Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1966 02 17

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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2 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1966 DRAG MEET. $1000 purse for all classes. Lion's Assoc. Drag Strip in Long Beach. Near San Diego Freeway and Alameda. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 20 , 1966 IT SCRAMBLES, Perris . By Riverside Banbers MC. Only Lightweights. All classes, 0-175, entries open 8:00 a.m . 176-250, entries open 9:30 a.m. Donation $1 .00. Entry fee $1.00 plus 25 cents ambulance. Poin t run, Reg. plates required. SUNDAY, MARCH 6,1966 ROAD RACING. AMA Grand Prix, Spornman,Corisbad. All classes, 50cc to 1000cc. Pro. license not required. Gates open B:oo a. m. First race 12:30. Coost Hwy. to Palomar Rood off romp . East pa st Airport to raceway . ENDURO. 16th annual Hi-mountain event by the Colif. Poly Penquins MC . Spark a rreste rs required . Main entries close Feb . 15th. $3. 00. Address: ASI, box 11 1 , San Luis Obispo. IT SCRAMBLES by Ca lif. G ophers . AMA. Distr ic t 37 points ~vent . Prado ~rk op e ner . Small bikes (including Novice 250's) get off at 8 a. m. Skydive show at noon. Spectators we lc ome . HARE SCRAMBLES . Four Aces 16th Annua l Moose Run. Dist. 37 point run . Limed 9 mi les N . of Adelanto on Hwy. 395 . All c lasses, Si dehacks . 3x30 mile loops. $3 . 00 e ntry . 25 cent ambulance. ENDU RO. Sponsored by City Cy c le. No fee. Limed a t Hwy 14 at Lancaster to Rosemond. Two classes, up to l00cc . 9 a.m. Fun run with trophies. IT SCRAMBLES. Dist . 36A . Referee Benefit at Sprocket Park , nee r Bakersfield. Racing starts at 10:00 a.m. ENGLISH TRIALS. In Little Rock oree. Ovemight camp Stturdoy nite. Trials start 10:00 a.m . Sunday . Call 370-8491 for mo re in formation. Loca tion will be a t 77 th Street, Littl e Rock . POKER RUN - by Wou thwe st Chapparels MC. Coli (213 ) 838-9829. Starts from Laidlaws H-D Sales, So. San Gabriel. Mail entries $1.25, Post entries $1.50, Mail deadline March I. MARCH OF DMES ENDURO - Shamrocks Me. Annual charity bl ast. Wa tc h for de tails in Cyc le News. POKER RUN - by Modesto Auxilary a t Modesto, 9th . Annual. SATURDAY, MARCH 12, 1966 SHORT TRACK - AMA Class C - Professional events at Monterey fair grounds at da~. SUNDAY, MARCH 13 , 1966 IT SCRAfJlBLES - Oilers MC. a t Dehesa Track near San Diego. PO KER RUN - Annual Monarchs Me. points tour. Call (213) 838-9829 for latest in forma t ion . IT SCRAMBLES - by t he Gripsters M C . Dist. 37 points event. Wa tc h for deta lls he re . SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1966 PROFESSIONA L IT - at Altamont Speedway (N orthe m Cal if. ) PO KER RUN - Napa M e. hosts their 6th Annee l at Napa. SC RAM BLES - by Stanislavs M C. in M odesto Area . SUN DAY , MA RCH 20,1966 SUNDAY , FEBRUARY 27, 1966 IT SC RAM BLES - Hi Boots MC. at Dehesa Trac k . ROAD RAC E. by San Francisco Chapter of AFM. First rac e. Notiona I points . Cotati Raceway, just north o f San Fra nc isc o on Hwy. 101 . All classes, p lus prod uction Entr ies open 8:00 a.m., close 12:30. First event 12:30. TIte ...... of frDo ~ _ ( later ;oIrwtl "" • dtwd) wIto iounwfIed from CD dw &.I, /lI'OIllin« IlfJ "'-c dw __, cCUii==. W e . . . . ow ~ Iwroa• .till .. ArirtMd • • • Bv /ifa N ~ Martv (M.) lIe1JoIlIIl4 _ / ifa A"'-March 23, 1963 - SaturcL:y M IDNIGHT HIKE We fished for a couple of hours and lave d on a rock in the sun. were tryin g to get tan while we have the chance. \Ve got tired of fishing due to the extreme excitement, and went up to the lodge about eight miles up the road. There we ate some good homemaid do nuts, and got some information from ~ man on the location of some seven falls. We found that we had to go back down the mountain road to where we were camped in the first place at the creek. So we headed back down the road, but decided to go down to the lake ag ain and eat lunch. We weren't too dang hun gry when we got there so we decided to take a walk around the lake. After our walk which took about 7 or 8 minutes we decided that we're bungry enough to eat lunch . We got back to our old camp !:(round at the creek and decided to go up to Sabino Canyon. As we headed up Sabino