POKER RUN -Napa IIC, hosls
their 6th Annual at Napa.
al Dehesa Track near San DleCo.
SCRAIIBLES - by Stanlslaws
IIC . In 1I0desto Area.
PROFESSIONAL TT - at Alta- Annual by Oxnard II/C Clubs.
mont Speedway (Nort he rn Ca lif. ) Starts at 10:00 a.m. sharp, at
at Dehesa Track near San Dleco.
Disco Park lnc lot Vineyard and
Hwy 101, Oxnard . For more InMARCH 14- 201H, 1966
IIC at Prado Park . 0 1sL 37 DAYTONA SPEEDWEEK.Daytona, formation contact Ben Stronc'
points e..nt. Small bikes at 8:00 flor ida. A.II.A. Professional and man, 4020 So. " J , Oxnard.
Sportsm.. races. ZOO-mller Grand Phone (80 5) 483-7600.
a.m. BIC bikes at noon. $1.2S
donaUon, $1 entry fee. Take RI.er· Prix lIarch ZOth.
side FWJ toward RI.erside to HWJ
71. Turn off 71 on Euclid toward
Ontario, Co approx. 1 8/10ths miles
to Pine, turn rlp t and eo to
eery store at fork In road, tum
rlcht and continue out pas t Womens Statll Prl son to track.
SHORT TRACK-AliA Class cProflSslon al e ..nts atllonterey
fa ir crounds at dark.
TT SCRAMBLES-Eastside Cycle
Park. Just east of Tucso n, Ariz.
SCR AMBLES - by Hawthorne
Gophers at Bay lI are Track .
L ittle bikes practice at 8: 30,
h...ywel Cht Ex pert and Amateur at 11:30. No. lc e Hea.ywelchts sUrt at 2:30. From
1000 Oaks (Ventura Fwy) take
Hwy 23 North to Hwy 118 . Left
on 118 acrosS RR tra ck , right
on race trac k road about J,2 mile
past tracks.
at Perris. Donation $1, entry fee
$1 plus 25,t for ambu l..ee, All
IIchtwelp ts at 8:30 a.m. Heavy
welpts at noon. no.lce h...les
at 2:00 p.m.
Coliseum, Portland, 0 ... N.R.A.
sanctioned. First race 8:00 p.m.
ARCH 211, _
AC A ROAD RACES - Carlsbad
Raceway. Watch ror delalls.
(the Voice of California)
1185 Eas' 19th 5tt_
Long leach. Califom ia 90106
or. 110. 491, Lon, lIoach, C: Beach, California.
Chari.,. Claylon
Sharon Clayton__.. __ Bu~inett
at U.as Dam. Dlst. 36
POKER RUN, 3rd. Wande rlust
II/C , at Pleasant Hill.
SCRAM BLES, lst F a a t hili
Scrambles at Oakdale,
S C R A II B L E S, 11th. Salinas
Ramblers M/C at Salinas .
Speedway , Dl st . 36.
at Prado Park. Gate donation $1.25.
HARE SCRAMBLES-Lost Aneels LIptwel pts at 8:00 a.m, BIg
MC. Start at 10:00 a.m. rain or bikes at noon. BIC bike no.lce. at
shine. Hlp Vista area , limed from 2:00 p.m. Llcht welpt entr ies
Utile Rock cutoff at Hlways 14 close at 9: 15, hea.les at 12:50
and 138. Runlaid out with flnlshe rs p.m. , no.lces at 2:05. Late entries
and beclnners In mind. Catering will be charced$5 ..try fee. RI.e ttruck In pit area. Club also holding side Freeway loward RI.ers lde
trophies for Castaic run June 1965. to Hwy 71. Turn oN 71 on Euclid
Coliseum, Portland, Ore. N.R.A.
sanctioned. FIrst race 8:00 p.m.
sanctioned Class "A". FIrst race
al 8:00 p.m. Lonc Beach Arena
POKER RUN-lat Annual "Hidden
Destination" .... L Trophies ..d
awards calare' Slart s at 8:00 10
10:00 a. m. at San Fem ..do Valley
H-D Shop, 16113 ·Sherman Way,
Van Nuys. Post entry, $1.7S.
