VOL. 55 ISSUE 48 DECEMBER 4, 2018 P21
port including: Geoff Aaron, Kacy
Martinez-Coy, birthday boy Jeff Emig,
Jeremy McGrath, Robbie Maddison,
Taylor Robert and Josh Toth.
The day concluded with visually
impressive tribute/memorial lap fol-
lowed by the awards presentations,
silent auction plus raffle drawings
where KCF board member Donnie
Emler reminded everyone the mis-
sion of the Foundation is to protect
and support the lives of off-road
riders. To that end, since its incep-
The off-road loop had
to be revised (moved,
shortened and of course,
remarked) late in the
game, but with the prime
conditions, no one
seemed to mind.
(Above) The sixth edition of the Ride Day
drew a good crowd despite the change
in venues. (Below) Potential raffle
winners of all ages wait anxiously for
their ticket to be drawn.
Riders search for their boot in the "one-boot"
Le Mans-style start in the team race.
tion, it's received more than $1 million
in donations and spent over $600,000
for a variety of safety initiatives, not just
in desert racing where Caselli was so
active, but in GNCCs and even Pro Mo-
tocross, along with awarding a series of
college scholarships. This year alone,
its safety budget totaled $120,000.
As the Ride Day proved, the off-road
community will embrace charitable
causes and loves to do so. And should
some riding be involved, count on en-
thusiastic participation.
Mark Kariya