuki. Koshin o in his eve nt broke the old lap record, coverin g the 1-1/ 2 mile " You me et th e ni ces t peo ple on a Honda". Th a t is what the s ign says , and sh own her e is a group inten t upon provin g that to all. They are pictured at the half-way point in their monthly poker run originally organized by Hond a --"111!!1~"_----:l!!'_::;;lI_-~~:-=:-~~~='"'~~~'!""__'I!!ll~~-~~<::'I;r of Gardena to provid e a pl easant day of motor cycle sport for their customers. eThe event ha s grown well beyond that now. for among those that rode las t Sunday were other "nice people" mounted on Yamah as and Gil er as. Th e lates t run. started last Sund ay (on 44 bik es ) a ecid ed to form a cl ub. at the Gard ena Honda s tore in beau- Honda of Gard en a will spons or the tiful ridin g weather and wound. its club , which as yet has no name , and " way through the pl easan t. tree-li ned the month ly poker run will co ntinue st ree ts and gently rollin g hills of as one of the i r many antic ipated the s outh bay area. Marina Del Rey activities , provide d an interesting bac kground If you would like to join these for the photos when they stopped for " ni ces t peopl e" , inquire at Honda estern Ave . refr esh ments and res t half-way thr ough of Gardena, 15515 So. W the 40 mil e route. in Gard ena . Remember tho ugh . that Centi ne la P ar k in Inglewood was their club slogan is goi ng to be the pl easant spot chosen for the " You meet the nicest people on a lunch hosted by Billie Ha s erot (wife motorcycle " . Th eir next run will be of Bruce, who can be s een on F.riday on the 15th of May at which time ni ghts in As cot's battles .) The run the charter members will choose a ended in this green and s hady re tr*:at name for the ir club . If you and yo ur from as phalt . build ings an d powe r motorcycle fit their slogan you ' re poles. invited to join for fun . It was here that the 56 participan ts of a total of two H,D riders in the course in a time of 1. 18. He al s o fina l and the only Milwaukee brand won the 50cc class event on an 8speed Suzu ki. in the dash. and he turned back By Bob Ebe ling previously - undefeated Tanne r H ER ASHES RECORD Everyone felt the loss of what promised to be the closes t race yet run. both times out. when Don Roberts rode Mike Tu cker ' s Tr iu mph to a wobti;' end. M ike and his T he race o f the day s wa s th e 250c c It was close, and not decided rider arrived early to tune for the scheduled 2 out of 3 against Nira Jo hnson ma in event with over 25 entrie s . The either time until they flashed past and left early due to one of the worst set of speed wobbles I' ve seen. They winner was #1 6 Dick lIammer on a the fl a g. Sammy did win his heat be gan be fore the li ghts but thanks to the remar kable control Don maintained, 250cc SUZUki , hotly c o n te s te d hy race for the third s traigh t time to the bikes s peed was redu ced, and when the T riu mph was d ropped only a cut #5 3 . J o h n Bu ckner , winn er of t his run his season win streak to seven hand and minor metal sculpturing was the sum of pe rsonal and mechanical class at t he last C arls had event . The before LawwilJ put on the bind ers. injuri es . Th e cha llenge race will be reschedu led , so watc h for the time and pos itions c h anaed no less than fo ur L awwill chased T ann er for seven pl ace . times and Buckner was lead in!: going laps in the feature before fi nally , This was the second time a s peed into Turn two o n the last lap but movin g by on the inside and then wobble caused an accident in four went wide . left th e cours e and fe ll, hold ing off the best the rest of the weeks at Irwindal e . Although one allowing lIamm er to take over and wi n way. bike was new, Tu cker s has made the event . 10 doing so, Hammer It was the fir s t win of the s eason many a run. Is there a track de fect? smashed the ail-time course reco rd for the rider who i s the number one No one yet has an explanation and I with a lap t ime of 1.13.70. hope in the West this y ear for the hope we soon find the cause. Th e fans were very much surGrand National AMA title . Every thin g prised by a rider we had nev er see n was working ju s t righ t for the former Irwindale Raceways top speed and befo re #87, Rober t Beard from Tu cBois e, Idaho racer who now lives elapsed time record taken by Murray son , Arizona riding a Yamaha. Ro bert in San F rancisco. had raced only one road event before, lIld Cook! The semi rival ed the feature' for Abo.e: Sir Keglan at Irwindale. but he is an e xcellen t dirt rid er in Lu ck came to Boris Murray and (Continu ed on _ 3) Below: #18 Lawwlll ended #7 Tanner' s streak. the Tucson area. He pre tty well J im Cook in two different ways . Mayshocked the locals by going out and be it was the ne w cycle s hop. " F ootthoroughly trouncing the m in the hill Cycl e Center" of Upland , Calif. , five-lap heat race. W nope tha t he e and th eir fine s ponso rship of the twin has an opportunity to come ba ck to engine T ri umph that carrie d it to a California and compete in some of (Conti nued on page 4) our up-coming events , COMPETITION RIDERS READ TH IS In the lOOcc event , Barry Herrmann, last year's lOOcc national At last months regular spo rts comch ampion. was the winner, but not mittee meeti ng, a new rule concernwithout treme ndous competit ion from in g the practice at scrambles eve nts this year's point leader, J eff P asterwas made. Li ghtwei ght machines will nak . Herrmann broke out into the prac tice in two separate sessions . le ad and led for the first four lap s # 1. Machi nes from ze ro cc to and inof the event . followed by Kos hino on cl uding 250cc machines will practice his 50cc Suzu ki, P astern a k and Don in group number 1. Ans elm. Throughout the entire 8 lap #2. M achine s from 126cc to and inmain event, the front four runners cluding 250cc machines will practice were wit hin a bike le ngth of e ach in group number 2. other and the leading pos itions cha nJ ean Car ter , Pr esiden t of Distr ict ged frequently. On the second to the 37 Spor ts Committee ad vis es that a ll last lap. Herrman n and Pasternak clubs sponso ring scrambles eve nts went in to Tum o ne side by s ide. will adh ere to thi s new rule of prac- P asterna k a pplied too much front ti ce.for the lightweights . Th e offi cers whe el brake- whil e leanin g over and of the Committee have al s o asked for the bike washed out from under him, publicat ion of the following in the causin g him to take a hard fall which hope that it will enli ghte n all desert resulted in his being taken to the riders as to th e intent of the ambuhospit a l. He is O.K. . s uffering only lanc e s tand-by c rew. minor bruises. This allowed Herrmann DRAG RACING (Continued 1m _ 8)

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