Canyon road we noticed a lot of college girls driving back because it was J(ettinJ( lind of late. We drove up to the end of the canyon where there was a trail leading up the mountain which we decided to hike tomorrow. We found a camp l:(rOund where a bunch of old people had rumalizum and all that kind of diseases and decided to spend the night (the Voice 01 C.lifo......) 1115 bot 191h _ ....... ....... ea-..._ Dr: Bo. 491, ....... _ h, CalIf. "",,-, LA. Toll-fNe, 775-1967 9 10 5 p.... 12131591-6113 24 (213) 591. _ WEDN ESDAY , MARCH 9 , .1966 CYCLE MOVIES - Santa Monica Civic Auditorium. HARE SC RAM BLES - Sa nd Blasters M C . host hounds in the desert. Wa t c h Cyc le N e ws for details. DAN CE. Honoring all past and present Na t iona l Champ. ions o f N orthern Calif. at White Hall, 102 6 B. Stree t in Haywa rd. Live music 9 to 1 o crn , Adm ission $1 . 50 . •••• PROFESSIONAL 100 LAP IT - Presented by Agajanian at Asc ot Park. Novices run exciting new short course. 189th a nd Ve rmont in Gardena . Races start at 2 p.m . HARE SC RAM BLES , by Far WestMC . of Eure ka (wea r your ra in gear! ) 3rd ANNUAL COLORADO RIVER RUN, by M oto r Maids. Call (714) 629-3843 for in forma t ion. It'• • • Published weekly except the first and last week of the calendar year by C& S Publishin g Company, P.O. Box 498, Long Beach, California. Charles Clayton. _ _ .... _ ..Editor Sharon Clayton _ Business Manager Gil Bro~ __.. _~ dvertis in J( M anaJ(er Sandie Brown....._ ..Circulation Manager CO!l.'TRIBUTORS: Carl Bartlett, Dale Boller, Wes Cooley, Mike Crowley, Bob Ebeling; Robert O. Fee. Dennis Greene. Larry Haley. Bob Krips, Joe Lopez. Maureen ' Lee, walt Mahony. Roxy Rockwood. Earl Roeseler. Gordon South. Publ ished 50 weeks a year in Long Beach, California. Entered as 3rd cIass mail at Long Beach Post Office . Any part of this newspaper may be used without perm ission as lon g as credit is given. Editorial contnbutions, cartoons, ph otos will be paid for upon publication. Self-ad dressed. stamped envelope assu res return. SINGL E COpy PRICE I5c SUBSCRIPTIONS: year 3rd class maiL. _ $5.00 One year air mail $20.00 (fi rst class and air mail prices are for U.S. ad. dresses only ). IT SC RAM BLES - Hcwrhorne Gophers. Wa tc h for details Dist . 37 points. HARE SCRAMBLES - Lost Angels M e. Dist 37 points. there . There was a trail at this camp, too, leading up to the seven falls and we decided to go up and see them, althou gh it was 6:30 and was a two mile hike. We got up there just as the sun was setting over the mountain . We weren't really sure we were there because each of the falls were only about 2 or 3 feet high. But thats Arizona for you. We decided to leave because Marty was afraid of the dark (ha ha) but it got pitch black about half way back. After runn ing into about 16 cactuses and four moutain lions we made it back to camp. The old man came down later. By the way his name is Ray Anderson. He brought some root beer with him which we drank after supper while we shot the old bull. Ray told us that we could have the cooler cause he said he didn 't have any use for it. I'm sure he could have used the cooler but he wanted to help us out as much as he could. Ray really thought it was great what we were doing and wished he could do the same. Ray left about 10;30 and we went to bed. March 24, 1963 - SuncL:y EXPLORING SABINO CANYON We drove over to Sabino Canyon and stopped by the creek and layed on a rock with Ray's radio that he loaned us. Later we drove down the road to find a place to cook lunch. We couldn't find any place that wasn't crawling with catapillars so we ate off the roadside. As we were cooking there must have been a million people that stopped and starred at us, as though we were on exhibit or were some kind of a side show. Man! were there ever a lot of cute girls up there. Most of them are going to the University in Tucson. After we finished lunch we decided to 1':0 on a hike, so we started up the trail leading up the canyon. We hiked about five miles and decided to tum back because we didn 't find anything of much interest. It didn't take long to get back due to the fact we raced trying to pass each other on the rail in

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