Cycle News

Cycle News 2019 Issue 37 September 17

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VOLUME 56 ISSUE 37 SEPTEMBER 17, 2019 P95 capacity. Additionally, an updated Power Tank will be available later this year to offer an additional 6kW of capacity, bringing the total to 12kW and allowing a 0-95 percent charge in just an hour, with a full charge 30 minutes longer. However, the charging station must be capable of providing that much current, which many are not—yet. Unlike Harley, Zero doesn't yet include Level 3 Fast Charging, because 90 percent of the charging stations in the USA and most of Europe are as yet only Level 2. With a fully charged battery, the SR/F's claimed range is 161 miles in city use (but adding a Power Tank will increase this to over 200 miles), 82 miles in Highway mode (at 70 mph speeds) and 109 miles in a Combined cycle. That's actually about a 10 percent drop compared to the previous SR owing to the higher weight, and those larger tires delivering extra drag. MISSION CONTROL T o interlock and control the ar- ray of interrelated systems that are contained in the SR/F, Zero's engineers have now created the Cypher III operating system to act as the central hub, while delivering four pre-programmed riding modes (street, sport, eco, rain) and up to 10 programmable custom modes which allow the rider to customize the bike's performance via the no-cost Zero app, and TFT dash interface. Cypher III integrates the 12V system, 100V main battery charging system, battery monitoring system, controller, Bosch MSC/Motorcycle Stability Control, TFT dash, app Bluetooth connection, and cellular connectivity module. The SR/F is also the first electric motor- cycle to utilize Bosch's MSC system, a benchmark for dynamic accelera- tion and improved stability regardless of road surface or conditions. When combined with Cypher lIl, the MSC delivers straight-line ABS and corner- ing brake control, traction control and drag torque control. Everything is seamlessly connected for easy and intuitive control that's essentially ef- fortless—as claimed! seemed genuinely surprised I would ask for this—have missed something here that I hope they'll rectify in future versions of the bike. Okay, I can switch to street to have less intrusive regen, but then I sacrifice the more immediate hit of maximum torque I want when I get on the throttle again to drive out of the turn, often uphill. BORN WELL But it's a mark of how successfully Askenazi & Co. have re-invented the street-legal E-bike that that's all I found to complain about in my two days aboard the SR/F. Besides the truly mind-blowing acceleration, its high-speed handling was deeply impressive, too, tracking straight and true on a short blast up to the 124 mph indicated top speed, and deliv- ering a confidence-inspiring sense of being truly planted as I flicked it from Zero's worked tremendously hard to make a motorcycle that corners like a regular machine.

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