Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1965 12 02

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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JUMBLED JOTTINGS By Chuck Clayton • " • " • • I With only a few regular events scheduled on the California cycle calendar, we decided to drive around and find out some of the ways our state's quarter-million enthusiasts were having fun last Sunday. First we pointed the red CYCLE NEWS van toward Palm Sprin gs, where Jerry Shere of BHB Cyclery was organizing an informal twowheel attack on the rolling sand dunes out there. The dunes were freshly watered by the rain and, according to Sher e, an ex-ski instructor wh o now gets his kicks on a Velocette, ri ding th e sandy slopes is similar to. but more fun than skiing. Next we dropped in on Perris Recreation Park, where riders were practicing on the IT track. This is a heck of a lot of fun when no events • are scheduled and it only costs $1 per ri der t o play all day. Mr . McDaniels, the manager, keeps the track well maintained and his wife handles the refreshments superbly. Borrowin g a helmet and Suzuki from a frien d, we cut a few laps around the shortened practi ce course and had a ball. Hated to leave, in fa ct, but there was more territory to cover befor e dark. We passed the la ke that is Prado Par k on our way to the junction of the River side and Newport F ree ways, where we fou nd a group of kids making sport on their Hondas off the road. Typical of hundreds of similar, informal dirt ri ders all over Ca lifornia that day , these young men had found a challenging hill and were charging up and down it to their obvious delight. Next stop: Lions Drag Strip, which closed early for lack of cars, although bi kes were there in ever-increasi ng numbers (see Cycle Alley this week>. It struck us that if ever one wanted to win a trophy in drag strip competition, now is the time to try. Some of the gas and street classes are being won with times that would shame a stocker . And the 500cc class is up for grabs, until Bob Eb eli ng ge ts t he n ew 450cc "Wilmington Honda" going. A few miles west of L ions the So. CaL Trials Association were just completing their English Trials (see story this week) after having been washed out of their usu al spot behind Ascot P ark. We returned fr om our little trip reassured that if there is fun to be made on a qu iet Sunday, California's cycle fans will fi nd it. CARLSBAD ROAD RACES POSTPONED TO DEC. 19 Washed out by 4" of rain, the pits and parking lots of Carlsbad Raceway were too mucky to accomodate the huge turnout expected for the final A.C.A. road race of the season, scheduled for last Sunday. The new date for the pavement clash will be Sunday, December 19. It will ta ke that long to clear away the mudslides and prepare the course for spectators. Meantime, lights burn late in the tuning shops of California road racers and a satisfying variety of machinery is expected to have a go at the newly built course. DIST. 37 COMMITTEE ANNOUNCES NEW NUMBER APPLICATIONS Riders interested in competing in sportsman scrambles and desert eve nts next year ar e advised that a new ri ding n umber application form is available from the District 37 Sports Committee. Do not use the old form. The new applicati on has been complete ly r evised to aid the Spor ts Com mi ttee in classifying and processing applications . The n ew forms will be 3 Park, as the new track is called, h ope to find a date in winter when nothing else is going on, to promote a "Kingsize Midwinter IT ev ent.' Meanwhile, races will be run on the new, If.z mile graded course every second Sunday of the month. California competition riders are invited to try the 3-jump course, where overnight camping is OK. For directions and other information, contact H er b Morris, 4940 E. 22nd St., Tucson, Ariz. EA 7-6902. sent to dealers on request. Write t o Dist. 37 Sports Committee, P .O. Box 1243, Glendale 5, Calif. CAL. RIDERS INVITED TO ARIZONA Although it lies somewhat out of our bailiwick, readers of CYCLE NEWS may be interested in knowing of a fine new IT -scrarnbles track that just opened near Tucson, Arizona. John Thomas and Herb Morris, owners and promoters of Eastside Cycle • • LONG BEACH HARLEY-DAVIDSON 3654 Lon g Beoch Blvd. Lon g Beoch , Ca li f. • Looks Like a Hat. • • . Protects Like a Helmet If you have a two stroke that keeps fou lin g plu gs, try using a d ifferent brand of oil. Some two-cycles seem to prefer one oil, some another. Now there's a way to combine safety and smart looks in a protective hat to wear for motoring, cycling, and sports. Buco Helmet-Hats incorporate scientific design principles to help reduce head injuries from vehicle and sport accidents. If you don't wear a helmet, play it safe, wear a Buco Helmet-Hat. Send name and address for free color brochure showing all models and styles for guys and gals. Include ten cents for helmet research report. , Dealer inquiries invited. 2·STROKE SPEED EQUIPMENT 1857 Merced Street EI Monte, Califor nia 91733 a Outer s hell of Bucoron to help disperse t he force of an impact . • Bucollte liner spec ially formulated to absorb impact anergy . • Head s us pension adjustable for comfort permits ventilatio n, • Hold-down harnes s for stay-on security, adjustable, stores as part of trim. • Secondary hold-down at rear for addit iona l stab ilization , flips inside when not in use. -JOSEPH BUEGELEISEN , C O . , BOX 1065 NORTHLAND CENTER, SOUTHFIELD, MICH. "uco ha lmata a .. covarad by ona or mora of th a follow ing patants: U. S. Pat. 3015103. 2991478, 3082427,3082428 ,3118490,3116488, and 3137859. Br ltla h Patant 905358-othar patanta pand in9, 426·710 1

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