Cycle News

Cycle News 2019 Issue 37 September 17

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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2019 ZERO SR/F F I R ST R I D E R E V I E W P94 U nlike on the more expensive Harley-Davidson LiveWire which is presently its principal competitor, the Zero SR/F includes inte- grated Level 2 charging as standard, while offering two more powerful Level 2 charging options, one of which is included as standard on the costlier Premium version. The 3kW Level 2 charger in the standard SR/F will recharge the bike's 100V ZF14.4 lithium-ion battery from 0-95 percent in four hours (note the last five percent of charging takes around half an hour, to balance out all the cells). The Zero also comes with an adapter for 110V household power (i.e., Level 1 charging) to the Level 2 plug, so overnight charging at off- peak rates is feasible, taking eight hours for 0-95 percent recharging. The SR/F Premium model has a 6kW charger as standard, es- sentially halving the charge time again, to two hours for 0-95 percent CHARGING THE ZERO SR/F

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