Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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2 ·•·•·•·•·•·•·•.. • MAI l • The Edito r. CYCLE NEl-JS NO fUN? . PUBLISHED WEEKLY EXCEPT FIRST AND LAST WEEK OF CALENDAR YEAR. • •• • • • • • • which I am only too glad t o l eav e to the righ t man , the deale r . Since rely, "funw heele r" You must have missed "Chasi ng Bunnie s at Night," " Big Sur Prize," " Ridin g Rented Cycles in the Park" and numer ous other fun bike articles in CYCLE NEWS the past two month s. In future issues look for " Huntin g Wild Boar on Funbik es," " Techni cal Tips for the New Rider" and other new kinds of fun riding as w e disco ver them- c.c. I picke d up a copy of your newsp aper l ast weeke nd a t my de aler' s, and whi le I think it is a liv ~ly enough pub lication it has one s eriou s drawb ack as far a s I am concerne d. You cater f or the ser i ous " r a c i ng-mi nded" reade r but there is no thing fo r the f un rider . There must be hundreds of guys like mysel f who ride a two-w hee ler just for a chang e on the weeke nd. How about a lit tle news f or us? Keepi ng us up t o date with the new model s is all well & good but it would be a gr ea t help to have an occas ional a p ar ticle on s i m l e m i n t ena nce : j obs tha t can be done at home , not ser ious r epair s $10 0.00 rewar d for inf orma t ion leadin g to t he recov ery otor c yc l e . Taken of this m DIG DIRT? f rom 21921 S. Norma ndie Ave. b enthusiasts who en joy Mo torcycle Los Angel es on Novem er 15 . a 1964 H r ley Da vids on F. L. l of com petition racing the thril o 74 - M t or #64FL 10903 in good compan y , the Licen se ff 32420 3, a ll black DIRT DIGGERS M/CY CLE CLUB with white s ea t and saddl e (Spo nsors of Hope town-Corriga nville l bags. Pl ea s e phone any i nfo Invites You rmati on to Don Be hnke ( 213) helr club to consid er joi ni ng -t 320-47 62 colle ct, or phone Established 1945 the Los Angel es City polic e 8:30 p .m. ) (Mee ting every Wedneld. '1 Dept (213) 831 -9211 . or wr i t e 1825 Stanf ord, Santa Monica Don Behnk e , 21921 So. Norma nCall HO 7·5555 die Ave. Tor r ance, Calif . SPONSORS Of HOPETOWN GoP, @'{/@[1& W&f!ll~ (Forme rly Mo~orcycle Journa l) 1185 E. 19th Street. L on g Beach. Califor nia 591. 6113 59 1·2088 Publish ed by C & S Publish ing Compa ny Long Beach. Calif. 90806 P . O. Box 498 " The Voice of California" Editor Charles Cla yton Busines s Manag er Sharon Clayton Advert ising Manage r Gil Brown Prod uction Manage r Carl Bartlet t Circula ti on Manage r Sandie Pettit Chief Photog rapher Dale Boller J oe Lopez, Ro xy Rockwood, Robert Ebeling, Larry Healey, u tors Contrib Carl Bartlet t, Gordon South, Walt Mahony . Advert ising rates se nt on request Glenda le, Calif. Advert ising prepare d by ARThompson, 546 W. Colorad o St., In long leach , Calif . Any pert of th l, Publ ished . . .ktv except lim lad ..... of calendar year -.,iven . Editor ial con tr ibut ions, cart oon. , be uMd without permiuion • • long as credit is con tributor a photos will be DIIid for on pub lication. writ. for our o.,..ou newspape r InI'Y of thr ee minut es t o r ea d the one column de~cr ipti on o f What happe ned to t he 0t he gr ea t es t two days o f l25cc race at Hopet own Sat. cyc l e r a c i ng . Yes indee d morni ng? I know there mus t CLE NEWS is gr owi ng. I ' CY have been one, a l t hough hope you have time to watch there is no menti on of the a good l 00cc race ne xt tim ~ . r un i n your "16 Page Hope You know they t oo buy this town Adve rtisin g Speci a l" A. Guzman How co u l d you have misse d 1 5 ~ pap er . Norwa lk, Ca lif. 62 t he l a rge st singl e r ace, SOMETHING f O R N OTHIN G en tr i es (coun t t hem i n your I'm sur~ Souve ni r Progr am) 1963 Tr i umph cub . Set up Idea l for playAr ons on a nd the 61 rider s f or dirt. that f ol l owed him rode a~ i ng or rough scram bl es. $400 J ames Bu t l e r , 1728 Garde n i a ha r d as a nyone else did . ere Long Beach , Calif . We ha ve t o st ar t s omewh a nd som~ can't a ffor d t o Sorry, we don't print free want sta rt any where e l s e , bu t ads any more, unless y ou wish to . give something away , then w e l OOcc. m~ all might consi der it.--{;.c . It mu st have tak~n DIRTY SHA M E RON NELSON San Gabriel Valley Nat'l Champ. Hare &Hounds Weste rn Distr ibutor es 265 W t Colora do St ree t, JO HN SO N MO TO RS Pasad ena, Ca liforni a