Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1966 03 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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• , .. .', 3 out the problems we will have tak en the fi rs t step toward so lvin g the m. Lack of ridin g space is the number one problem. At present California's population is the lar gest of any state in the union. So is its motorcycle regist ration. More and more peo ple are trying to ride in les s and le s s available space. Th is is the kind of conflict that leads foreign countries to war. What is bein g done to ensure that the growing army of trailing enthusias ts will have a place to use the ir machines despite the creeping onslaught of tic ky-t ack s ubdivisions? Pr ec ious little . Except for a few ded icated individuals who are de voting their own time and money to securing off-the- road are as for cyc le us e. the only progress we have found is in the wrong dir ection. es Ju st last week . howev er. our own co lumnist W Cooley pre vailed upon the ad minis trat ors of the immens e Irvine Ranch to set aside a porti on of their vast acre s for the motorcycle enthus iasts that will be buying houses in their new subdivisions . T he winn ing a rgument the same as that us ed by hot rod cl ubs when dra g strips were as ra re aro und the cou nt ry as cyc le pa rks are now: " If yo u don't provide a place to let off steam. there 'l! be racing in the streets ." The Irvine officials later to ld Cooley that they fully ex pected to see a bearded delinquen t wal k into the i r office whe n they a greed to talk to him. In private life , Wes is an executive of a lar ge drug firm and his uniform oflhe day is a bus ines s suit an d tie . He presented his plan reasonably . an d li ke re asonable men, the administrators agree d to try his s ugges tion. Th at is why you will s oon see lis ted in the Cal endar of Even ts a s crambl es at a new course in Irvine P ark. Le t us pray that nothin g happ ens in the mean time to change thei r new impre ssion of moto rcycl e peopl e . As ide from this one s mall vic tory , there is littl e progress to rep ort . Some individual efforts at s e cur in g favorab le publicity for the trail riders have been successful, but nothing is organized an d there is no coo rdination. Recen tly our nati onal repres entatives , the Motorcyc le , Scoot er and Allied Tr ad es As s oc iation announce d the formation of a Committe e on Motor Sports for Los Angeles County. As for progre s s, he re again , nothing to repo rt . As we ha ve said the needs of the trail ride r-enthusiast are the most urgent ri gh t now. Here 's what we' can do about it : Cl ubs and individuals can requ es t their loc al Fo res try Service or la w enforce ment a aen cy to furnish them with in formation as to where the y c an safely go tra ili ng and wbe re they c annot . A map c an the n be col ore d in to show wher e trailin g is permitt ed. If murrIers or s pa rk stoppers, are req uired, it s hould be noted. Thi s information should then be give n to the editors of the i r local newspapers and Cycl e Sews for publication. At leas t then we' ll know better where we s ta nd. Simultan eousl y I' d like to help establis h a fund to hir e " Anti - Erosi on Cre ws" to make and maintain ridin g trail s up and down Cali fornia The enemies of motorcycle fun te ll of at roc ious thi ngs motorcycles are al leged to do to wilde rness areas . Th e only re as onabl e argument against letting motorcycles use forest trails is that our wheels leave ruts , and these can cause erosion . Let 's eliminate that argument by guaranteeing to improve the lands ca pe. Trails co uld be rotated li ke crops', so they are neve r worn out . Smoothing out the ruts and planting grass would be a good, healthy job for present state welfare rec ipients . Legislators , please n~te . Next wee k: The Street Ride rs' Dil emm a FIRST OF ALL LIGHTWEIGHTS John Sprague A S c o T I 20 Lap Main - lOS Riders I FOR THE NAME AND ADDRESS OF YOU R NEAREST DEALER CONTACT 11418 BURBAN K BOULEVARD N ORTH HO LLYWOOD, CALIf. TR ;ang l. 7-2400 - POplar 9~1 ONLY A TRIUMPH CAN BEAT A ED MULDER '1 U Riding a stock ' ~- out-of-the-box Triumph n Special Winner • 6th Annual 1GO-Lap Grand Pri~ ASCOT PARK· MARCH 6,1966 2ND EX. DICK DORRESTEYN - TRUMPH 1ST AM. DON STOVER - TRIUMPH 6~Consecutive Victories "By Triumph Riders 'i:1;;61 .Dick Dorrestep 0/:2 -Slcip .r ~ r;x. Van Leeuwen 1963 - Dick Dorresteyn 1964 - Clark WlUte 1965 - Dick Dorresteyn JOHNSON Western MOTORS, 267 W.Colorado Distributor INC, Pa s ade na, Cal.

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