Mall enlr les no later than April
17th, to Valleym.. MC. " Harkleroad, 675 Watson, Simi, Calif.
Mall entry $1.50.
M analEer
Gil Beowe.. ... Adverti8in~ Man_Iter
Sandie BrawD. __.Cir cu la tio n Man_lEer
J . ck Byrd
SI.rr PhOlo~.ph
CONTRIBUTORS: Carl Bartlett. Dale
Boller, Wes Conley. ~f ike Crowl ey, Bob
Ebel ing, Robert O. Fee, Dennis Cree..e.
Larry Haley, Bob Kri ps , Joe Lopez,
Maureen Lee, Walt Mahony, Roxy
Rockwood, Earl Boeseler . Gordon South.
Published 50 weeks a year in Lon>:
Beach, California. Entered as 3rd class
mail at Lon>: Bcach Post Office. Any
part of this newsp aper may be used
without permission as long as cred it is
given. Editorial contributions. ca rtoons,
photos will be paid for upon publication. Self-addressed, stamped envelope
assures re turn.
Sin" le Co py Pr-ice
S u b"cr i p l i on~:
1 5c
O ne Year 3rd
class mail..
i\ d H~· rl i ~ i n ~ r llt ~
will be se n t
un rrque"t.
Apr il 1, 1963 - Monday
es Anderson 's letter con c erning
The Hilltopp,er's ·" Nat ional Champs hi p Fiasco ' pretty well says how I
felt after the " ra ce ". I rid e a trail
cl ass machine and finish ed in about
the same position that I was in when
I (an d over 200 others) became lost .
Th e boy who won that class will
probably never win an othe r race but
but he also was probably lost like the
rest of us. If he wasn't lost then he
wasn 't playing "follow-the-Ie ad e r"
and found the course okay. About 20
others found it qui ckly.
T hey may re tu rn the entry fee but
what about the ne w piston I ne e d now
or the bruis es an d scrapes of many
of the rid e rs .
Akso, I not ic ed that some of the
familiar face s wer e missin g th e followSund ay - may be th e~' had n't gotten
over it yet?
Rich W
Ban nin g
! would like to c al l to your attention
and th e DIs tri ct 37 Sports Competition
Committe e' s happenin gs on F e b. 27,
1966. Ther e wa s an e ve nt held on th e
P erris Track for li ghtw ei ght s only .
The c lass of 100cc amateur was co mbined with the 100cc ex pe rt class.
This was very unfi ar to me and many
other new come rs . ! think that the rule
stating that there will be no novice
class under 250c c is not up to date,
it was probably made before the 90
and 80cc machines became popular. I
thillk tJiafthe Dis tri ct 37 Sports Commit te e should loo k into developing a
IOOcc novice class.And anyone who
thinks tha t there aren 't en ou gh people
who race 100c c mach ines to mak e a
class should go out to P erris some
Sund ay .
Dis t.37 Ne w-comer
Bob William. Jr.
Alt a Lorna
EDITOR Sounds like a good Idea . Sports
Committee , please note.
The &IorJI of two I/OURg racera (later
btl a doird) who foumeved from
Ca1ifornia to the Eiut. growing up tJ10nIl
the UlaI/. c:matirIua. We nr/Olft OUt' voamit
heroa, 6till1n ArizDn4• • •
81/ Jim Nit:h.oWrt, Manv (Mark ) Me.DOrttJd and Jim AIhrnoN
the guy I had stayed with the other night,
he had some mail for us. One letter was
from my mommy and the other was from
Mark's mommy. In my lett er was a couple
of checks , $96 income tax returns and $50
which was in my wallet which was found.
