Cycle News

Cycle News 2019 Issue 48 December 3

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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P104 50 Years Ago DECEMBER 16, 1969 LOOKING BACK We featured The Superbikers race from Carlsbad Raceway on the cover of Cycle News 40 years ago. The made-for-TV race featured some of the top racers from multiple disciplines of motorcycle racing, mainly motocross, flat track and road racing. Kent Howerton, who was pictured on the cover, was the overall winner… Also on the cover was former GNC Champion Joe Leonard. We celebrated his title-winning season 25 years earlier. Leonard went on to become a successful four-wheel racer… We interviewed 500cc MX World Champion Graham Noyce. 40 Years Ago DECEMBER 12, 1979 Minibikes took front stage in our issue number-48 50 years ago. We featured some of the small bikes on the cover, including the new Bonanza "Boss" Minichopper, and the new Suzuki TC-90… Speaking of minibikes, we featured a story on an enthusiastic motorcycle rider who decided to take on the Rubicon River Trail in Northern California on a Hodaka-power Bonanza minibike… The Inter-Am Motocross Championship made a stop at Carlsbad Raceway and we had full race coverage. 500cc World Champion Bengt Aberg and Arne Kring split class wins. (Left) Race winner Terry Rymer (left) and champion Fred Merkel both had something to smile about at the final round of the Superbike World Championship in New Zealand 30 years ago. (Right) We interviewed Valentino Rossi who was about to move up the the 500cc class 20 years ago.

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