J erry was crying becaus e Mark told her
we were leaving in a couple of days and
she overheard Jim and I talking about
Mark running allover Lhe country leaving
a string of broken hearts acros s the nation.
Now Mark thinks he's a big lover. W he
isn ' t. I am. - J.N.
W had more pancakes and flicked more
bottlecaps. This is how we spend our leisu re time. In other words, we s pend about
90% of our time nicking bottl ecaps , W
went to town and M
ark bought a pai r of
sho es and Jim and I bought a pair of thongs
and some groce ries. W didn't do much of
any Importance , but come to think of it ,
we never do really. But anyway, nothing
of any int erest happened, we didn' t even
fight. and we went to bed earlv.
(To be continued next week)
lIarch 31 , 1963 - Sunday
We had hot cakes. I made them myself.
I thought they were pretty good but they
didn't go over too good with Jim and M
We went up to a swimming hole where this
girl that M
ark was with last night was La
meet us. She was to bring along two of
her girl friends . We laid around in L sun
listening to the wireless.
Ji m Ashmore made some friends . Thes e
friends of his happened to be a herd of
white rock toads. They seemed to take a
likin g to him, maybe becau s e of their close
mentali ty rat e. Anywas. one of the toads
fell in the wate r and see med La be in nee d
of res cue so Jim. without a second of
hesitation, took off his shi rt and dove in
after him.
W wai ted until 3 o'c loc k and decided
to leave because the girls didn't s how up.
On the way down we ran Into J erry. We
didn' t really run her over. we just saw her
walking up the road. She said that there
was a traffic jam and cars couldn't get UP
the canyon. We drove her down to her car
and picke d UP the othe r two girls. then
drove down to the sto re and got some gTU b.
then went back up the cany on and picnicked
by the stream .
Mark was with J erry, ! was with s ome
girl named Patches and J im was with a
girl named Vema. W finish ed the root
beer which we had left from the other
night. At 7 o'clock J im and I took Pa t and
Verna home because her mother s aid she
had to be home at 7:30. W went back UP
the canyon and brought J erry's car down
La her and Mark. When I got there ! s aw
By C. Clayton
Motor cyc lin g, li ke Caes ar's Gaul, is divid ed into thr ee parts : street riding , trai l rid in g an d com petition.
Each part is further s ubdiv is ible by rid er prefere nce until th e numbe r of
s ub categories e quals or e xceeds the numb er of motor cy clist s curren t ly enjoy ing the s port . As a re sult, motor cycle-land is th e ultimate ha ven of the
vehicul ar individualist. No one need bear th e s lightes t re s emblance to his
fellows .
One re sult of th is indi vidua lism is th e wid espread feelin g amon g motorcyc lists that the prob le ms that harass the " oth er guy " have no be ar in g on
hat doe s it matt er to th e sc rambler if
one 's own enjoyment of the s port. W
street rid ers are encumbered by new re gulation s ? His knobbies will neve r
to uc h pavement; it do esn 't affect him . And what doe s th e street rid er care if a
TT course is z one d out of existenc e as a "public nuis an c e." He wasn 't planning to go there anyway.
After surveying literally hundreds of cycle enthusiasts and busin essmen
up and down th e s tate . we have been reluctantly forced to the conclusion
tha t th e only people pr imar ily conc ern ed with the fate of a l1 motorcycle riding
in California is the s t af f of Cycle News . T o paraphras e J ohn Donn e , no
motorcycle ent hus iast is an island . What affects one part of th e sport affects
us all. sooner or la ter.
It is this in terdep endanc e . whether we li ke i t or not . tha t ma ke s the problem of the othe r guy our problem. T a ke the trai l rider ' s pli ghL for e xample .
Last week on this pa ge we hin ted at some of the problems fac in g trail
rid ers in Cali forn ia. ~ - w we s hal l try to list them in the hope that by spellin g